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nano softie tank


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Not much more going on, but I have decided on a final invert list:


2 harlequins

2 bumble bees

5 sexy shrimp

1 pom pom crab

1 porcelin crab

2 fanworm


But for now it's just the harlequins and the fanworm.

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I meant to put 2 feather dusters. I don't want to get to many feather dusters, big ones will block the view.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i like your final list! and i agree, more feather dusters. and i certainly am looking forward to seeing pictures of the additions! :happy:

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...No more feather dusters. Mine died, probaly from lack of food and hermit harrasment. Darn...


Nothing new, yet, unless you count the rics I moved from my reef to here.


Also moved the hermits because of the harassment, but I guess I will move them back because I have no fan worm.

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Well, I posted this problem on the invert section, and someone said they don't tend to get enough food in a nano tank. So I don't want to kill one again, unless someone can confirm that the hermits killed it and not lack of food...


Oh and the harlequins are doing quite well, and I think they are bigger. Threy're munching on a sea star right now.


And also I think my fish picks at the fan. In my avatar it looks like the crown is a lot longer than before it died.

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  • 4 weeks later...

These shrimp not only look cool, they are eassy to care for. I recomend them!


Still nothing new, but I can say that I do have some money to buy something. I just not so sure what.


And new pics :) :










New Cad light (its a replacement, other like dosn't work well)



Actinic shots:







Actinic FTS:






That's all for now. (sorry for semi-bad pics)


And the tank is now about 6 1/2 months old.

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Hey, there. New update. Those pics are now outdated! I did a rescape to accomodate my new additions, a bright red mushroom and nice sized toadstool leather coral. I almost bought a rock nem, but I didn't want it eating my shrimps or fish. I didn't get any more shrimps, but I will say again, hopefully soon. New pics will probaly be posted tomorrow.

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Thanks. Most of the algea is gone (its too messy) but I left some part so it will grow back. Does anybody now if my toadstool will be fine in center of the tank? Will it get enough light?

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  • 3 weeks later...


You can see a xenia that was added a while ago and that plastic water bottle top is there to allow some mushrooms to attach themselves. Also hoping some zoas will heal without being disturbed.


I guess I pretty much forgot about the invert thing, and start focusing on soft coral. I want to get into rics/mushrooms, and I'll only add inverts that really catch my interest.

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Really nice looking tank. Placement seems really cool. What other softies are you looking into getting?

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I know I deffinatly want more rics, but I also want differ mushrooms and true soft coral. I know there is something called a kenya tree, and that looks pretty cool. But for now this tank is fine in terms of coral stock. I want to get some more LPS for my other tank first.

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WOW your tank looks fantastic!


I really liked your harlequin shrimp but I could not find on any LFSs in Vancouver canada!

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Thanks. These shrimp are really awsome. They usually are always next to each, just relaxing. When the move the like to wiggle their arms and abdonem. They share food, and it seems that the female is always carrying eggs. Can you tell which ones the female?

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