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Cultivated Reef

Our first reef, 10g Nano, (Verde-bay) in Charleston SC


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Thanks everyone! Its really safe where I am, so no worries. I spend most of my time on the internet. I hope to get downtown and find some aquariums to take pictures of soon, there is alot of money in this country I'm in.


let add though, I am in the middle of nowhere and surrounded by sand and yes, there are camels just outside the gate on this base.

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Hey everyone, well, from what I'm getting from the Home front, the tank is doing good, just still have some crazy Mirco algae issues.. Reason thus far is unknown.


On my end, I have alot of free time So I'm drawing up the new tank design for when I get back, its going to be a 10g display, overflow, shallow frag tank, sump/refuge, protein skimmer, custom stand to hold and hind all the goodd, and maybe more.


I have 5 1/2 more months to plan out this out.. so stayed tuned.

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Glad to hear things are well with you over there David and glad to hear the tank is chugging along here on the home front.


Sounds like you are drawing up some pretty cool plans for a new tank.

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Glad to hear things are well with you over there David and glad to hear the tank is chugging along here on the home front.


Sounds like you are drawing up some pretty cool plans for a new tank.


Yeah, its coming along, I'm trying to figure out how to cut out an overflow on a 10g. I want nothing but the returns in the display, so I'm trying to figure out how I can put the over flow slots in there, I thought about corner peices, but I really want all the room in the tank that I can get.. I should have my first design up by tomorrow, I just got back to work from my day off.


I want to have SPS in the new tank, So I might be upgrading the lighting, I may not, I'm trying to spend very little on the new upgrade, about $200 max. the wife wont like me spending much more. So lots of used and for sale Items. SO I might actually get a second light just like what I have, I might get MH penat for the display and use the T-5 on the frag tank.. its going to be so shallow I should be able to propage just about anything in the frag tank with my T-5's. But the SPS is defently a big reason I want the bigger total water volume. more stable water perams.


You should get the other half to take some pics so one of you can post them. B)


Long time no see! thanks for stopping by. as for pictures, I'm actually going to ask her to post some for me tonight. at least one or two.. or just one FTS.. aparently the mirco algae has gone crazy! I'm thinking that I might have her get with someone who has a dremel tool and start fragging all the coral off the main rock where the algae has gone wild on.. my prized jumbo sized Pink zoas have been crowed by this stuff. then I'll use that rock in my fuge in the new tank. ( I just thought about this)

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Hello everyone, well I got some time to do up my first design, this is the basic plumbing and tank/stand layout I'll have. to give you an idea of the stand size, its going to be 24x24x?? (wxlxh) I'm not forsure how tall it needs to be, but I have a book shelf right beside my current tank, and I like the hight of that for a tank, but I'll need it to be tall enough to hold both frag and sump tank under the hood along with tools and equipment, ATO, holding tank, you get the picture.


What I'm going to have to do some research on is sump designs, I really dont understand how the work, so thats going to take a bit of time, but I plan on using a 10g standard and converting it to a sump. I'm going to order the frag tank from glasscages.com


I'll have to design the frag tank similar to a sump since it will have a water intering point, and a overflow also. I hope that water levels will maintian proper levels. Alot of that stuff, i'll just get to it as it comes.


the stand it self will be made out of treated 2x4s ( I think) thats what I plan on building first, then the sump, frag tank, then display tank. the outside will be framed with molding and painted.. umm.. white or black. As for the size of the stand, the reason it will be 24x24 is, I plan on one day upgrading to the 20x20x12 rimless cube by glasscages.com. its like $100 bucks, and that means lighting upgrade, etc. I cant afford that right now.. And I really dont want too. but the stand will support that tank one day perfectly.


anyways.. umm.. I had to get some work done so I forgot what I was talking about.. OK! lets see it, comments, concerns, etc.



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I'm just going to bump this for my own pleasure.. I'm very sad over in the middle easts. Hoping I get some good replies on my design.

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Complicated. :wacko:


10g has thin glass... only 1/8". Very easy to crack and probably shouldn't be trusted even if you can finish the fabrication without cracking it.


You won't get enough like for the macro with the setup you have.


Even if you are crazy enough to do this design :P, you will probably not want to try and have all of your flow come from that sump pump + 2 returns. The more I think about it, the more I like lower flow sumps with closed loops to provide the bulk of the flow.

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Complicated. :wacko:


10g has thin glass... only 1/8". Very easy to crack and probably shouldn't be trusted even if you can finish the fabrication without cracking it.


You won't get enough like for the macro with the setup you have.


Even if you are crazy enough to do this design :P, you will probably not want to try and have all of your flow come from that sump pump + 2 returns. The more I think about it, the more I like lower flow sumps with closed loops to provide the bulk of the flow.


So your saying I shouldn't drill into a 10g tank.. hmmm.. that puts a big damper in my idea here..


as for enough Like, did you mean enough light from the frag tank light to the sump?


So do you have any suggestions for my design, I really like the idea of having a frag tank under the stand.


and are there any other opitions to drilling on a 10g where it wont make the inside of the display look to cluttered. I want clean clean clean...

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I don't want you to feel like I am crapping on your design, b/c I am not. However, the more complex the design, the more points of potential failure you will have. Check out from post #527 and up on my 20L thread. Perhaps you will see why it isn't a good idea to drill a 10g. -_-


As for my "enough" comment... I guess I forgot to put "light" right after that. :blush: I meant to say you wouldn't get enough light for the macro in the sump/refugium.


Drilling is, by far, the cleanest option you have but a 10G is a poor choice for drilling. Instead, plan to get a larger tank that has thicker glass or build your own 10g using thicker glass. You need something thicker than 1/8"... I would say no less than 3/16". You could step up to a 15L which is only a little bigger than a 10g and will have thicker glass.


Having the frag tank under the stand is a neat idea but I don't know that I would want to try and make it part of the display => sump drain system... There is just too much potential for problems there. It will also take up a lot of in-stand room which, unless you make a custom stand, is going to be a real problem. You won't have enough room to do anything and it will be, at best, a constant frustration.


I really like my current design. It is very flexible, modular and (I think) clean. If I wanted a frag tank and I wanted to make it part of my larger water system (which I am not sure is a good idea), I would have it right next to the display, out where I can see it and could easily plumb it into my existing sump. All I would have to do is work out a drain system for the tank and chuck an extra pump into the sump for the return.


I am a big fan of using closed loops for the main flow of a tank. They can be removed for maintenance without having to shutdown or disturb the whole system, they allow you to add a lot of flow without having to manage microbubbles caused by a lot of water slamming through your sump, they are quiet and they are easy to upgrade (just get a bigger pump).


You don't have to do a PVC rig like I did, you could drill the returns into your back wall if you wanted to. I used a rig for mine b/c I didn't want to put too many holes in the back wall and I wanted to leave open the option of changing the configuration (adding/removing nozzles for instance).

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Having the frag tank under the stand is a neat idea but I don't know that I would want to try and make it part of the display => sump drain system... There is just too much potential for problems there. It will also take up a lot of in-stand room which, unless you make a custom stand, is going to be a real problem. You won't have enough room to do anything and it will be, at best, a constant frustration.



I am a big fan of using closed loops for the main flow of a tank. They can be removed for maintenance without having to shutdown or disturb the whole system, they allow you to add a lot of flow without having to manage microbubbles caused by a lot of water slamming through your sump, they are quiet and they are easy to upgrade (just get a bigger pump).


Thanks for the input, I like opinions, the stand is going to be custom, I'm going to build it. as for closed loop systems, I dont know what those are.


what was I going to say? umm.. oh!! yeah,, well I'm kind basing my desgn off a few very large systems on RC. heres the link to the one I got this idea from.


http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2007-10/totm/index.php they have a nice drawing showing how things work.

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Did you...


Check out from post #527 and up on my 20L thread.


I know you've seen my current system which has a closed loop just like the one in shown in the 20L thread.

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David.... good looking plans... are you e-following me??? ;)



Oh... and I was talking on here about you and manually mixing things on here the other day...

Look for the thread about why men always do things the hard way... they sent it to the Lounge. ;)

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Did you...




I know you've seen my current system which has a closed loop just like the one in shown in the 20L thread.


oh,, hehe, is that what thats called.. mybad..


David.... good looking plans... are you e-following me??? ;)



Oh... and I was talking on here about you and manually mixing things on here the other day...

Look for the thread about why men always do things the hard way... they sent it to the Lounge. ;)


??? are you saying that I'm manually mixing things? what did I do... oh no! and I didn't know you had a NR acount.

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Ok everyone, well, I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do as far as it goes when it comes to the new tank. I want something with alittle more filtration going on. etc. etc. So, I didn't many rave reviews about my crazy 10g drilled, overflow, frag, sump/refugium tank design.. I think it would have cost me more than I thought, and I really dont want to put to much money into the tank when I get back (Wifes personal request) SO!!!! Now we are onto the second design.. Its a AIO tank design with pretty much everything I have now, maybe some new live rock, and only a few new pumps and what not. and Alot of glass. anyways, This design is utilizing a 15g long tank (24'' long x 12" wide x 12" High.)


The Main display with be 12x18x12 which rounds off to about 10g, and the filtration area and sump/refugium will probably hold about 3-4gallons of water. It will have a overflow surface skimming design, protein skimmer, and a top off area with the float switches. all the hardware will be nicely hiden behind in the filtration area, or hiden under the custom tank stand I'll build for it.





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Looks a little simpler which is good.


You plan to have an overflow box? Why bother? Just have the water overflow directly into the skimmer chamber.


How will the water move through those back compartments? I don't see any obvious clues.

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How will the water move through those back compartments? I don't see any obvious clues.


HAHA.. I dont know!! I'm just drawing pictures right now, I have no idea how this stuff is going to work.. haha. I'm drawing a new deisgn again today... Is going to use a 10g tank again.. but with a smaller display/AIO tank design.. more to come in a few hours.

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So I'm getting closer to a design I'm looking for, now to clearafy a few times for everyone, I really cannot upgrade any of my equipment, I'm getting to close to a year left in the Air Force, and now Is the time to start looking where I can cut some of my spending, Unforunatly my reef tank is on that list. The good thing though is I have alot of things that should be able to transfer over to the new tank, Frags, Lights, Cheato, snails. You get the idea. So I agree on alot of you all's thoughts of needing to up grade, but I cannot aford it after the new tank, I just want something that has a more stable Bio- filtration system and less clutter in the display.




On to this tank design. I think out of the 3 this one is the most simple, the rear area is all depending on how small or big the return pump is. Anyways, I'm going to use a 10g, and glass/possibly acrylic for the speration and chambers. This design does not have a P-skimmer. Anyways.. Take a look.



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OK everyone!! I think this is it!!! As some of you can see, I have a link to my DIY pico cube I made last year.. well, this tank is pretty much that tank, but with alot more under the hood..


This tank will use a 10g 1/2 sized tank.. so 20L x 10w x 6h..( which I can get standard or rimless from glasscages.com for under $50) I'm going to use pretty much all the coral in my current tank, and the lighting. The diagram is pretty much telling it all.. Whats cool about this tank, since I'm trying to get a cube look, the display area with me 10x12x6 which is around 3 gallons.The filter area will hold about 1g or less with the same chambers as my last design. that area will be 4x10x6. If you haven't figured it out already, I still have another 4x10x6 area in the back!! oh yeah.. its on like donkey kong!! that 4x10x6 area will be sealed off, but will hold the In tank reservoir for the ATO system, it will hold about 1g, which if its similar to my current tank, that will last a week or more!!!


I do plan on using my 18 T5HO.. I know I know, I bet your thinking.. (what a looser, he is waiting 6 inches of that light fixture) but the thing is, I have a custom light I built for my cube I already have, but it wont put out the same amount of light the 18in will. SO I will be covering up the last 6 inches on the spash gaurd with some type of flame proof thing.. aluminum foil I'm thinking.. anyways.. this is the big daddy! So lets see some comments on this guy!!! ENJOY!!



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Looks do-able but the carbon will be blow upward by the return pump. Maybe have some eggcrate slot down to sandwich it in there.


I see the heater in the right drawing but not in the left.


What will you do for the bulk of your flow? Powerheads?


Also, it might not be a bad idea to do a mock up before you commit. 4" isn't a whole lot of space to work in...

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Looks do-able but the carbon will be blow upward by the return pump. Maybe have some eggcrate slot down to sandwich it in there.


I see the heater in the right drawing but not in the left.


What will you do for the bulk of your flow? Powerheads?


Also, it might not be a bad idea to do a mock up before you commit. 4" isn't a whole lot of space to work in...


hehe.. ops!!! yeah, the heater will go somewhere in there.


as far as blow, what do you mean, through the sump? or the main display. I guess I'll just put my koralia nano in there? I hope that wont be to much flow.. I mean, cant I get all the flow I need from the return? or... no?


yeah, I do plan on doing a sweet carboard box mock up. I'm also thinking that I might use a 15g 1/2 tank which would give me 12 in in the front, and I can then take the tank 12x14x6 or even 12x15x6, and still have tons of room for my sump and ATO holding tank.

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You are blowing water up into the carbon and since carbon isn't very dense, it won't sit there. If it is in a bag, the bag will float so you will need something to hold it down.


You could potentially get all the flow from your return pump but the more flow you run the louder the running water will be. Faster flow also means more potential for bubbles.

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Looks do-able but the carbon will be blow upward by the return pump. Maybe have some eggcrate slot down to sandwich it in there.


I see the heater in the right drawing but not in the left.


What will you do for the bulk of your flow? Powerheads?


Also, it might not be a bad idea to do a mock up before you commit. 4" isn't a whole lot of space to work in...


hmm.. I guess once I start building it, I'll have to figure out the carbon placement.. I"m just thinking that If i put it after the refugium, It will be able to polish the water before it goes back into the main display for clear water..


as for the heater.. OPS!! umm yeah, The heater will be in the filtration area. I just forgot to put it on the design.


as for the flow.. cant my returns provided enough water flow?? In not, I guess I can put the koralia nano in there. Or I'll find something alittle bit smaller to put in there..


I do plan on doing a mock up, and I'm going to get the rimless tank from glascages.com Its only about $10 than the rimmed tank.. so it should look really nice.

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