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OOOOOOOkay, So here it is.... My water has been getting cloudy and I have this green powder algea on my glass of the tank. It has been getting worse. My bio-load is pretty good and it is well stocked. My guess is that it could be nitrates and phosphates in abundance.


I will post pics of the tank, they were taken a couple days ago.


Whats my problem. Should I run some carbon and do a good water change and see if it clears up??


Help, Help, Help.



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My parameters which I check daily almost. PH, Alk, Cal. Ammon.


I don't have a nitrate tester yet or a phosphate.


I am guessing you need that huh?


From what I described though what would be the cause of cloudiness, and a powder green algae or whatever to collect on the glass and then take flight with my algae scraper???

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What causes an algae bloom???


The temp?? And if you say the parameters. Which ones would determine this...


An excess of phosphorus.

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lighting, temp, phosphates, amongst other things people here like to see the value of each parameter so they can make an intelligent informed decision on what is going on instead of a guess, pics also help alot too for Id of a species.

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lighting, temp, phosphates, amongst other things people here like to see the value of each parameter so they can make an intelligent informed decision on what is going on instead of a guess, pics also help alot too for Id of a species.




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I run SWFO no live rock so I may not be the best person to advise you, but I would guess you are over feeding your fish. If the water is milky looking and smells bad it's a pretty sure bet. Get a Nitrate test kit and when Nitrates are high do a water change. I do 20% every two weeks. If I were you I would do one ASAP. Hope this helps.

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I just put some on my blog... cause I couldnt transfer the pics to my user which has..... its complicated. Look at the link below. I just put some crappy pics up. But that crappy quality is reality. Im pretty sure Im not over feeding. I feed flake, and usually only once a day.

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Okay is that a yellow tang in a 25 gallon????




+1 for the parameters (exact numbers)


Also, how old is your tank (please don't tell me like a month or something)?


In addition to that what type of filtration system do you have?

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Yes SiRr, its a yellow tang....getting a little to big for the tank now...will be trading him in soon for a small one.


I have a wisper 30, and a korlia nano powerhead, soon to get a skimmer, and maybe another power filter.


I do not use tap water...


Yup, my tank is a whole three weeks old....But I don't have a ton of stuff. A yellow tang, 2 clowns, a firefish, and 2 damsels. Why is that bad???
































No, Its like a year old....

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filter floss... Did wonders for me. I also run carbon. Chemi-pure is suppose to be awesome but i just use API's brand


Yes SiRr, its a yellow tang....getting a little to big for the tank now...will be trading him in soon for a small one.


I have a wisper 30, and a korlia nano powerhead, soon to get a skimmer, and maybe another power filter.


I do not use tap water...


Yup, my tank is a whole three weeks old....But I don't have a ton of stuff. A yellow tang, 2 clowns, a firefish, and 2 damsels. Why is that bad???
































No, Its like a year old....

oh btw yea... NO tang, and you IMO are overstocked

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Okay are you doing weekly water changes (b/c if you're not and you've had the tank for a year with no skimmer thats pretty bad and may be the issue in and of itself)




You've had your tank for a year and you don't have a nitrate test kit?

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Wherah caun I fieend theis....Fieltair Flouss??


Hahaha, What site can I find and buy it at... How to I install it and how often does it need to be replaced, etc.

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But I don't have a ton of stuff. A yellow tang, 2 clowns, a firefish, and 2 damsels. Why is that bad???


Ummmmm , in a 25 gallon tank with no skimmer? Yeah that is bad!!!! Year old or not. That is a huge bioload for a tank that small. Jmo. -_-

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Filter floss from the fabric store, or from wal-mart. It is used to make quilts, stuff pillows, etc.


Put it in a power filter, or anywhere that water will flow through it.


Overstocked tank, too much food, not good enough filtration. You have a bacterial bloom my friend.


Get rid of the tang, feed every other day, and get some better filters with more water movement.



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A lot of research... it been ok ... and I plan to upgrade to a 55 gallon.


I know the bio-load is AmaAaaAAAazing!!! HHHEHEEHhehheeeheeeheeee. giggle giggle..it takes work...

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Please before starting a SW Aquarium, READ! get books, look on forums!




to me it sounds like you should do a nice water change ASAP, then in about 5 day after the WC do another WC (about 5 gallons each time). filter floss can be found any where. just place where your filtration is and change when dirty.

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