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16Gal Biorb Life 60 converting to Marine


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The problem anyone will have with the 'Life' tank like ours is the fact the air stone is attached to bottom of tank and not the filter tube. Again a case of armpit in :) or a tweezer type rod.


Scratch what I last said reference the 'Air Stone'. I will be romoving it and allowing the larger air bubbles to flow without it, as the LR rubble and Media I have stuck down the air tube does the same job(think I may just put Reef-One out of business) :)


Sand arrived, pics to follow soon....




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Collected from LFS;

1x 10lbs bag of wet 'Bio-Active Live Sand'(£13.99) and 1x 10lbs bag of thicker in-active coral sand (£3.00). Didnt wash it prior so I now have really cloudy water :(

Not put Bio-active LS in yet tho reason is as follows.


Checked water reading toady after two weeks of having LR in tank:


-My SP/Salinity was 1.019, so got it back up to 1.023...(my temp was set to 83f so knocked it down to about 77f as this could change readings unless i'm told)


-PH 7.2! so putting that down to SG being so low(should start to rise now, hopefully)...


-Nitrate 0.5ppm(Happy with that at mo).


Going to re-test tommorow and if all looks better I will empty my wet bag of LS in.

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what are you going to do about a protine skimmer and lighting?


Protien Skimmer;


No plans for a skimmer at moment. started off looking for one, but could not find one suitable. Also, a sump was considered but again the size of the tank and my desire to not make any cosmetic changes to the tank I decided against either. I will be relying on regular water changes to account for this.




Had a look at some LED setups on various other sites but none seem to be suited for this tank. As you will see from the pic's at the beggining of this post, the size of the tanks acccess lid is very small and as its made of acrilic the choice seems to be very limited. At this stage I dont intend on having corals ect... other than the four little Mushroom Corals that came with the LR. The BiOrb LED's are not that powerfuI but should be okay for time being.


Open to any suggestions on both lighting or skimmers.




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Well, today I finished my journey of turning a BiOrb LIFE 60 Litre tank marine-


I put in my other bag of sand(Bio-active Live Sand). Its left the water a little cloudy again but should clear soon....


Will be posting in a few weeks when I put in my fish.


Thanks for all your support so far




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  • 1 month later...

I have received my Life 60 yesterday and keenly looking at what your setup will be like as I am interested in coral's for mine two. So far I have LR, and a few shrimps and crabs in. Very keen to share stories as I am fairly new to this.


a Couple of questions for you, you mentioned a wave device/Power head what do you have in mind for this. Also what testing kits are you using?



Thanks and looking forward to share with you.




Well, today I finished my journey of turning a BiOrb LIFE 60 Litre tank marine-


I put in my other bag of sand(Bio-active Live Sand). Its left the water a little cloudy again but should clear soon....


Will be posting in a few weeks when I put in my fish.


Thanks for all your support so far


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I have received my Life 60 yesterday and keenly looking at what your setup will be like as I am interested in coral's for mine two. So far I have LR, and a few shrimps and crabs in. Very keen to share stories as I am fairly new to this.


a Couple of questions for you, you mentioned a wave device/Power head what do you have in mind for this. Also what testing kits are you using?



Thanks and looking forward to share with you.


Hi 'will_r',


Since my last post I have just sat back and let my tank mature. I put a handful of CUC(Clean up Crew) in over last few weeks and just giving my Pods time to multiply... Already got tiny little Jellie Fish and baby Shrimps- the fish would just eat them all if I added my fish at this stage, plus I cant decide on what fish I want yet.


So far I have a 1x Purple Coral Bnded Shrimp(AKA Boxing Shrimp), 1x Cleaner Shrimp, 2x Turbo Snails, 2x Red Leg Hermit Crabs, 10+ baby Shrimp, 2-3x tiny Jellie Fish and a swarm of Pods ect :)


Re: Wave Device/ Power head

I bought one of Ebay but had to send it back... I have been looking at the 'Hydor Koralia' nano one's. At the moment I am just using the BiOrb air tube, and my tank seems to be doing pretty good with that alone. Will be installing some more circulation before I get the fish tho.


A few updated pic's of my tank from today :)


Hi 'will_r',


Since my last post I have just sat back and let my tank mature. I put a handful of CUC(Clean up Crew) in over last few weeks and just giving my Pods time to multiply... Already got tiny little Jellie Fish and baby Shrimps- the fish would just eat them all if I added my fish at this stage, plus I cant decide on what fish I want yet.


So far I have a 1x Purple Coral Bnded Shrimp(AKA Boxing Shrimp), 1x Cleaner Shrimp, 2x Turbo Snails, 2x Red Leg Hermit Crabs, 10+ baby Shrimp, 2-3x tiny Jellie Fish and a swarm of Pods ect :)


Re: Wave Device/ Power head

I bought one of Ebay but had to send it back... I have been looking at the 'Hydor Koralia' nano one's. At the moment I am just using the BiOrb air tube, and my tank seems to be doing pretty good with that alone. Will be installing some more circulation before I get the fish tho.


A few updated pic's of my tank from today :)



Some more pic's of the tank and CUC...


Lats few...











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Ooo you asked me what test kit I am using! I use the 'API Saltwater Master Test Kit'.

The APi Saltwater Master Test Kit tests for:


* High range pH (7.4 - 8.8)

* Ammomia (NH3/NH4+)

* Nitrite (NO2-)

* Nitrate (NO3-)


I also have a 'Red Sea' Hydrometre for the water salinity.

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Cheers Kev


About the lighting have you looked at the Aquabeam 1000 HD Tile, apparently they fit perfectly in the Life 60 with no mods. Saw it form another guy on here, so may try it out as i really want to have corals.


As for the Powerhead I have seen the MAREA POWERHEAD 2400 on ebay which fixes using magnets. Like you I don't want to mod my tank so going to look into this too.


Cheers for the tip on the test Kit, I have bought the Red Sea Master Marine Lab which seems good, lets so how it goes.


No idea on fish yet, think I am still a long way away from stocking fish.


take care


Ooo you asked me what test kit I am using! I use the 'API Saltwater Master Test Kit'.

The APi Saltwater Master Test Kit tests for:


* High range pH (7.4 - 8.8)

* Ammomia (NH3/NH4+)

* Nitrite (NO2-)

* Nitrate (NO3-)


I also have a 'Red Sea' Hydrometre for the water salinity.

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So I'm suprised that you haven't gotten more comments on the tank. Your scape looks pretty good, especially for the odd dimensions your working with.


One thing I would recommend though is to remove the LR from your filter tube. The main reason being it is such a small amount that it will really have no major impact on your filtration to begin with and also it can collect detritus. If you ever clean that out it will dislodge everything trapped in there and possibly cause swings.


While I don't know a lot about the filter setup in here taking it out really wouldn't be a bad idea once you get some form of filtration in there. A SW tank really doesn't need a filter to begin with as the rock can take care of everything on the biological level and a powerhead (the nano or a K1 would work well) get you your water movement.


Otherwise everything seems pretty decent. Just need a light and a powerhead and your good to go.

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Thanks for the comments and advice 'Will_r' and 'pyrocreep', I will be looking at both the lighting and the circulation over next two weeks.


'pyrocreep' the filter doesnt have a filter cartridge in it anymore, just some media and LR rubble as I swapped the original sponge filter for the BiOrb marine cartridge but then decided to pass on the cartridges all together.


I have decided to keet the air tube setup as it holds all the LR secure without putty or glue, it adds circulation and aeration to the water(proven good for breeding pods). Adding the cermaic media and LR rubble to the tube and filter housing alongside Live Sand and Live Rock really helps with the Bio-filration without using too much space.


'Will_r' As for the lighting once the wife stops nagging about our next holiday and the new kitchen I will ask permission for the new lighting- until then I will have to pass on the corals and just do with the low light stuff, mushrooms, xenia, polps ect...


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  • 3 weeks later...

Had a death in the family- Coral Banded Shrimp and my Cleaner Shrimp :(


1x uncured LR the offender...


Lesson learnt...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi mate. First of all ur tank looks real nice! I have a 60l life aswell and pretty much have the same setup but with a powerhead and the bubbles turned off as it started throwing sand up the tube and into the water. Was wondering, is that a anemone in one of ur pics? Just wondered as I wanted one but was told my lighting would be too poor. Also wanted a blue sponge but think that's the same.





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This is a beadlet Anemone and sadly its not suitable for a tropical marine tank. I was sold this by some bloke on ebay a few months ago. it was described as an easy marine anemone that will live happy in any setup ect... This is not true and after reading up on it once I receiving it, I found that these live in colder water around europe and are not as adaptable as advertised. Decided to put it in my backup 35ltr tank with heater down to around 65f


It did reproduce and I got about four babies from it that seem to be doing okay. These four open up daily, but only time will tell how well they will grow. The big one in the picture above is closed most of the time and only seems to open once a month. Please note that these will kill other corals and anemone's and will even kill our friend nemo :mellow::mellow:


With the BiOrb Life tanks its advised against keeping corals, anemone ect due to the depth of the tank. The three lights in the 'I-Led lid' are pretty good lights. If you stack your LR all the way to the top of the tank close to the lights you will be okay. Also, with the bubbles turned off like yours you will have more light gettting in... Also, if you plan on corals or anemone's a circulation device like the 'Hydor' range is a must.


I would still stick with the low lights tho, it just deosnt appeal to me adding supplements to my tank every day. Xenia, polyps, and mushrooms are doing very well in my tank. :)


Let us know how you get on

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Oh good. I was under the impression the LEDs were pony! Actually wanted to get a anemone and clownfish pair. My five rock is stacked a good half way up the tank. Have a long spined urchin and a cleaner shrimp at the moment. Wasn't really interested in getting corals in this tank as I have another that I am going to use as a reef tank but did quite like the idea of a blue sponge!





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Dont get me wrong the LED's are not super powerful but there is three of them and they kick out some good enought light especially if your talking about the top of the tank :)


I like the look of the sponges especially the blue ones. cant give any tips or advice as I know nothing about them...


Good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

New inhabitants






Before anyone says it, I know small shrimp's are a risk with the Cardinal... had them together for about a week now and their all still there :D will probably put the shrimp in my back-up tank once I get the Royal Grammar next Wednesday.


Final stocking list is now as follows:

.Banngai Cardinal

.Royal Grammar

.Yellow Watchman

(Pic's to follow)



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  • 4 weeks later...
very nice tank, i'm in the process of setting one up


Hi 'Mackie Moo',


Is it the 60 litre you using or 30, 40?

What type of setup are you going for, fish only, live rock or sand? reef tank?

Ask any questions mate, its the best way and no question is a stupid question! Also, try and post a few pics and regular updates to allow others to assist you...that worked for me :D


My tank seems to be getting easier by the month. parametres very stable and fish very happy...I have 2 sexy shrimp, 2x cleaner shrimp, hermit crab, turbo snail, bumble bee shrimp, Tiger Jawfish and a Bangai Cardinal. My sexy shrimp mated and female released some fry or babies whatever they call em these days! :D


Again good luck


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post-53224-1275770378_thumb.jpgI'm setting up one too,(60l)have read this thread around 50 times,5.5 kg of live rock went in last week on top of 20lbs of live sand,intresting hitchikers,mussel,couple of zoas and a little crab looking fella very shy goes by the name of Dave!Trying to compile a list of cuc which I will slowly add in a few weeks any suggestions? will probably follow kevkapawski as like the set up and inspired me.defo want couple of small nemos and a royal grammar.I am using the api test kit trouble is most of the colours on the chart look the same to me,all zeros at the moment,ph is 8.4.
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