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MEW - Rimless Drop-off 10G


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:o NICE! Can we get a side shot? :D


Sure, I'll take a few sometime this week. ;) Stay tuned...


Is that a scelornephthya? How is it doing? What are you currently doing for feeding?


Check out this vid of the non-photo tank at AOP



Not too sure on the ID, it was sold as a typical "carnation coral". i'll be borrowing nips' book on them to figure it out. It'd be fantastic if it's a stereonepthya but I somehow doubt. We'll see.


As of right now, I'm using the syringe pump for a mixture of roti-feast, some of this Phyto paste. I add by hand freeze-dried cyclopeeze, frozen mysis, some reef chili, and a pinch of GP diet. I need to place a FM order soon, within the week or two.


Wowee a video of that tank~ That AOP tank is a hands down favorite. I'm still trying to figure out why I haven't visited this tank in person, considering it's right here in my neighborhood. :mellow:

Thanks for the link! The write-up on the system is awesome.

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A few shots of the corals in there now:






So I figured out that the African gorgonian I had is actually non-photosynthetic, despite LiveAquaria's claim that it was photosynthetic. When it was in my other tank, it never had the polyps open and it wasn't doing well. I decided to throw it into the NPS tank and bam, full polyp extensions and it stopped all tissue loss. :) So I guess it'll be staying in this tank.


And here's the sideshot I promised. Sorry I didn't get to clean up before I took the shot, been super busy with school.


As you can see, I still need to fill up the tank a little more, work on the tinting, and I should probably move the koralia to the other side. Things to do, not enough time. Story of my life.

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:lockdown::happydance:omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg

















































This tank sucks :P

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there's a removable cover to the sump area, i just have to lift the cover, and stick my hand in to take it out. I used it to help seed my tank mostly, I think I'm probably going to just remove it soon. I don't see myself as having the diligence of rinsing it enough to keep it from being a nitrate factory.


thanks pismo. I'm thinking i'll add sand. Since it's easier to add sand than to remove it, I figured I'll run it for a few weeks without sand just to see how I like it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

so I'm probably DQ'd from the contest.

I decided to sump the tank, cause hooge skimmer > daily wc.

i've been wayyy too busy to do even regular wcs.






I think I've got too much orange going on in my tank now. :/ Anyone want to trade a red sponge for an orange one?



Some cool weird hitchhiker.



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  • 2 months later...

woo, well, even tho I'm not in the contest, the tank continues. :) I just realized that it's been a REALLY long time since I updated! So here's what's been going on for the past... whatever months.


I decided there was just way too much rock in the tank. It was making me very unhappy. So I took out 2/3 of the rock, and replaced it with.... Rock-mag! Awesome discovery that gave me my tank space back. It's held onto the black acrylic wall by magnets.

I also added 10 lbs of sand. Looking much better, agreed? I should've gone with sand from the start. I don't know why I pushed off sand for so long.


I got a colony of dying suncorals for free. It was really rather sad. Some of it is bouncing back, coming out to eat (sometimes). There's definitely visible growth. Just a game of patience with this fellow I guess.


Enough talk, on to pictures!


Frontal FTS!



Side FTS!



Macro section



:lol: Like my pride rock?


I have a few more macros on the other side of the rocks, but too lazy to get them in the pic too. I need more macros! Send me your macroz~

Or maybe I should plant some GSP on the top acrylic portion instead. :naughtydance:


What I'm not happy about is that there's too much orange/yellow in my tank. Not a good balance of colors. Thinking of giving away the orange sponge, and finding more pink/red/blue to put in my tank.

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