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Coral Vue Hydros

If you had to pick a good shrimp...


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not cleaner, all they do is steal food from your corals...harlequins are awesome if you take care of them, really not that hard, I had one for a year

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Scott Riemer
not cleaner, all they do is steal food from your corals...harlequins are awesome if you take care of them, really not that hard, I had one for a year

meh, I like Skunk Cleaner Shrimp.


But, my vote goes to fried. :o:lol:

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My peppermint cleaner shrimp is great he's ALL over the tank and very friendly...Will clean my arm when I'm working in my tank. Good scavenger as well...

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I've never had problems with my cleaner stealing food from corals, but I always feed him first. He does enjoy stomping all over my corals, which pisses them off, but other than that he is fine.

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My tank is a 20L, and I can get very cheap peps and cleaners.

I was just curious more than anything though.


Here's a corollary: why are Blood shrimp so pricy at LFS's? Demand? Supply? Stupidity?

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Skunk cleaner shrimp. I love mine. I hand feed him :-D


I love the looks of harlequin shrimp, but don't have the heart to feed them starfish.

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My tank is a 20L, and I can get very cheap peps and cleaners.

I was just curious more than anything though.


Here's a corollary: why are Blood shrimp so pricy at LFS's? Demand? Supply? Stupidity?



They're from deeper water.


and, a mantis won't necessarily kill everything. I have an n. wennerae that does just fine in my 30 with fish and inverts. They're a million times more fun than a cleaner, but I may have lucked out as far as how well-behaved mine has been.

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They're from deeper water.


and, a mantis won't necessarily kill everything. I have an n. wennerae that does just fine in my 30 with fish and inverts. They're a million times more fun than a cleaner, but I may have lucked out as far as how well-behaved mine has been.

ime, they kill as they grow.

Mine can live with anything 2x larger than it, but it kills all hermits, and any other fish.

For some reason, it's terrified of my peppermint shrimp. I need to record it getting chased into it's burrow.

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Another vote for cleaner shrimp. Mine is always out and about, and is fun to show off to guests as he'll eat from your hand and clean your hand when you stick it in the tank.

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