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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Kate's 25g


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Time for an update!


I've added a few things to the tank and realized that most of the corals i seem to be drawn to reside in the sand bed. I've been meaning to rearrange things for awhile now and finally got around to it yesterday. so i did a small water change and basically emptied the tank so i could rearrange the rockwork without hurting anything.


Here's the before:




I set up a little container with tank water and my heater to hold all of my coral during the transition:






Then I removed most of the rock to give me some room to work in the tank:






Here's what i ended up with:




It still needs a little bit of work and a nice rock to top it off and cover the cord from my heater but overall i'm pretty happy with it. i have a lot more room in the sand to fit corals now.


Here's a few new additions:






Just 2 different types of acans. the second one has bright green centers that didn't quite show up in the photo.


And here's an update on some of my other stuff:


My brain has tripled in size since when i first brought it home:




I swear it has grown another mouth... unless i'm completely crazy. it driving me nuts cuz it doesn't like to stay where i put it. it moves itself to the front of the tank right up against the glass. i have to keep moving it back so i can keep the glass clean.


My dendro is doing really well too:




and my only fish as turned into a little devil, i call him Squirt cuz he's so tiny:




Everything else is doing really well too. my duncans have sprouted at least 10 more babies that i'm sure will grow like weeds. my xenia is starting to really take off. that could be seen as either good or bad i guess. the monti i brought home with the green polyps has colored up beautifully. it's mat was a brownish color at first but now it's bright orange. i'll have to post a before and after to show you the difference. best of all is my birdsnest. it's doubled in size in about 4 weeks. it's doing amazingly.


i don't have any plans set in place for this tank for now... if i see something i like then i'll add it it but for now i'm just going to let everything fill in and grow. i'm really happy with how well everything is doing.


thanks for following along!

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