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angelacbishop's 5.5 gallons of fun


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My order from Sea Life Inc. arrived today and I must start out by saying the packing was the best I've seen and everything I ordered looks great. I also ordered a few things for a friend and for my 60 gallon display tank at home so it was a pretty big shipment.


I got...


2 masked gobies





Nano Orange Spiny Sea Rod




Nano purple sea plume



Porcelin crab (very cool blueish color with orange)



Nano red brittle star



And a peppermint shrimp which isn't pictured.


I also snapped a couple pics of my mini carpet anemone. It's a really bright neon pink in the center with a neon green ring around that and then various colors around the outside. I caught it eating one of my nass. vibex snails and attempted to free the snail but he was holding on too tight for me to do anything about it.




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I got a better picture of the porcelin crab. Couldn't be happier with the coloring on this guy!



And here's a nice shot of my little plate coral. I ordered this back in March or April and it ended up breaking in half during shipping. It has healed up and is slowly becoming circular again but the mouth still isn't totally cenetered. I have the other half in my 60 gallon at home.


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Lonoking great! You could probably find an area where the flow isn't too high if you want the daisys in there. Mine are in fairly high flow in the prop tank & do fine.

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I've found a couple small areas where the flow is a little lighter but I think that once they spread the new growth will end up in high flow again and not look so nice. 450GPH gets a little crazy in a 5.5G tank :) I'm bringing them home tonight but who knows...maybe I'll change my mind and bring them back in eventually.

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The purple sea plume and gobies are great! looking very nice :)


That porcelain has fantastic colors..mine is just white with blue dots

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Here's an updated FTS (still need to work on improving these as the light seems to be reflecting off the sand too much)



Some zoas I brought in this morning. Still need to find good placement for all these but I wanted to let them open first so I could see which was which. There are a couple polyps of radioactive dragon eyes here too that aren't open yet.




Puple Sea Plume with the polyps open



Spiny Orange Sea Rod with the polyps open



Purple feather gorgonian with the polyps open (snipped this off the large piece I ordered for my 60 gallon). It's in high flow so I'm hoping that it heals up at the base.



Close up of the mystery anemone. Does anyone have an idea of what this is?


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Pretty sure it's not an aiptasia. I have had it for several months with no issues even in the super nutrient rich mantis tank which I used to have.

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I'm thinking Majano.


Here is one from google image.




I think Majano's usually have somewhat rounded tips though as opposed to these which are very pointy regardless of flow, lighting, etc.

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It looks a lot like my coldwater Anthopleura sp. anemones. I know there are some tropical anthopleura nems, so it's possible it could be one of those.


Tank looks great so far!

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It looks a lot like my coldwater Anthopleura sp. anemones. I know there are some tropical anthopleura nems, so it's possible it could be one of those.


Tank looks great so far!

Thanks! I'll have to do some research today on those anemones.

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That last tank shot looks really nice, those Sea Plumes add quite a bit to the overall look of it.

I've never considered putting them in one of my tanks before, but after seeing them in yours I may have to reconsider.

I'm interested in seeing how they do in this tank over the course of the contest.

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Thanks Weetie! The Sea Life Inc stuff is really nice and supposedly able to survive long term in tanks as they're primarily photosythetic and don't need as much feeding. I'm been really thinking about my feeding regimin and I'm going to slowly start building up with that starting this week. I'm not sure how often I'll be feeding all these things but I think at first I'll just feed something every other day.


-Coral Frenzy--I think if I just dampen a toothpick and dip it in I'll get enough considering that I feed my 60 gallon only 1/4 teaspoon


-Zoo-plex 2-3 drops


-Reef Nutrition Live Phytoplankton maybe 2-5 drops


-freeze dried cyclopeeze (mostly for the fish), just a tiny pinch


My goal is to have the least foods requiring freezing and refridgeration possible since I keep this tank on my desk at work. I'd love to hear any other suggestions for foods to consider.

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I think I'll start out feeding each of those things once a week and then try to build up so I can feed a tiny bit of something every morning and afternoon on days I'm at work.


For example, I'd like to get to a point where I can do something like this...keep in mind it would be very tiny amounts at each feeding though.


Monday: freeze dried cyclopeeze/coral frenzy

Tuesday: phyto/zooplex

Wednesday: Freeze dried cyclopeeze/phyto

Thursday: coral frenzy/zooplex

Friday: phyto/freeze dried cylopeeze


This might not be totally neccessary for survival but I'm hoping that with a little experimentation I can get some really good growth.

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I added a couple more macro algaes that I ordered from the NR classifieds. I have about $15-20 left in my budget and two of my LFS's have huge sales coming up so I plan on picking up couple more frags and then I'll be done and let it grow. Still need to mount the zoa frags that I brought in last week. The cheato growth with the 2x 10w submersible halogen light has been very fast. It has about tripled in size since I added it a couple weeks ago. Pretty soon the whole HOB will probably be full at this rate!


blue ball algae (more like purple and pink right now, guessing since it has been without light for a couple days)



Red Titan Algae


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Please we need a new fts so we can see all the colors!



Well, since you asked no nicely... :D




Doesn't look that different right now. I plan on mounting the red titan on the right back side of the left rock structure instead of where it's crammed in on the right for now. The blue ball algae is barely visable on the far left. Also the highest rock is now sporting an orange monti cap but it doesn't photograph very well since it's in such a high place. Once I get my last couple of frags I plan on mounting everything (zoas, gorgonian laying on the bottom, algaes, etc. but I want to wait to see what I get before I make any decisions on placement.


Next poster gets to be #100!!

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