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Coral Vue Hydros

starting out and want some advice


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it takes a lot to scare me away. I was actually looking to see if I had any clean-ish pics to post in the pic thread. I might have to have one of my roommates take some pics of the three of us. It is, afterall, going to be our tank so we might as well let you meet us all.

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Nah. You guys are all being taken by a 400 pound naked guy with a stocking on his head. Really, now. A hot stripper with 2 roommies all interested in posting here? Puhleeze. And all in the same day as a supposed flirtatious hot blonde southern belle starts a new tank too. Besides, he called kennerd gay because he didn't bite the hook, at the same time as he complained that all the guys here were horny little kids.


/*big raspberry for reefgrl4U*/

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Dingo - yeah but its Friday...things are slow.....Im bored out of my mind.....what else is there to do


Damn you crak....but then again it was a good laugh...poor tiny


And I even told myself to stay out of this one today buuuuuuut no


BTW I like that aiptasia reference that was good

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that's why it was so easy dj. I think like you clowns.


I won't divulge the pm's that ms. reefgrl4u received but y'all are pathetic. I never went that far. (yet)

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>>I won't divulge the pm's that ms. reefgrl4u received but y'all are pathetic. I never went that far. (yet)<<


That explains why it got so quiet around here....you have to post them

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Hey reefgrl,


I am by no means an expert, but I'll try to answer your questions as best I can.


Your set-up sounds good so far. The only things that I would question are the bowfront and the 12 lbs of rock. The bowfront because the shape of the hood is unusual and could limit your lighting choices, unless you're handy with tools and DIY projects, which you might be, and the 12 lbs of rock because that's a lot of rock for a 7 gallon tank. Remember that when you start to buy corals many colonies will come attached to their own piece of rock. You should keep that in mind when setting up; leave room for the corals that come attached to their own pieces of rock. That tank is going to fill up fast.


OK, questions:


1. "I was planning on putting two fish in there. I know that it means more bio load (still not sure what that means either) but I will do water changes every week. I want to get one clown fish or a goby (they are so cute) and I wasn't sure what the second fish should be. so, any suggestions?"


Well, clowns really enjoy being in groups. So you could get two and they would be happy. Or how about a shrimp? Skunk cleaners are cools as hell and get along great with practically anything. I've also had great luck with small yellow-tail damsels. Not as aggressive as other damsels and they are beautiful.


"2. is there a site anywhere that gives a rough idea for how many clean up crew animals per gallon? those kits are so big and I don't want to buy stuff and kill it."


Try here: http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/scateg....d=25&pCatId=420

It's as good as any other site. But, like you said, they are going to try to sell you things you don't need. You don't need stars, urchins, cucumbers, nudibranches, etc. For a tank your size all you'll need are a few snails and a few hermits. I've had great luck with Astrea snails and Zebra hermits. The Astreas are great algae grazers and the Zebras eat algae and detritus, plus they aren't very aggressive and stay small. I would suggest @ 5-7 snails and an equal number of hermits. Sounds like a lot, but you'll be amazed how much there is in the tank for them to eat once things get rolling.


"3. how do I know what hitchhikers are good and what ones are bad? when I put the rock in the tank I want to try and get the baddies off before it becomes too difficult."


Most hitchhikers are good. The only ones that are bad are ones that can overrun your tank or do harm to it's inhabitants. You really can't tell what you've got until things start growing out and your tank is running. The only way to tell is to just keep an eye on things. If you notice something is wrong and don't know what it is, post a description for us & we'll try to help you out.


"4. um, I'm a bit embarrassed here. cleaning question. I read all about doing water changes but how do you actually change the water? is it just taking some out and replacing it with new water or is there some kind of technique that must be followed?"


I wrote this up once before for someone. look here: http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/showthread...9&highlight=Ike


Water changes are the single most important maintenance routine you'll be doing. It's easy. Do it a few times & you'll be a pro.


Slow & steady is definately the best. Like many things in life, don't rush. Take your time, enjoy what you're doing and it will all work out for the best.


BTW, I just saw your picture in one of the other forums. The only word that comes to mind is STUNNING...


Wait...a beautiful woman, with cool interests and, judging by her posts, a quick wit & sense of humor?!?!?!?

Something just isn't right with this equation. Am I on the right website?



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actually, only one person pm'd me and he apologized for his and the boards behavior.


and I wouldn't embarrass him by posting it. I wanted us to have some fun and we did. end it now.


tiny, will you ever forgive me?

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Wait...a beautiful woman, with cool interests and, judging by her posts, a quick wit & sense of humor?!?!?!? Something just isn't right with this equation. Am I on the right website?
what's wrong with caja, oc, lizbeth, lusty, hhasty, baby, etc. etc.? ???


tiny, will you ever forgive me?
there is no crak god! (hmph!) figuratively and actually it seems. X) i am questioning my faith now. :*(
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It was me!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh......



I was trying to be nice, I thought I really ####ed this chick off...

but a little later I was like "hey, this person dosent exist, its prolly ESPI!!!" but I was wrong (crak)

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My vote was for ESPI, but frankly, I didn't want to get him ####ed at me and throw a picture at me or something. Crak, do you weigh 400 pounds?


I got a little mad because, jaded as I am, I was actually taken in for a minute...

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