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Innovative Marine Aquariums

n0rk's buzzword bonanza


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Yeah definitely, they're pretty much my favourite kind of Blenny that doesn't snack on coral polyps (Exallias brevis comes to mind... :angry:) and they're something a little bit different. In case it's not abundantly obvious now, I don't really like to go for common choices for stocking... :lol:

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My favorite blenny is Istiblennius chrysospilos, the Red Spotted Blenny. I've never seen them in person but they are top priority for the 125 gallon B)


The Leopard Blenny :lol: :lol: They are complete monsters!


I go for the exotic choices. I do like the normal common stuff too though :happy:

If I can get a rare goby then I'm very happy :happy:

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Didn't end up with an Ember Blenny, they're having trouble importing them right now sadly. AQIS are being whores again. But I did end up with what appears to be either a Atrosalarias fuscus fuscus or a Atrosalarias fuscus holomelas, sorta still hiding in the rocks. I've gotten close to what I want in the tank in terms of fish as well (again...?), it's nothing shocking but it's stuff I don't often see and all fairly tough :) more corals are in as well, algae is sort of disappearing... and so is the sand bed. More on that later...

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Had a bit of a tidy-up. Ripped all the rocks on the RHS out and scrubbed them hard, vacuumed all the algae I could out, and did an extra WC (that's 2 extra in as many days!). I'm in the process of ripping the sandbed out of the tank so I can add more flow, I'm looking at adding a pair of flowmodded Tunze 6055s controlled by a Profilux II Plus, which should hopefully add around 20000L/h or so. This would take me to around 33000L/h in total on full noise, hopefully help keep stuff in suspension and offer thicker growth forms. Soon Anyway, here's the tank now.



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thats it Ben. living so close to the reef, is just cheating.

tank looks great.


If that's the case mate, you might wanna look away ;) went to another supplier today... these are literally 12 hours off the reef.











And today's FTS...



Obviously it's not /complete/ yet, but it's getting close in terms of aquascape and such. I've got a few coral I need to get rid of, but overall I'm happy with what I've got and where it is. A few brown things I hope colour up which will get booted if not. The "Stag Island" is coming together, that's roughly the baseline I want... something chaotic that will grow like that while the rest grows in very controlled patterns. The Montipora (the green/purple and the yellow) will be tiered, hoping for them to grow around the front in the centre channel. And then... everything will be off the sand except clams.


I'm excited for once :)

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That's gonna look awesome nork... :happy:


Thanks! :happy: I've been waiting for another tank since February, I think it's about damn time to set one up...


wow, your right about it coming together.


:lol: I cannot overstate the fact I guess? I'm seeing positive improvements already, it's exciting!


I just can't quite wrap my brain around all the superlatives this tank is bound to collect as it matures out! Nice acquisitions, as usual.


Superlatives are for fools! :lol: thank you very much sir, I really hope you're on target with your assessment!


Really nice Ben :o

Loving the tank, it's turning out amazing! How's the angel?


The Angel is awesome :) getting bolder by the day. She's pretty tame now too. I'm waiting to hear back from copps about something special in regards to her...


IMO you should export a little package for the WL folks ;)


this tank is looking great as usual.


I might just have to talk to one of my export mates and see what can be done :lol: their ferrypoint is in LA though...


+1 :naughtydance:


Dancing for corals now eh? ;)

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Fantastic sticks!


Cheers! These are worth staying home for eh? :lol:


If you can't get Copps to help ask Matt Wandell (Wombat on the forums). He knows his rare fish.


Yeah I've talked to Matt before, cool guy :) reason I asked John was this fish may or may not (:ninja:) be of the Pomacanthid variety...



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  • 2 weeks later...
Your tank makes my tank suck ass. :blink:


Least your tank still exists, buddy :) I got bored (read: had a breakdown) so I sent all my corals to summer camp, sold the tank and VorTech, and moved everything to a new temporary holding tank. Can anyone say indecisive much? This tank just hasn't felt right and was causing more problems than it was helping. So... back to the drawing board like I originally wanted.


I'll post pics as the plan unfolds :)

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I am. The biggest problems I was encountering was the lack of flow which would've needed 2 extra pumps at least, the rock itself leeching nutrients into the system, and the skimmer/lights being too big. I overspec'd them for the new system originally so they were never meant for this tank... and I suffered for that fact. The new tank will run just fine on it though, because that's why it was chosen :) fret not buddy, the new one will have all the same livestock, a roughly similar scape too... just in a bigger tank with Starphire, new rock and a closed loop. In all ways it will be superior.

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