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Coldwater coraline algae


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Hey all you temperate and coldwater

trailblazers I have a question about coraline

growth in coldwater tanks. Do you experience

significant growth or slow growth? What kind

of lighting intensity or if any? PH and additives

such as Purple Up, B ionic or Purple Tech, do you

use them. Is it the same process as tropical

tank coraline growth? All knowledge and tips

would be great!



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I have some, it has mostly stayed the same, maybe a little growth. The bright pink stuff that is. The more brown calcareous algae I have is growing a lot faster though. Then again I have pretty intense lighting for a coldwater tank and some of the nuisance algaes attempt to take hold.

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I have some, it has mostly stayed the same, maybe a little growth. The bright pink stuff that is. The more brown calcareous algae I have is growing a lot faster though. Then again I have pretty intense lighting for a coldwater tank and some of the nuisance algaes attempt to take hold.


I have few pieces of the pink to purple and also the branching

type. They seem to turn white when in bright lighting or it could

be eaten by my chiton. I did notice that the coraline which are

in shaded areas tend to keep their color more. I have the red version

of coraline which has no problem growing anywhere.



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Interesting. Where I collect there really isn't that much purple coraline, its more of a brownish color haha, but it is still there in some places. Huh mine hasn't bleached...

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