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1.25G of Cube :P


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Oooh, well Im thinking some zoos and im going to try a monti cap. A green clown goby and some sexy shrimp maybe. Maybe purple shrooms.... maybe...

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Yeah i cut the back off. the frame actually holds the glass Im using for a lid.


i too work at petsmart and when i saw the other 1.25 gallon betta cubes, ideas ran wild through my head and your idea of combating evaporation was one of them. and the idea of cutting the back of the frame for the HOB also.

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Well yeah but I always wipe it off if to much builds up. But thats how it is with any tank with a lid. Personally its not a lot of splash with the filter i have now but i do want a bigger one cuz the one i have is so small.

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i was thinking the perfect filter for that setup is an ac20. the price just dropped on those 5 dollars at my petsmart. now they are 21.99 i think. without our discount

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they are see through. i think they are kindof a gray clear not crystal clear like your nano. but i think the flow would be absolutely perfect for it.

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they are pretty well built too even though the glass seems kinda thin and it feels fragile when you hold it. my store has one on display with a betta in it.

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we've had this one on display since we started selling them like 6 months ago. anyways i was thinking of doing a sexy shrimp set up in that tank too.

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Im gonna stick how ever many i can shove in there. and one clown goby. I have him in a bigger tank but never see him but in this smaller tank i shouldnt exactly have a hard time finding him.

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i have a yellow clown in my 6 gallon and i see him ALL the time perched on some rocks or on top of my yuma colony. sometimes he even somehow sticks himself to the glass. if i put one of them in a smaller tank i'd probably do it in the 2.5 otherwise i would do a partial water change every 3 or 4 days in the betta cube with 3 sexies

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well mines a green and my yellow is ALWAYS out, truthfully i see snails make more poop then my clown gobies ha. I might not get any sexies cuz this is HIS tank.

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yeah if its HIS tank then everything you do should revolve around him. like dont give him any hiding places in the back or give him lots of perches.

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He has one hiding spot, and thats the middle of the rocks but i doubt he will hide there since he wont be bothered by any other fish. Hes such a wimp. My yellow will hold ground up to my dottyback which is kinda funny. Ill take pics of the tank tomorrow though, its a mess right now, algae, diatoms, new sand... disaster looking..

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