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Dahlia's NEW 20L PICS page 70


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Overhangs and arches are always good additions to the scape.


are you telling me I need those?

I have a ton of arches/caves...

I was trying to have a good amount of room between the two for the brains and gorgs...

do you have any suggestion, or like reference pics for what you are talking about?

I want to make it as good as possible, and this IS my 1st island scape thing...

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There is so much purple on that rock, it's insane!!! you got awesome stuff to start out with.


I keep forgetting that you're in the beginning stages of your tank. I always think i'm going to see an already mature tank. You've done so much research and know so much already it messes with my brain! :blink: haha


Everyone is right tho, you do make for excellent entertainment!! :lol:

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are you telling me I need those?

I have a ton of arches/caves...

I was trying to have a good amount of room between the two for the brains and gorgs...

do you have any suggestion, or like reference pics for what you are talking about?

I want to make it as good as possible, and this IS my 1st island scape thing...


I had another sentence in my post that said nice work, but I deleted it to avoid repetition. However, that made the remaining sentence kind of vague. Your rocks look great as they are now.

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Oh crap...you're going to think I copied you.

I just rearranged my rocks last night. Two islands. Left side taller than the other.

Extra room = great for flow and awesome orange and purple plates.

I'll probably end up rescaping at least once more, but I'm trying really hard to just keep my hands out of the tank for now.


Love the biotope idea. Not so sure about the seahorses. Definitely too large for dwarfs. Other species require tanks bigger than yours. I'd talk to someone who has housed them though.

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What/where is Glover's Reef? I like the right side a lot but the left looks like it is leaning against the glass. You won't be able to clean the algae and it will get nasty.

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Looks really nice. Your patience really paid off with your selection of LR. It's fabulous! I do agree with Ocho Cinco about your rock leaning on the glass. I have some of mine kind of close to the glass. In the places where my magfloat won't fit I use my fingers.

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WEEELLL great.

I went to go change it around, then saw you posted again....

so I had to try to figure out the way I had it...and you know how that goes...never get it the way you had it...

but I got it back, so it looks a little different(changed it so less was touching the glass...


Ocho-the left side you can't even really see, there is about 1 foot and a half between the left side of the tank and wall, so I am not that worried about algae...but I did change it around!

Glover's Atoll is 75 miles of the southeast tip of Belize, so like Caribbean technically...

I put links in the thread...if you wanna check it out...


David-there is about 25 lbs of live rock...yes, I love it so much more!


EnjoiFish- funny as usual! I copied the ideas of other's for my scape(shhh don't tell!!!) plus you are a cool person so I don't mind! :lol: really though, I love the patch reefs look!

Oh, and no sea horses, that is a nice dream that lasted 5 minutes...lol.


Cali-Girl: you crack me up!!!! yeah, I have massive coralline growth, most seems to be a reddish purple and a deep pink (also have some teal!!!) and it is starting to cover the glass and back...


Since I can't find ANYONE that has done a glover's reef biotope on the internet(but that may be a user eror...) I can't really give any reference pics...

Maybe you guys could read the list of stuff and tell me if that sounds good...

also, I will be upgrading to the 144 watt pc in winter(I know I still can't keep sps, clams, and what-not, but that should be more beneficial to the photosynthetic creatures hopefully)

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The new scape is pretty cool. I've been wanting to rescape my tank for a while now, but I figured I would just wait until I move everything into a new tank. It's been up for a year, but I want to do things much differently from what I have done so far. I really enjoy the biotope approach to reef keeping. It keeps things natural. I just got done reading a book by John Tullock called Natural Reef Aquariums and one of his main points is "less technology, more biology."

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The enquirer has nothing on this thread.


I like the new 'scape.


why thank you kind sir!


I hope you like it after I get corals, even though I won't have any sps...sorriez.



The new scape is pretty cool. I've been wanting to rescape my tank for a while now, but I figured I would just wait until I move everything into a new tank. It's been up for a year, but I want to do things much differently from what I have done so far. I really enjoy the biotope approach to reef keeping. It keeps things natural. I just got done reading a book by John Tullock called Natural Reef Aquariums and one of his main points is "less technology, more biology."



thanks, I will have to check that book out!

That is really how I look at my tank, I know people have all these gadgets to automate their tanks, which is great if you like that and have the money, but am a tinkerer LOL. I really enjoy the biological balancing aspects that go into creating a biotope, instead of a hodge-podge of corals...but I mean those do look great and I will be a little sad that I can't just get the corals I like and put them in there...but I think I will have a healthier tank this way IMO. Everything that is in there will have a reason I guess...

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I kind of wish I had researched as much as you have BEFORE setting up a tank and buying corals and fish. Don't get me wrong, I spent a lot of time reading, but you seem to be just as knowledgeable as people who have been keeping reefs for years. As a result of me not being patient and taking the time to learn a lot of the things that you have, I'm in the process of completely re-organizing my tank. You should be really proud of yourself for what you are accomplishing. I love my aquarium, but I find it frustrating that I have corals and fish that I don't particularly want in a tank that I don't particularly enjoy the size or shape of. I took a lot of short cuts to get started in this hobby, and I'm still paying for them after 18 months. :sigh:

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I kind of wish I had researched as much as you have BEFORE setting up a tank and buying corals and fish. Don't get me wrong, I spent a lot of time reading, but you seem to be just as knowledgeable as people who have been keeping reefs for years. As a result of me not being patient and taking the time to learn a lot of the things that you have, I'm in the process of completely re-organizing my tank. You should be really proud of yourself for what you are accomplishing. I love my aquarium, but I find it frustrating that I have corals and fish that I don't particularly want in a tank that I don't particularly enjoy the size or shape of. I took a lot of short cuts to get started in this hobby, and I'm still paying for them after 18 months. :sigh:



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You smell like cabbage! :angry:


Ok, you coulda left that out!!!

LOL, are you trying to equalize it so nobody thinks you're a softy?!?!

and some people really like cabbage you know...


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meh, I know I'm soft. I have no tolerance for stupid people though, which makes going to a community college a lot of fun for me.

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Teal is horrible.


Red and Black is where its at.



black coralline?

red and black was my high school colors!


thanks cali-girl! i love my teal coralline!

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Rockwork is way better :)


THANKS! I like to think so too!


Again, I would like to hear people's opinion on the Glover's Atoll biotope...

I know it is like a personal preference question, but you can still tell me if you think it's sounds pretty/ugly...or maybe what aspects you like about it?

Again, here are the common species (besides the sps) and a collage of pics...


-CORAL:thin finger leathers, devil's leather, brain corals, pipe organ, sun polyps, toadstool, colt, black tube coral...

-SEA FANS etc.:sea rods and sea fans,different Gorgonians

-FISH:wrasses, blue chromis,sand divers?, jawfish, barnacle blennies,pipe fish

-INVERTS/OTHER:boring sponges and other relates sponges mostly red and yellow in color, fleshy algae like turtle-grass, shaving brush, and red algae,,red/dark colored feather dusters/coca worms,clams(non tridacnid), urchins, anemone shrimp, pretty much any inverts, there are thousands...


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It's hard to say about that bio type. Theres a lot of things not involved in it that I like. For example cool inverts, zoas and acans.

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It's hard to say about that bio type. Theres a lot of things not involved in it that I like. For example cool inverts, zoas and acans.


I will not be getting any acans ever, sorry...too expensive and not worth it with the light I have...

I will be putting a few normal zoas in there, more like palys...

and what do you mean cool inverts? pretty much you name it, they have it...

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