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Cultivated Reef

I have a "problem" with one of my clams too.


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My derasa clam is growing at such an alarming rate that I think it is going to outgrow my tank in the next few months. I've only had it since January and it has easily doubled in size. The problem I have is that it has semi-attached it's foot to a rock in my tank that is pretty much the base of my whole aquascape. There's no way that rock is coming out until the whole tank comes down. The rock itself has probably 5 frags / colonies on it, and in addition to that it has other rocks attached to it too.


So how should I go about getting the clam to free up that foot? I hate to say it, but if I have to choose between the clam and my entire tank, that clam is a gonner.

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The only way I've heard of getting a clam to budge is chiseling off the piece of rock where its foot is attached, or increase flow where the clam is (ie aim a powerhead at it)

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The only way I've heard of getting a clam to budge is chiseling off the piece of rock where its foot is attached, or increase flow where the clam is (ie aim a powerhead at it)

The first option is not an option!! Unless I were to do some serious fragging that I'm not willing to do to save the clam.


This may sound nuts, but can I try lodging a rock or something between the rock and the clam to try to get it to move? Keep in mind that very little of the foot is actually attached to the rock, most of it is still in the sand.

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The first option is not an option!! Unless I were to do some serious fragging that I'm not willing to do to save the clam.


This may sound nuts, but can I try lodging a rock or something between the rock and the clam to try to get it to move? Keep in mind that very little of the foot is actually attached to the rock, most of it is still in the sand.


Hey I think you may have a winner there, I have heard of doing that too, put it under him as far as you can and just wedge it little by little each day. That should do it!

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I am kind of doing the opposite right now.


the crocea has half of its foot on a piece of rubble and I want it to attach to a shelf at the top of my tank so I kind of tilted the rubble in a way where the rest of the bottom of the clam is exposed to the larger shelf.


I am hoping that is a little more uncomfortable for it and it goes ahead and moves the foot a 1/4" off the rubble and onto the shelf. It has been like this for a day or two. I will check tonight and see if it has moved any and report later!



but this is sounding like a worse idea incase I need to remove it in the future. It is growing pretty fast as well.






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Cut the strings with a brand new razor. EZPZ, clam will be fine. Cut them low, right above the rock.

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