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Talk to me about clams


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I want to get a clam but I'm clam clueless. Below I'm going to list my setup and what I'm looking for in a clam and maybe you can tell me what I need.


29 gallon biocube - 150 Watt Sunpod Metal Halide light, Tunze 9002 skimmer, 100W titanium heater, 2 Koralia 1 powerheads, upgraded return pump, Auto topoff system, 30lbs of live rock, 25lbs of live sand.


Coral list: Acan, Open Brain, Elephant Ear Mushrooms, Ricordea, acro, finger leather, toadstool, candy cane, blastos, GSP, Galaxia, Frogspawn, anthelia, zoas and palys (several different types).


Fish/Invert list: Pair of A.percula clowns, cherub angel (never touched a single coral), cleaner shrimp, snails, hermits.


I'd like a clam that stays small if that's possible. I don't mind if it is a rock borer or a sand clam...if that's what you call them.


The tank has been setup since November and I've worked hard at keeping this one stable. I've never lost a coral or fish in this tank....knock on wood.


So what do you think? I'm thinking my biggest response will be about the angle ;)

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Preferably rock but sand will do as long as the light can penetrate and still be sufficient enough, just put a small rock under it so it can attach and the rock can be in the sand bed out of sight.


Edit: Shell length around 12"

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I don't remember off the top of my head, and couldn't find the ultimate clam guide thread, but I think maximas and corceas' get to be around 6 inches. derasa and squamosas get to around 12" i think.

(don't hold meto these exactly). w/ your sunpod you should have plenty of lighting for them wherever they are. place them first at the bottom(put something under them so they dont attatch to the bottom of your tank-glass only won't attatch to acryllic from what ive read- they may "fall over" once or twice which happens sometimes when they try to move. if so try various locations until its happy) and if neither you nor the clam like the spot keep trying until the clams is in a good spot and is happy enough to attach himself to the spot. Make sure that it'll have enough room to fully open its mantle and be careful moving it incase it has already become attatched(could seriously hurt a clam)

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crocea-6-8" highest light demand (rock dwelling) upper half of tank placement

maxima 10-12" 2nd most light demanding if not the same as crocea (rock dwelling) upper half of tank placement

derasa 16-20" moderate light demanding (sand dwelling) sandbed or lower half of tank placement

squamosa 14-18" moderate light demanding (sand dwelling) sandbed or lower half of tank placement

gigas - haha jk...that would be up to 4 feet


while the crocea/maxima are the smallest a better starter clam would be a squamosa or derasa. Little more forgiving in beginner errors. Whichever clam you go with it would be a good idea to put a half shell or small smooth rock under the clam for it to attach to. This makes moving it later much easier.

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crocea-6-8" highest light demand (rock dwelling) upper half of tank placement

maxima 10-12" 2nd most light demanding if not the same as crocea (rock dwelling) upper half of tank placement

derasa 16-20" moderate light demanding (sand dwelling) sandbed or lower half of tank placement

squamosa 14-18" moderate light demanding (sand dwelling) sandbed or lower half of tank placement

gigas - haha jk...that would be up to 4 feet


while the crocea/maxima are the smallest a better starter clam would be a squamosa or derasa. Little more forgiving in beginner errors. Whichever clam you go with it would be a good idea to put a half shell or small smooth rock under the clam for it to attach to. This makes moving it later much easier.


Thanks for correction me, I knew something looked off but couldn't recal

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