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Clam foot torn!


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I was just got my clam 2 days ago and yesterday i tried relocating it and not knowing anything about the delicate foot i pulled it right off the rock and i see the foot now hanging from the bottom! the clam seems to be doing fine, responsive, open mantle, no gaping. shud i be worried or would it heal eventually?

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You did research clams before you got it right? If so you should have know that they plant byssal threads to hold themselves to the rock work. I'm guessing that you may have byssal threads hanging on to the clam and not the actual foot. One of my clams shed a group of byssal threads that looked just like the foot.

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i believe the foot is still attached as it does not look like threads, but the foot is hanging form the clam, will it grow back?

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It should be able to heal itself. Just place it in a nice nook for it to feel safe and keep an eye on it. Give it good light, and I'd also do some good supplemental feeding to help it heal faster.

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