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is my cycle almost done


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If all your levels have zeroed out go ahead and add a few snails and if you want, some hermits. Be sure to follow acclimation procedures as snails tend to be sensitive to salinity and pH changes.

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from what i can tell your tank has only been set up a few days...right or wrong?


maybe you have not had any spike yet. that's why your readings are zero.


really a good rule of thumb is to give it 2-3 weeks just to age and stabilize and grow some bacteria.....


how long have you had water and rocks in the tank?

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because u have silicates in the system. diatoms outcompete most algae as long as they have silicates 2 use 4 growth/reproduction. u will always have some nutrients and the diatoms can utilize them efficiently.


people often think that just because the test read 0 that nutrients have stopped being produced. the 0 readings just mean that the nutrients r being processed almost as quickly as they r produced. hth

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then, in that case you might be done...


but i thought you got your tank at x-mas?


and on the 30th you posted about getting some live rock and some dead rock


so i incorrectly assumed it had not been set up for three weeks.

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diatoms it's the brown look like algea on the rock or on the sand? Because if it's that...I have some started about 2 days ago and I started my nano the dec 27.

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i don't think my tank has is dun cycling

becus i have what koolyce has and it

was not the 30 i got the rock it was the

27 and all i had befor was base rock

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If all you had before was base rock, then there is nothing on it to die, which means no cycle would have started. Once you added the LR, the cycle started. So what day did you add the LR again? Then we can tell how far into the cycle you are.

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diatoms it's the brown look like algea on the rock or on the sand? Because if it's that...I have some started about 2 days ago and I started my nano the dec 27.

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Did you use R/O or DI water, or just tap water? Dude, if you don't know what hair algae looks like, do you even think you are capable of keeping delicate corals and fish? Your cycle isn't "dun", diatom "alge" shows up whenever it has silicates to fuel it. It goes away in about a month. It COULD be cyano, but I haven't encountered it as of yet in my tanks, so I have no first-hand expirience with identifying it.

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