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Coral Vue Hydros

New Minibow 7


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Well it's arrived! Here's my setup:


Minibow 7 AGA

10 lbs Reef Sand

12 lbs Fiji Live Rock

13w Factory light awaiting for 32w Retrofit

Minijet 404

Mini Penguin HOB Carbon in for the night

Pro Heat 50w Heater


SG: 1.025

Temp: 80


Seems like everything is in and looking good. This rock is partially cured so cycle will probibly take a month or so I'm guessing. Take a look! Thanks for all the help and posts.


Please make any suggestions, I'm open to anything.

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Well after the first night everything is still looking good parameters wise and the water has clear up nicely. Since I used Ultra Reef sand its so fine the PH is making its own landscape with it, which is cool because it shows me exactly where the current is.


Thanks for all the posts, I wasn't sure if there was a good amount or LR in there but I have one left over peice that just won't fit well. If there is anyone in the Columbus OH area that wants 2lbs of rock let me know, maybe we can trade for frags later :). If not, I don't know what to do with the rock, don't want it to goto waste.


Is there a time frame where I can expect to see any hitchhikers to come out? (if I have any of course)

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Hey are you going to the Central Ohio Frag Swap? It's in Cleveland in February. Check ReefCentral.com for posts about it.


Nice tank. I have a 32 watt retrofit I might sell if you're interested. Its about a year old. I'm in Columbus.

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If you want another piece of LR in there, and you have one that doesn’t fit, break it up. An old flathead screwdriver and a hammer will do nicely.


Hitchhikers will usually show up in a few weeks (typically: Stomatella Snails, small starfish, various worms, and pods).

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MattGhecko, The sand is called Ultra Reef and its made by Estes'. It was a little chunky when I put it in but its breaking up and I like how the substrate is shaped by the PH and HOB, gives is a natural feel.


Korbin, I'll have to check out that frag swap, by then I should be able to put some stuff in there, thanks for the tip. Also yes, I am interested in your 32w I tried to PM you but your mailbox is full. PM when you get a chance, and could you use a chunk of LR? I don't want it to goto waste, let me know.


I have another peice but I think I like the aquascape I have, not much room for more rock...thanks for the tip seabass I'll remember when my next tank starts ha.

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Well its been a week and this is what I have.


Nothing really new to say, no hitchhikers that I've seen, maybe some feather dusters popping up here and there and thats about it. A slight diatom bloom I think, judge from the pic, sorry its a little blurry because its night.


Interesting this is though...my parameters appear to be fine. Now...I don't know what it was a few days ago because I just got my test kit (Yes, it was dumb) but this is what I have.


Temp: 80

SG: 1.025


Ammonia: 0 ppm

Nitrite: 0 ppm

Nitrate: 10 ppm


Now I thought that this was slightly cured LR and I did not put any additives like quick cycle or anything...Is my tank cycled or should I put something in it to kick up the Ammonia? If so, what?


I'm a little puzzled on what to do now...add cleanup crew or wait another week or 2?

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Also I forgot, I have this additive that I can add called Stress Zyme (Aquarium Pharmaceuticals), it says it improves the development of the biological filter in your aquarium....what do you guys think? I got it for free, but was afraid to add until I heard from you guys.

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In general, don’t add chemicals or dose anything that a test kit hasn’t indicated that you need. It sounds like everything is going well naturally; I’d keep it that way.


If you got your LR from a LFS, there is a good chance that it cured at the store. Your levels indicate that you have a working nitrogen cycle.


If you want to add a Scarlet Reef Hermit now, I don’t see why you cant; then put a small pellet of food in there for it and watch your levels. You shouldn’t see a spike in ammonia; if you do, wait until the level is zero again before you add more to your cleanup crew.


If ammonia and nitrites stay a zero for another week, do a 20% water change and start adding to your cleanup crew (a Cerith Snail and a Nassarius Snail are good choices).


Wait another week or so watching your levels. Add very little food for your cleanup crew (mostly for your Nassarius Snail and Hermit Crab). If everything still looks good, do another WC.


You need to go slow; add a little to your bio-load and wait at least a week for your biological filter to catch up. Continue testing your water whenever you add to your bio-load. If you notice any ammonia, halt everything but water changes.


After all this, you will need your new lights before you add any corals, but you could add a fish if you are still waiting. What type of fish are you considering?


Even though your tank might have cycled, it will be breaking in for the first four months. Go really slow and pay extra attention to your levels whenever you add to your bio-load. Continue to perform 10 to 20% water changes every week and I think you’ll do fine.


I notice that your sand is different. Is it blowing around? If so, you might want to adjust your powerhead. Also, it looks to me that your sand bed is a little deep is some areas. I personally shoot for a 1 inch to a 1.5 inch sand bed. If you want, you could siphon some of it out during water changes when algae, cyanobacteria, or wastes appear.

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Ok I wasn't going to add it until I heard for better or worse, so...I won't put it in.


I will goto the fish store and pick up a Scarlet Reed Hermit and a pellet of food, (Which Kind of food would you suggest is best?) and continue testing. Lets say my LFS doesn't have a Scarlet for some reason, would 2 dwarf red legs suffice?


It has been a week and I was going to do a water change on Sat., should I wait another week before I do the first one?


I'm thinking about putting a False Perc. in or maybe a yellow goby, I havn't seen any of the gobies at my LFS.


The new lights are ordered and should be in shortly, so that won't be a problem.


And yes, my sand is so fine that its getting blown around by my PH, do you think I should turn it down? Right now its on full but it's only a 404. I was taking the hands off approach and keeping them out of my tank as much as I could so I havn't movied it back. Do you think I should move it back or leave it where it is?

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• I’d get a Blue Leg Hermit if they don’t have a Scarlet Reef Hermit. However, I prefer the Scarlets.


• I like Ocean Nutrition’s Formula Two Small Pellets (for herbivores), but you could also use Formula One (for omnivores). Actually, if you can get their frozen food, I think that it’s even better.


• Since it appears that your cycle is complete, you can do a water change whenever, just make sure to do one at least once a week.


• I put a False Perc in my Mini-Bow, but she seems happier in my 15-gallon tank with a mate. I’ve never kept a Citrin Clown Goby, but they look cool and should keep your bio-load fairly light.


• I’d either point your powerhead in a new direction or turn it down to prevent sandstorms.



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Turned my PH down one notch and now it doesnt really move the sand around anymore, it didn't really bother me but on that one side the SB was getting low and very high on the other. I evened it out.


I'm going to watch my parameters tonight againm and then tomorrow. If things are still the same tomorrow then I'll head over to my LFS and get a Scarlet or Blue leg.


Thanks a bunch

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Parameters Update:


pH: 7.8 , it is night time...

Ammonia: 0 - .25 ppm hard to read this color chart...

Nitrite: 0 ppm

Nitrate: 10 ppm

SG: 1.025

Temp: 80


I think that little tiny jump in ammonia is because I moved around the sand this morning evening a large pile of it that was on top of LR. I think I uncovered a patch of decay. Does this show my cycle isn't really complete or just that I was moving things around kicking up decay?


I will test again tomorrow to see if it goes down, if it is down to nothing again is it safe to say my cycle is complete?


Thanks to all, especially Seabass

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An update, same style pic cause well...nothing is in there except for some hermits. How is the progress everyone? I know nothing spectacular in it but still...

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Wow, you sure got a lot of Blue Legs. Have they started shell-jacking each other yet? Make sure you get some extra shells for those bad boys.


Has your ammonia gone back down? Make sure it has before you add anything else.


Did you see this thread on lighting? Turk22 installed three retros in his stock hood. That might be overkill, but two would be nice. I would consider installing your retro with the possibility of adding a second one later.

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Yea, my ammonia has been down for 5 days and hasn't moved since. I actually don't think it was up ever, I just was reading the tests like an idiot.


When I go grab some more snails I'm going to get some shells from my LFS so that I don't have renegade blue legs. Can't resist when it's buy 5 get 1 free haha. Caja suggested about 2 of every kind of snail to go along with the crabs, any thoughts? And look at the mess those hermits have caused...


Yea I've seen 2 stuck in there and I was thinking about doing that, 3...nah. I definitly would love to do 2 but I gotta wait a bit, all this nano buying is tanking my bank account to the toilet. My 32w single retro is coming in 2 days and I can't wait to get that bad boy installed and see massive amounts of algea growing :).



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Caja is the goods, but everyone seems to have different opinions on certain subjects. Just take care that your cleanup crew doesn’t starve; you don’t need to add everything up front. I’d add a Cerith Snail and a Nassarius Snail to help out your Astrea. They all perform different roles. You can add more later on.


You’ll either think those Blue Legs are really entertaining and love them or they’ll start to get on your nerves. Don’t be surprised when you see one of the Blue Legs running around with a new snail shell on his back; plus, they love to overturn small coral frags. X)

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Great Minibow! Have you ever been to Gils site?




There are quite a few of us in the minibow gang. We all go there to talk about our 2.5's, 5.5's, 7's and other nano's. You can see all different types of bow set-up's, heck some of the guys are now putting 70w MH in their bow's. A local minibow bud (turk) just got 2-32w retro's in the stock hood and has a AC500 on the back set-up like a small refuge.


Let me know when you are ready for some frags... I might be able to help you out with some zoo's I just got a huge rock full of nice looking ones I am gonna be breaking up.




I am located just north of Cincinnati on I-71 right around Kings Island. I met some guys at the Outlet Malls to make trades before.

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Everything seems to be going fine, what supplements should I begin to put in? Best way to kick start corraline growth (possible?) ?




Amm. 0.0ppm

N'rite: 0.0ppm

N'rate: 0.5ppm

SG: 1.0245

Temp: 78 night - 80 day


Current Tank Specs:


Minibow 7 AGA

10 lbs Ultra Reef Sand

12 lbs Fiji Live Rock

32w CSL Retrofit

Minijet 404

Mini Penguin HOB no media

Pro Heat 50w Heater


Cleanup crew: 1 Scarlet Reef Hermit ,6 Blue Leg Hermits ,2 Astrea Snail. 2 Bumble Bee Snails, 2 Nass. Snails



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