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Deep Sand Beds in Nano Reef tanks?


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Funny story........I made up a small solution (Say a pea sized amount in 1ml of sterile water).....and then went home to put it in the tank......I put the test tube on my table and it splled out onto the dining room table.....so I sucked up 4-5 drops and placed those in the tank. Waited about 30 min. and tested for Amm........HOLY CRAP.........It was off the charts! Oops! I did a small w/c to get it it at least at a measurable amount.....and started dosing with Nitromax and Coralvital-LSB.....after about 10 days it was ready to rock!


I got the idea from a SW fish book that talked about "seeding" an FO tank with UGF.............It said to take a saturated solution of NH4Cl, dilute it to a 10% solution and then treat the tank with the for 10 days. Since that is designed to establish a bacterial population to handle a massive bioload....I just added a couple of drops. Sorry I can't be more scientific than that......next time I'll be more careful. It really worked great!


I also didn't see much of a die off from the rock.....which was awesome!

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