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Kraylen's Tanks Threads


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Pom Pom is doing great... shes comes out of the rockwork alot more now. She boxes hermits all the time..its funny as hell....


All my mushroom clipping have formed into full shapes under 15w of lighting. Hah, lo-light success.

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hahahah.... sandbed is deeper than appears in these pics. I forgot when huskerguy84 started his pico I stole more substrate!

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Man I'm thinking about doing it now. I've been thinking about running a DSB in the fuge on one of my AIO 10's just to see if it makes a difference. I'd have to make a little mod to keep the sand from getting to the last chamber but I'm really thinking about it.

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Do you have 2 tanks now? The 10G and a BC29? Are they your first saltwater tanks? I like your choice of rocks and their arangement.


I got alot of tanks ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My 2nd attempt at taking pictures so the fans in the thread can feed.




ok shot i guess




Taking more now of some corals. *shrug*








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wow, the last mandarin pic is AMAZING!!!

it has such great colors and is so cute and chubby

that is one freaky puffer thing...


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