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Coral Vue Hydros

What is the biggest size a captive maxima can get?


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I see some stat boxes saying they can get to 10-12". Is this only in the wild or is it true in both cases?

most time they will only get to 6" but i just read someone who has a 9" one so anything is possible.

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iv seen pics of people having 8"+ in their 300g+ reef tank. probably going to need something that big to have a stable environment for a clam if your going to raise it that big.


doubt most of the big clams were grown to that size from something around 3"

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they could very well get that big


the thing u need to keep in mind is the time scale that will happen


chances are youd be fine with a small clam in your tank for years with out size being an issue

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just curious. . .thanks I have an AP12 and didn't know if I could keep it as long as it lives or for a limited time period.

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just curious. . .thanks I have an AP12 and didn't know if I could keep it as long as it lives or for a limited time period.



if u have a mh you could keep it easily for years

i know i do

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