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Innovative Marine Aquariums

crocea in 3g


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3 gallon jbj picotope

70w viper hqi mh

I do daily injections of kent's nano-reef a&b

Aquaclear 70 modded fuge

I have my own RO/DI ..so weekly waterchanges


In the near future I would really like to put a crocea in the tank, but I know they love calcium.

I was thinking I could just add into the daily routine, mixing up some of this:





Does this sound ok to you clam guys? Or should I just get another type and sell it when it gets too large or throw it in my 30g (150w mh)



Do I have to watch anything else like alk or mag?

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"the Tridacna crocea (crocea clam), makes for a good nano reef candidate with a maximum size of around five inches"


If he has 5" to spare then go for it, next time read the article numbnuts.


"In most nanos, placing clams high in the rockwork will provide them with enough light to thrive. There is a tendency in recent years to over-illuminate aquariums, but more often than not this only causes photoinhibition."


Did you even read the article?

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"the Tridacna crocea (crocea clam), makes for a good nano reef candidate with a maximum size of around five inches"


If he has 5" to spare then go for it, next time read the article numbnuts.


"In most nanos, placing clams high in the rockwork will provide them with enough light to thrive. There is a tendency in recent years to over-illuminate aquariums, but more often than not this only causes photoinhibition."


Did you even read the article?


Did you read the OP's post? Do you even know how big a 3g pico is? the dimensions are: 11.8” x 8.9” x 8.1” Including live rock that can be a pretty tight squeeze, regardless of that the article you linked doesn't state anything about what kind of lighting would be good for a clam. It just says most clams are over-illuminated, which means nothing. Over illuminiated compared to what? compared to PCs? compared to a CFL bulb? MH? LEDs? VHO? The link you keep spewing all over the clam forum gives very general information but nothing concrete to help someone actually take care of a clam. Also, a 3g is not a good tank for a clam, the parameters are difficult to control and clams need constant parameters. Just because something can fit in a tank doesn't mean it should go in it. A 2 foot long blue tang would fit in a 20g tank but should you put it in there? no. A Electric flame scallop could fit in a 10g tank but should you put it in there? no.


Here is an example of a helpful link for someone planning on putting a clam in a pico:



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Did you read the OP's post? Do you even know how big a 3g pico is? the dimensions are: 11.8” x 8.9” x 8.1” Including live rock that can be a pretty tight squeeze, regardless of that the article you linked doesn't state anything about what kind of lighting would be good for a clam. It just says most clams are over-illuminated, which means nothing. Over illuminiated compared to what? compared to PCs? compared to a CFL bulb? MH? LEDs? VHO? The link you keep spewing all over the clam forum gives very general information but nothing concrete to help someone actually take care of a clam. Also, a 3g is not a good tank for a clam, the parameters are difficult to control and clams need constant parameters. Just because something can fit in a tank doesn't mean it should go in it. A 2 foot long blue tang would fit in a 20g tank but should you put it in there? no. A Electric flame scallop could fit in a 10g tank but should you put it in there? no.


Here is an example of a helpful link for someone planning on putting a clam in a pico:




Oh lord I have been truly humbled. Please forgive me for linking a helpful article written by Nano-reef.com.

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Oh lord I have been truly humbled. Please forgive me for linking a helpful article written by Nano-reef.com.


No way numbnuts.

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Haha. Everyone has been getting awfully pissy lately.


In a 3 gallon, keeping calcium levels up to par is insanely difficult, but thats only one of many concerns. Clams like very consistent water quality, which is hard to provide in such a small body of water. Personally I think Clams should only be kept in 20 gallon + tanks by the novice aquarist.

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Naw. He can do a 3 gallon. All he needs is a 12+ gallon sump/fuge attached to it... ;)


Seriously though it can be done but... Salinity swings are large in that size tank and need to be kept track of as are water quality issues. Plus keeping up on the Ca CaCO3 will be a bit of a challenge without spiking the pH too much.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Naw. He can do a 3 gallon. All he needs is a 12+ gallon sump/fuge attached to it... ;)


Seriously though it can be done but... Salinity swings are large in that size tank and need to be kept track of as are water quality issues. Plus keeping up on the Ca CaCO3 will be a bit of a challenge without spiking the pH too much.



took your advice and picking up a pre-drilled 15g Tuesday ;)

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You guys are all wrong ! It's sooooo easy.


It only takes water changes twice a week, dosing twice a day, an ato , and testing at least three times a week to ensure your dosing regiment is in check !








Patience and dedication is all it takes. I have had this clam in my pico since December.

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You guys are all wrong ! It's sooooo easy.


It only takes water changes twice a week, dosing twice a day, an ato , and testing at least three times a week to ensure your dosing regiment is in check !








Patience and dedication is all it takes. I have had this clam in my pico since December.


Your tank =WIN. I think I might try some a clam in my 5.5g down the road, I will have 3 other tanks that I can put it in if its starts to look bad too. But yea, you have to be on top of your tank 24/7.

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I think the clam would look MUCH better in the sand in the very middle of the tank. The tank looks crowded with the clam against the glass.

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I think the clam would look MUCH better in the sand in the very middle of the tank. The tank looks crowded with the clam against the glass.


You know I though that too ,but have gotten used to it ! I have moved it three times and it scooches back to that spot so now it is it's spot ! The par level must be the best right there ?

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Let's take it easy :)


I don't recommend a clam in a 3 gallon. It's going to be very difficult to keep the parameters stable, and long term (years/decades) success is unlikely. In the short term, 'success' is possible, but long term, your chances (and ethics?) aren't the greatest.


My clam article is very general about the lighting because the entire hobby's lighting methodology is incredibly general, arbitrary, and difficult to measure to any useful extent. See Lighting Photosynthetic Marine Invertebrates for more specific information.

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You guys are all wrong ! It's sooooo easy.


It only takes water changes twice a week, dosing twice a day, an ato , and testing at least three times a week to ensure your dosing regiment is in check !








Patience and dedication is all it takes. I have had this clam in my pico since December.



wow u got more live stock in there then my 20g...


yeah i had my crocea in my 6g for a year and it was doing great.

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Let's take it easy :)


I don't recommend a clam in a 3 gallon. It's going to be very difficult to keep the parameters stable, and long term (years/decades) success is unlikely. In the short term, 'success' is possible, but long term, your chances (and ethics?) aren't the greatest.


My clam article is very general about the lighting because the entire hobby's lighting methodology is incredibly general, arbitrary, and difficult to measure to any useful extent. See Lighting Photosynthetic Marine Invertebrates for more specific information.


Thats your recomendation duely noted ! And can I have a show of hands that have had there tanks up for a decade ? I am one of the few that is willing to take on the challenge. And as I stated it is very Difficult if the right steps are not taken ! So promote your articles and I will provide experience from doing ! And then I will enjoy my thriving clam pico ! Remember it's not for everyone !




wow u got more live stock in there then my 20g...


yeah i had my crocea in my 6g for a year and it was doing great.


What up cool? You just recently joined our club NorcalReefClub didn't you ? I can not wait to run into you at one of our frag swaps ! I want to pick your brain about led's Maybe we can buy the supplies and you can put on a demo for the club at one of our swaps ! :D *Wink* *wink* * nudge * *nudge * Anyways thanks for sharing ! ;)

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