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Innovative Marine Aquariums

RO/DI Unit from ebay?


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Help, I've had the system in the first post setup for about a month and I am still getting a TDS reading of 28-30 PPM. Could I have gotten a bad filter or set something up wrong? This is beyond annoying still having to buy water.

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30 isn't bad, probably better than most LFSs from what I've tested. But it does sound like something is set up wrong with it....

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  • 1 month later...
Help, I've had the system in the first post setup for about a month and I am still getting a TDS reading of 28-30 PPM. Could I have gotten a bad filter or set something up wrong? This is beyond annoying still having to buy water.


30 ppm in your DI water means something is wrong. We'll need more info to troubleshoot the system. Which system do you have?


Can you provide TDS readings from 1. Tap water, 2. RO water, and 3. Di Water (30 ppm )



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