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Cultivated Reef

16Gal Biorb Life 60 converting to Marine


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hi. to start off with i am completely new to the world of saltwater. i am starting to get my head round it a bit with the different water tests and such. my biorb life sixty arived today and cant wait get started on the long precess of setting up my own reef :). but i am struggling to find out what i need to convert it to a marine tank. i understand your filter system but i was wondering if you could give me a list of everything i need like heaters and lighting with brands etc etc. love your tank btw. very gratefull if you could help me out


thanks, tom

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hi. to start off with i am completely new to the world of saltwater. i am starting to get my head round it a bit with the different water tests and such. my biorb life sixty arived today and cant wait get started on the long precess of setting up my own reef :). but i am struggling to find out what i need to convert it to a marine tank. i understand your filter system but i was wondering if you could give me a list of everything i need like heaters and lighting with brands etc etc. love your tank btw. very gratefull if you could help me out


thanks, tom


Firstly I will walk you through the whole process with pleasure, as long as you are prepared to do a lot of waiting around... and research

What country are you from Tom so I know the time difference ect?


Also, remember to pop a few pic's on when you get chance. it may seem pointless at this stage but its always good to look back at the tank before you have added anything in order to see exactly what you have achieved!


Speak soon


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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi people, I am still here! been quiet last few weeks as I am on a budget for next month or two due to expecting our second little girl... i have a few pics of the tank and my new corals. The biggest change in the tank is then N04 and N03 levels, I have lots more Coraline algae and alot less nuisance alage...


Speak soon :D


Hi Kev,


Congratulations on the good news of expecting your second girl! Actually, I have two little girls as well, but they kept me on a budget for much longer than one or two months haha...


How is the situation with your tank now after you have added the sump. Do you have to do less water changes now than before? I have had a lot of trouble with my tank ever since I added the stronger light. Lots of algea growth and at one point I had quite high phosphor levels, so my 60 liter designer tank has kept me quite busy up to a point where I wanted to sell it. I removed the stronger light and use the biorb light again for the moment. I plan now to add a sump in the hope that this will change things but can't just not find the time to do it right now. But that is the next step to take





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Hello All

I am totally new to setting up & maintaining a marine tank. I broke my leg playing football last month so decided to take up a new hobby. I have all the time in the world to get it right while I am at home recovering.


Two week ago I went out & bought The Biorb Life P60 in black & the Marine conversion kit by Biorb. As you can see in the picture I set it all up following the Marine conversion instructions and bought 4.5kg of live rock and some white Skeleton coral which I think looks quite cool.


Since then I have stumbled across this forum, I have spent the last couple of day reading through it all and have enjoyed every min of it.


NEW PLAN – I have just bought 10kg of Live sand that I will be using instead of the Biorb Ceramic media (using the bowl cutting technique to keep the sand away from the air) I actually think the bubble tube looks quite cool so am wanting to leave that it for now and use the Biorb marine service filters and the air stone will be still it there. I will be using my 4.5kg of Live Rock to help along with the filtration.


I was actually wondering if it would give any benefits to the tank if I removed everything out of the Marine Filter box & filled it back up with ‘Seachem Denitrate’?, I was thinking this would save me buying a new filter cartridge each month or would the marine filter be better? I am trying to get the best of everything without having to buy more live rock as it’s expensive & takes up lots of room.


I will be ordering a Hydor Koralia NANO 900 Circulation Pump and the API Saltwater Master Test Kit tonight having read through this forum.


I plan to do a 10l water change every 14days or so with RO water as I originally set the tank up using tap water. I will be removing all them stones and rocks as its looking overcrowded.


So am I on the right track guys? Any help at all would be most welcomed. Am in no hurry to add any livestock yet just want to get things set up first.

Thank Ryan.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Jens and Ryan, sorry been away for a while, on another forum lately and as you are aware I have had a new little arrival :D


New updated pic's, probably how it will be for the next few months as I am happy with it and its low maintenance...




Corals: I have a lots of Zoa, some pink xenia, leathers & mushroom softies, hystrix & acopora sps

Fish and CUC: 4x skunk cleaner shrimps, various hermits and snails, reef crab, 1xblack&white clown & 1xorange white clown...and a large 3" pistol shrimp in my sump :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

What does "Whaa" mean? my imagination tells me you are crying for a nappy change or some breast milk? :D

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  • 3 months later...

Hi, I am just looking to this thread if is there something new. Looks like Biorbs dont work very well because of missing posts, except KevKapawski. I had to turn my biorb off last week bacause I started a new shallow tank. I used my biorb as QT last time. But as a first time AQ it was nice, but not suitable for reef ... as you know.


here is my new tank for inspiration :)



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  • 5 months later...

Hi Guys firstly let me start by saying how invaluable I have found this forum for biorb conversion, so thank you.

I have just started setting up my tank and mixed the water up yesterday. Well my boyfriend wanted to mix the water, so went in all guns blazing and added the salt too quickly. Now i have a little bit of salt sediment at the bottom of the tank (no LR/LS in ther yet). How can i get rid of it, or will it be ok, will be adding LR/LS fairly soon.

I am assuming its salt sediment, but have read about calcium deposits but dont know much about it to be honest and do not have a tesing kit (buying one today).


My PH is slightly high at 8.8, will be sorting that today.

Temp and SG are ideal and seem stable.


Also what testing kits are absolutely necessary, I currently have pH, nitrate, nitrite and ammonia.


So any ideas guys.


Many thanks xx

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  • 5 months later...

Sorry to anyone who has asked questions and not had any answers. I have been away from the forum for past few months...in future if you have a Biorb related question then email my personal email address for a quicker response: aiptasia@tylmail.com


A general update;


Tank still going strong, without any crashes or deaths!! Also, I have added a new cabinet and a few mangrove plants into the sump to drink the nitrates... cut down on the water changes as things are stable and pollution is being controlled by the skimmer, macro algae and mangrove. still using the Red Sea NO3P04-X.


I will add some pics and a detailed update in next few days if AI dont get side tracked :D

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