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nano softie tank


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So I ordered a bumblrbee shrimp pair last night, but I'm still thinking about sexies. I think Imay go with sexies. I need a final decision.

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Sexies or bumbles! Both good shrimp, can't decide...

Hows reserch on emperor shrimp coming along animalmaster6?

Nic prawn goby, BTW. A pair of bumbles should look nice.

But I think I will go with sexies so I can have more variety. After all, bumble bees are related to harlequins.


I'll try to add more pics tomorrow.

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It's doing all right.


Got a few PM's.

One nice person had a tank with an Emperor Shrimp and he didn't have a host slug/nudi. Tank was smaller than a 125G though lol.



Sexies are awesome!

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Sorry but know pics, using different computer. Still need to contact LFS about sexies. Tell me if you want to see anything specific about my tank. And tomorrow at best I will try to start another thread of my 12g reef with lots of more pictures. I want it to be an LPS and zoa/paly reef, with some rics.

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More pics:







The shrimp sure do like thier sea stars...




When I go to the LFS this weekend I am going to cancel my order of bumblebes and a blue porcelin crab and order 3 sexy shrimp. Or I can get a pom pom crab. Which one? There are just so many inverts to chose from. Any information on squat lobsters apreciated.

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Hey, just wanted to say I love your tank. I have the same taste for inverts as you, I love them and think they are the coolest things in to watch. Had a few questions sense I have been interested in keeping harlequim shrimp for awhile now. Do you keep the choc star fish in the back at all times? If so, do you just cut off a leg everytime you want to feed it to your shrimp? How often do they consume an entire star? If you have any other helpful info please share!! Thanks!

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Great Pics!


I would truly get the Porcelain Crab. They are really cool!!


Squat Lobsters host Crinoid Feather Stars. I don't know how they do without one.

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Maybe I will just get a porcelin crab, since they are cheap, and save some money for harlequin food. Yah I keep the sea stars in the back chamber at all times. I cut the sea stars' legs off every 3 days, and wait a day or 2 to give the shrimp more. My shrimp are actually pretty new, so they have not eaten a whole sea star yet.

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Planning on moving my tiger pistol in here. Too much of a bother in my reef. The harlequins and the sea stars will be moved to my reef. I have a feeling this is going to be a difficult process. So how do I capture a pistol shrimp? Will I need to take my damsel back to the fish store, or can he eventually get used to another fish's presence?


So this tank may soon be my shrimp's constuction site.

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They will eat all the star before it can foul your tank. I've tested my water religiously while the shrimp was eating, there was never an ammonia spike and when the shrimp was done there was nothing left.

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What kind of algae is that pink stuff youve got? where did u get it from? Looks cool and would add some nice color to my tank :D

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The algea is halymenia, and I found it as a hitch hiker. Same with the halemeda. Try to cultivate any kind of hitchhiking macro you see, you never know what you are going to get.

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