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95481167.pngnce upon a time, in a land beyond dream and imagination, there was a humble little reef. On that humble little reef, whispers of dreams and the surreal are always to be heard, whispers of things beyond the realms of what's good and right anymore. On that humble little reef, there's some pretty special things a-lurking 'round in the darkness... some magical and unusual things... some things seldom seen... and if you're lucky, those special things may just come out to play...









Infinite and boundless thanks to Pete @ 100% Reef Safe and Michael @ Reefing Life. They're true-to-life dreamweavers who without I'm quite sure I probably would've given this game away a long time ago and given it little second thought.

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I picked up my Bubble King Supermarin 200 off of Michael @ Reefing Life yesterday. First thing that I noticed was the absolute impeccable build quality that goes into these things. I'd seen a few before (earlier models, most recent one being an '09), but the new ones eclipse even those for build perfection. Also, the size of the pump... the Supermarin 200 is the baby of the family (of "big" skimmers), and yet the skimmer pump is nearly as big as some skimmers are! :o




Second thing you notice is how well thought out they are. The skimmer cup is screw-on with a gasket, it's so simple you can literally twist it off with one hand in bugger all top clearance. The baseplate spins so you can angle the skimmer housing and pump inside of your sump to suit smaller spaces (as well as being able to choose the side the pump attaches - the "long" way which is pump opposing standpipe, and the "short" way which is pump perpendicular to the standpipe). The standpipe itself has a screw-down holder which allows you to set the exact standpipe position and then lock it in place. It also has a built-in air intake silencer for the pump, this works incredibly well at keeping the quite frankly massive quantities of air being taken in and aspirated essentially silent. The pump has adjustable air/water ratio mixing on-board of the volute which has been machined to provide exact modification of mix - a simple turn of the nozzle away from the pump housing will increase waterflow and reduce air by a set ratio (500L +/- from memory). The pump connects to the body with a rubberised hose, this makes fitting MUCH easier than with a union, and a hell of a lot more silent too. The collection cup also has a built-in drain with a bung which is a pretty cool feature.


All in all, the skimmer itself is built just how a skimmer should be, and designed with features to make life easier in mind.




Once installed, the pump is an absolute madman. At stock settings, the entire body above the nozzle (the body has a tapered nozzle above the bubble plate to help direct flow) is an almost mushroom cloud-esque congregation of thick white bubbles... it's almost like milk, except pulsing and breathing. I've not had much of a chance to run it in and really mess with the settings, but factory settings on the pump and standpipe so the water sits about halfway up the transition so far seem to work well.




For a skimmer this powerful and this silent, the footprint isn't bad either. I got my sump custom built to handle the skimmer so it wasn't bad, but in most sumps suitable for the size tank this skimmer will do (1600L or so) should fit it comfortably in one configuration or the other. One important caveat is that the water level should be under 230mm as this is where the skimmer operates best. I guess it's important to also mention that unlike most other skimmers, Royal-Exlusiv ones do tend to have some in reserve when you're using them on the tanksize they're rated for (at least in the Supermarin series). So far tonight I'm finding that the foam head is stable and consistent considering there's bugger all nutrient in my system and the water height isn't optimal, under ideal operating conditions this should improve and thicken out. Particles don't seem to fuss the foam cap, nor hands being in the tank unlike most other skimmers I've messed with.







All in all, I'm happy with the purchase. For a long time I considered RE skimmers to be overpriced when compared to other stuff... but now having messed with a few and seeing all these clever features others lack (as well as the astounding build quality), I feel justified in the expense. If you can afford it, I'd definitely recommend at least putting one on your shortlist - they're not for those who're squeamish of price, but definitely for those who want the absolute best there is on offer.




Definitely can't see myself ever wanting another brand of skimmer again... I don't think I could sleep at night! :lol:

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What fish is that?? omgomgomg


Honestly couldn't tell you :) it was sold as a Rusty/Flame hybrid (Centropyge loricula x Centropyge ferrugatus) which was collected around the crossover region of these two (Philippines), but based on colouration and marking I'm really not sure what she is. I'm more inclined to think she's C. bispinosa x C. shepardi or possibly C. bispinosa x C. ferrugatus. I guess time will tell - I need to get a photo to ask copps what his thoughts are :)


:o I love looking at your thread. B)


Because I'm utterly ridiculous? :)


preety ugly,


I was expecting better.


Pray tell?

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Here's hoping :)


And now... the "ugly Flame Angel" that I've been waiting to get a photo of. As I mentioned, I'm not entirely sure what she is, listed as a Ferriculus (Centropyge loricula x Centropyge ferrugatus) but I'm not convinced. Her top is much too purple for that. I'm more inclined to think she's a Mango Beauty (Centropyge shepardi x Centropyge bispinosus) right now, though I'll have to send some photos to copps and see what he thinks. But without much further ado, here she is:








She's only tiny - bit bigger than the size of a 50c piece. Kinda skittish still, hiding in the rockwork... but then again, that's why I designed the aquascape the way I did. Not the best photos... they do her no justice at all. Under the Powermodule and with the water as clear as it is, her purples are highlighter bright, and the orange is like a fireball. Bought her sight unseen... but my god am I glad I did. It's nice to have something unique :)



Getting close, my friends... so close...

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She's looking real great! Dare I ask how deep in the purse did you have to go for her?


If I told you the true extent of it, you'd call me a liar. Won't tell you the exact number because it's outrageous, but I will tell you it's cheaper by quite a lot than what we pay for both of the supposed parents... quite a lot cheaper.


When my supplier called me and told me he had a hybrid Dwarf there that was new to the country and that had to be picked up I said yes pretty much immediately (once I ensured she had a temporary home that is) before even asking the damage. When he told me I dropped my phone in shock. So... the number is a lot less than I expected to pay... :)

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Nice supplier you got there. Not that I could complain. My supplier called me up last weekend while I was "fishing" with my mates to ask whether I'd be interested in green Mespilia globulus. Around here we usually get only the normal blue ones. Needless to say I took one. Should have it by the weekend. :)

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Dude, not bad at all. Not that the blue ones are anything to be saddened by! It's nice having contacts sometimes. I've got suppliers who call me up when they've got the best stock... and one of my clients is the second biggest exporter of coral in Australia so whenever he's got amazing SPS I'm first on the wait list. Being the secretary of the local reef society (and the biggest one in the country) has upsides sometimes :)

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So... we now have an ID on the fish. Got in touch with copps (John Coppolino for those who're savvy) earlier today, he said he's reasonably sure it is the Ferraculus based on what I sent him, and now that she's out more I'm inclined to believe him. Obviously it's not the normal one with the pale orange colouration, which I'm happy about. I like it either way. :)


Also, WE HAVE LIFT-OFF! System is officially running ZEOvit as of this afternoon, sump is officially full, and everything is now settling in for the quick sprint to being ready for coral stock. Thanks to Pete @ 100% Reef Safe for dropping off enough water to handle the next few months of rain (and helping bring in the shopping! :lol:). Now we play the waiting game as things get under way...



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  • 3 weeks later...
omg how did i miss the fishy?!?!?!


She's just adorable :wub:


She certainly is. Every morning when I wake up to her, I fall in love all over again :)


Any updates?


Just ploddin' along, man. Waiting for the algae to die back a bit. Got a tester Acro in there and a few frags of Monti, seem to all be going fine thus far... I guess time will tell. Decided on some fish to throw in, will get them soon-ish... couldn't get what I wanted because of import lists, but these will do :) right now it's just on cruise control... chemistry is perfect, the waiting game is still very much on though... can't wait for it to be done, I've got about 13 colonies waiting to go in...

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The left hand side is mostly clear, the parts that aren't don't have coral on them... the right hand side is a different story :angry: I'm off start2 for a few days and skimming wetter again, might kick a few WCs in prematurely to help as well. Everything except the mille has polyps out and feeling already, I'm anticipating this is a good sign. Parameters are still spot-on, as a friend pointed out, the algae is likely start2 overdose coming into play as well as the LR. The coral had to go in now unfortunately, the tank they were in was doing weird things and we were worried he was going to lose all of his coral (not just mine). Not quite ready yet I feel, but I guess time will tell. I wish I could get a Tang in there for a few days... or a Rabbitfish... or find the Blenny I want... :(


I guess this is well and truly Genesis?

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That does it! I hate you for making me jealous! And for what? Just some of the sweetest acros across the interweb! :haha: And that scape. We're not going to be going over there, mate.


What blenny are you looking for btw?

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Those are some NICE acros Ben. The tank looks great, just need to get that algae gone :P Lawnmower Blenny FTW :)

The angel looks great too :happydance:


The algae is going pretty quick, I put a swarm of hermits in there the other day and they're quickly setting to work on the RHS. They did the majority of the LHS (which is why there's coral there now). I wouldn't mind a Lawnmower, but I've been burned with 'em before... fighty little suckers :o


That does it! I hate you for making me jealous! And for what? Just some of the sweetest acros across the interweb! And that scape. We're not going to be going over there, mate.


What blenny are you looking for btw?


I've been collecting for about 3 months now from various sources. The 'scape is basically one I've had in mind for a while, I'm focusing on staged forms on the LHS and branching/staghorn forms on the RHS. There'll be some clams in there somewhere, once I can track down a Tridacna crocea to fill it in... :o chasing a Cirripectes stigmaticus... I see a few pop up, but none really when I've got a chance to get them... :angry:


Cheers buddy :)


Nice acros. Those are all wild harvest pieces are they not?


Yeah, we very seldom see aquacultured here. When we do it goes for about 15-20x the price of a WC counterpart, so there's very little in the way of aquacultured SPS being traded. Being so close in proximity to the Great Barrier Reef helps, WC colonies are generally pretty tough unlike ones you'd encounter over there :) these ones have been in holding tanks for at least the last 2 months.


Looking nice!


Cheers Clifford! :happydance:



Waiting for the light to come on to the dusk channel... I'm kind of excited to see it all again this morning... :scarry:

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