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My 2.5 Gallon 5 Month Update(three moves later)

C Jerome

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As said in the subject, it has been five months since i set up my 2.5 gallon in May. I set it up at home, moved it in June to the beach, then back home in August and again in August to school with me. My friends told me before i left that it would be a sure "panty dropper" so far the ladies have been impressed, but i already have a girl friend so it does not really matter. Before i get into the description below are the links to my first two posts about this tank so you can see my progress.






Now that that is out of the way, the tank made all three moves well, with out any probblems. Several corals have been added and everything has shown great growth including the candy cane which had been fraged since the photo in the second link. I made a few purchases from people on nano-reef, reefcentral, some local people and one nanopack from seacrop. I top off every day and add two drops of this calcium reactor stuff, it works great for me. So my specs are...



2.5 gal

2 X 13W- o3 and 10,000K

AC 150 with carbor and LR rubble and cool surface skimmer mod.


Mini/microjet behind rock work



Zoos- at least 7 morphs

Leathers 2

GSP two types 6 clumps



Mushroom 1

Yellow polyops 1

Frogspawn 1

green ... i guess its a leather(the little nub in the middle)

some tiny xenia stumps left from what used to be there


GOBY Yellow with sky blue speckles(his name is Meeper)

Blue Leg(Pinch)

Big snail(Boomer)

Little snail(no name at the moment)

many pods, worms, and all that good stuff.


Here are the pics

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Last but not least... Sorry for all the pics but I am at school and the connection is fast so I can do it, and i am not doing any thing so i need something to do, i hope you all like it, let me know what you think.


C. Jerome

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Looks good, especially the hood, the best part of it is it looks good and probably cost $10 to build.


Keep it going.


What kinds of inverts do you have?


Like 2-3 hermits and 2-3 snails right?

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