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My clam and I are arguing!


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I've tried everything. Directly on sand bed, and rubble under sand, and rock 1/3 up. He doesnt move far, its just that he turns around(im guessing to face the light better). The only problem is he doesnt display as nice that way. Any suggestions, other that just leaving him alone? thanks

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They usually tend to face their inhalant siphon towards (or into) the flow. This way water passes over their gills effortlessly. Don't try to fight what comes natural to the clam, it usually results in stress, then possibly death.


Let it get itself comfortable.

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I had an issue like that with a crocea clam. I know that like most mollusk they wouldn't mind attaching to each other because of their smooth shells. So I took a scallop shell that I cured and let it attach to that on the sand bed. Later I moved it.

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