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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

My 2.5 Gallon 5 Month Update(three moves later)

C Jerome

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cajastan, i really like those zoos too the orange center and little dots are cool.


T- I bought that coral from a guy in FL as part of a package deal, he called it a green tree leather in his e mail to me, thats the only info i have on it. glad you like my setup


C. Jerome

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I dont know, I have to post in teh ID Forum or look it up online, it came as part of my seacrop nano pack. It took a little while for it to open, but now it does so every day. I like the variety too, but i would like to fine something to replace some of the GSP.

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I finaly got a shot of my Yellow goby with sky blue speckles. He hides all the time and hardly comes out when people are around. I was sitting on my bed and saw that he was out so i snaped a few photos of him. Here he is...

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