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Cultivated Reef

Josh's 34g Halfmoon


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Guys you are unbelievable... Ya'll almost have me in tears over here from all the kind words and promises to help! I can't believe ya'll! :wub:


Well I do have some good news, power is back on surprisingly early! I'm afraid my frag tank too is gone now, even the zoanthids are looking like slush... The one strange thing is that my mom's (who passed away) tank is perfectly fine, its almost like she was watching over it. Here are the pics:


34gallon before IKE:



34gallon after IKE:



10 Gallon Frag Tank after IKE:



I want to thank you guys so much... Alot of my family and friends don't know how much time, money, and hard work go into a saltwater reef tank.. And now to know that people will help me out with building it back up is very heartwarming... Thank you all so much... I love you guys!



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Im Amber, Josh's (ddr_phish's) wife. I want to thank yall for the support and kindness yall have shown us. It was not only hard on josh to watch the tanks just plummet to no end, but it was hard on our girls, whom were adopting, and that was one of the very few beautiful things they have seen and watched grow, and the tanks helped the girls see that, hard work gets paid for. IE: cleaning, and keeping up with the tanks, results in beautiful and healthy tanks. Yall have shown us so much kindness, I can never thank yall enough, for helping keep Josh's spirits up about the tanks. He has dove in them since Mary (his mother) passed, the tanks are what kept him sane, and gave him something else to focus on, rather than the pain. Again thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts. And honey, dont worry this will pass to, its only one of the few things in life that we cant control, but we will make the best of everything in our lifes. ~Amber

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Thanks sweetie...


Oh and Schwanson, I'm sure I'll be sure and try some of that Tito's soon... I'll be trying anything alcoholic tonight to help me cope with this lol...

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Thank you sooooo much Weetie! Their fish prices are really great so I could definitely get back in the game with that... I can't believe I just have the two clowns left in my mom's 10gallon cube, some of the other fish I had for 2.5 years... Well I guess its time to cycle again..

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Wow. I almost cried when I saw the before and after pics. Sorry I wasn't able to make the drive up there to save what you had left. Parents both working couldn't make the trip. But I'm really glad your going to stick with it. Your tanks are so beautiful and we still have some intense frag trading to do. ;)

I'm definitely more than willing to send frags your way after the cycle. Right now they are only like 1 polyp, but in a couple months they'll be really nice.

And one of my friends told me about a frag swap in Houston some time in October we're going to go to. I'll send you the info when I find out more about it.

Sorry about the loss, but your next tank will only be better :)


Edit:Typo :lol:

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Sorry to hear about your loss :( If I had read this earlier and had something up and running I could have helped out, tragic. I'm not sure how many nano reefers are from Houston, but the city still has 55% of its power out at least until Monday. BTW titos is great.

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Thanks for trying Lizzie, things were too far gone by the time I posted though... It was just kinda a last resort thing... :)


Well here is the total body count of what I lost:



Pincushion Urchin

Mated Pair Golden Coral-Banded Shrimp

Skunk Cleaner Shrimp

Purple Featherduster

Crocea Clam

Tons of Astreas and Blue Legs



Flame Hawkfish

Chalk Basslet

True Percula

Zebra Bar Goby

Bicolor Blenny

Psychedelic Mandarin



Ginormous Birdsnest Colony

2 Hydnopora Mini Colonies

German Blue Tort

Orange Digitata

Montipora (Plating?)

Frogspawn (7 heads)

Purple & Teal Candy Canes

Teal Candy Cane

Green Acan

Purple Acan with Teal and Orange Centers

Open Brain - Rainbow

Zoanthids and Palythoa (About $700 of Rare Morphs)

Pink Mushrooms and Teal Rhodactis Mushrooms

Pulsing Xenia

Yellow Stick Polyps

Hairy Mushrooms

Superman Mushroom

Ricordea - Yuma and Florida

Toadstool Leather

Green Button Polyps

Neon Green Clove Polyps


And I lost my 2 foot long bristle worm that I haven't seen in over a year (Found his body :( )

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No fish made it in the 34gallon, the only fish I have now are the two ocellaris clowns in my mom's 10gallon..


I'm not sure if the frags of birdsnest in the frag tank are alive or not, they are almost completely bleached... Just gotta wait and see.

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Well at least something made it!

Plus maybe some of those frags in the frag tank will pull through. ;) But in the meantime how long does it take for a tank to re-cycle after a crash? Same time as a normal cycle? Or is it longer because of the die-off?

I don't know :lol: Anything different you'll do this time around?

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Thanks alot FellBeast


Lizzie, I have no clue how long it will take to recycle, I assume all the bacteria are still there, they just need to convert all the die-off (ammonia) into nitrates for my refugium... So maybe a couple weeks since the tank is bare? I hope..


I don't think there is anything I would do different, I was just starting to get happy with my tank and really loved the look of it as you walk in the door.

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Well I tested my tank again today and all params are at 0 except for nitrates being at 10. So it looks like I will be stocking in a couple of weeks. I wanted to extend out an offer to the Nano-Reef community since everyone has been so kind towards my loss with their words and promises to help rebuild it. It may seem kind of lame but its all I can do to show my gratitude (besides maybe help someone else out in the future), I would like to let ya'll decide what livestock goes into my tank as far as fish, inverts, and coral.


So here are some different things to consider (Please don't bash but I always overstock on fish with no problems)


I would like to have a:

pair of clowns (unsure on type and coloration)

goby and shrimp pair (type??)

some sort of decorative shrimp (fire shrimp? cleaner?)


fiji yellow leather



I could list a lot more things, but I would really like to let everyone else decide what goes into my tank this time around.


All other livestock is up in the air, so please everyone, have at it and decide what you would like to see in my tank, its the least I can do after what you all have done for me.

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So sorry for your loss Josh. It's good to see that you're excited to set up the tank again!


I like your livestock choices so far. For the the shrimp/goby pair, I like Hi-Fins and Yashes best. And go with a Randall's or candy pistol shrimp. Those tiger ones get pretty big and I'd be worried about adding other shrimp in there with him.


I like cleaners and fire shrimp (so gorgeous!). I've been told fireshrimp hide a lot and are more active in pairs. My cleaner is always out and about and can't stay off me when I stick my hands in my tank.


Corals...looks like you're taking it easy to start out. Are you going to do SPS again?

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Yay!!! stocking!

Hehe. I love yashe hashe gobies. And I agree candy canes are awesome pistol shrimp, my tiger is pretty but I got him b/c my lfs doesn't have candy canes. I love his colors, but the bright red of the candy canes is really sweet. I only have zoa's and gsp to donate right now. But my candy cane is splitting like crazy, so I might be able to send you a head or 2 of that.

So just check out all my zoa's/GSP/Candy Cane, and tell me what your favorites are, and I'll frag them for you!

I :wub: fragging.

So if I had to pick a pair of clowns I would go picasso. But they are freakishly expensive, so I think B&W and orange look cool as well. But I mean, pick what fish you want. We'll donate the corals and you can take it from there :D Your list of fish before was really nice and unique, and firefish are always awesome. The purple's are really pretty. And if I get anything new I'll post up pics and see if you like it.

I'm really excited to see you start up the tank!!!





And P.S. sorry this was so long. B)

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Wow thanks guys, I really love the Yasha and Hi-Fin Gobies both, but I think the Hi-Fin is more in my budget. Aren't the Randall's and Candy-Stripe pistol shrimp the same, just different names? Thanks for the offer Lalani, I will definitely shoot you a PM once I start adding things back. Would I have to worry about a pair of fire shrimp bothering a Randall's Pistol Shrimp or vice versa? I agree with you Lizzie about the Clownfish, I think I wanna get some Black and White clowns, because Picassos are WAY out of my budget right now. And thank you soo much for your offer of Zoanthids, GSP, and Candy Canes, I will have to keep all that in mind when I start stocking corals and since you live semi-close we might be able to nix the shipping cost. What side of Houston do you live on?


Oh and be sure and let me know when that Houston Frag Swap is coming up..

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im really sorry to hear you lost so much. I too was almost in tears. Im super freaked out about shipping corals but if you wanted i would give you some of my plating red monti??? :D

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Just dropping by to say I am sorry for your loss, especially when I saw the before and after pics. I usually browse the other sections till the title caught my eye. I am glad though that you decide to start again, I would have contributed something if I have anything, problem is, I just started 2 days ago( 0 experience in marine aquariums), hang in there!

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Aren't the Randall's and Candy-Stripe pistol shrimp the same, just different names?


Yes. I just put both just in case. Some people only know them by one name.

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I agree with you Lizzie about the Clownfish, I think I wanna get some Black and White clowns, because Picassos are WAY out of my budget right now. And thank you soo much for your offer of Zoanthids, GSP, and Candy Canes, I will have to keep all that in mind when I start stocking corals and since you live semi-close we might be able to nix the shipping cost. What side of Houston do you live on?


Oh and be sure and let me know when that Houston Frag Swap is coming up..


Hehe, yeah they are my fantasy clownfish :) I live in Katy, zip is 77450, so thats the west side. And one of my mom's co-workers who has a Solana might be willing to drive up there. Or maybe we could meet in the middle? If I find out the details on that frag swap I'll definitely tell you and we could meet there. But yeah. Just let me know which ones your interested in and I'll set them aside for you :lol:

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