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another diy acrylic tank


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R32 front end????


on topic, awesome tank, and awesome stand, i love seeing all the DIY stuff, esp since it looks better than damn near anything i see in the stores.



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thats a RS4 bumper my roommate bought.


well after an exhausting move over the weekend, i finally got my tank set up. my frags were pissed off at me because they were stuck in a cold bucket for a while and all the frags were having a biological warfare with each other. but now they are in the tank right now enjoying the light and space, and recovering.





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does having the overflow drain so low to the bottom of the tank do anything benefitial? I feel like I always see the drain from the overflow tank up near the top...


how many gallons is that sump?

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i personally dont think it really matters, i have mine in the water is because it helps cut down on the noise. some have it high because they run filter socks or other mechanical filtration.

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ah, i think the ones you see are the durso or stockman style drains which are designed to cut down noise. they usually have the drains near the top. i decided to run an external drain because of my setup. i was told that i should have it close to the bottom of the tank because of flow issues. having a height difference, ie water level higher than drain hole, would greatly increase the flow of the drain. you see some people running the same setup have a secondary hole near the top so if something were to fail and clogs up the primary drain, water will still be able to drain from the top hole preventing a flood.

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this is where I start getting confused. I dont know anything about noise reduction or physics of these pipes.


I was looking at just making the overflow box go half way down the back of the display. I could just copy what you got here if it is working. I couldnt definately handle this.

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Awesome build. How do you enjoy workign with acrylic? Do you feel as if there's a lot of skill needed, or just a basic idea of what you're going for? :rolleyes:


I'm hoping to produce a few tanks of my own in the future, I greatly appreciate you taking the time to post pictures, and provide information for me to take into consideration.



Thanks agian,


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i like working with acrylic. its lighter than glass, easy to handle and can be manipulated if needed. you cant sand down or shave off a little when your working with glass. and its completely clear.


the only down side is its not as rigid as glass and its not as cheap. you need thick acrylic or need to brace the tank for large long tanks. if you want to get quality thick acrylic be prepared to spend some money.


also you need to spend money and get a quality table saw blade and a large table saw for a smooth straight cut. a router could further smooth the edges for a straight edge and good bond.


depending where you are located, acrylic isnt as available as glass, as for acrylic accessories like glue and applicators. glass shops are pretty much everywhere and silicone caulking is easily found at hardware stores.


in conclusion, inorder to make a good acrylic tanks, make sure you get cell cast acrylic, the right thickness for the size of the tank, and make sure the edges are straight and true. use the right solvent and right tools to make a nice tank.

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how many gallons is that sump?


sorry i forgot to answer how big the sump is, its 18x10x12inch. subtracting the thickness of the sump and baffles, its around 9gals.


the tank is around 12 gals, plus the water in the sump im guessing my whole system is around 17-18 gals

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The Propagator


My last b(o)(o)bie comment was deleted ! :angry: So here it is again damn it !!!!


Nice b(o)(o)bies .. er I mean cabinet. ( look dead center up top leaning over :haha: )




Smile ! Its funny !

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haha...took someone long enough to realize. i didnt even know she was in the frame until i uploaded to the computer

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ok i came across a problem. i closed the door and let the thing run for a while. after a day or 2 i checked again and theres condensation on the walls. the hinges are rusting.


i think i need to add a fan to either exhaust the air out of the cabinet

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My friend had the same problem with condensation in his custom stand as well. He ended up putting a fan in the back and then making an acrylic cover for the sump, I don't believe that he has any problems anymore. Just some ideas, good luck.

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  • 4 weeks later...

love your tank desighn and sump. could this tank be built from a 20g high aga. im not sure if a glass shop could drill the holes for the bulkheads. and also i dont get how the sump works. how dose the water level raise up higher in the return chamber than it is in the refugium chamber? appreciate the help.

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im sure this sump would work for a 20H. i would put a one way valve on the return pump just so water doesnt get siphoned back into the sump potentially overflowing it


the water levels in the sump stays pretty constant except the return chamber. that is the only part of the sump that changes water level due to evap.

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what is the benefit of having two suplie sections of the sump with a return in the middle, and why did you choose to set it up that way? could use as much info as possible trying to decide the best way to build my 20 high and sump/refugium. thanks

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lol not bad for cheap extruded acrylic. i wonder now long they will last...


if i want to go back to reefing i'll have to cough up about $100 again...

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The Propagator

I think if you open up the back a bit more then just that peekaboo hole for the plumbing it will be fine.

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what is the benefit of having two suplie sections of the sump with a return in the middle, and why did you choose to set it up that way? could use as much info as possible trying to decide the best way to build my 20 high and sump/refugium. thanks


theres no real reason why i chose this setup. to me this was a cleaner setup having the return shoot straight up. i cant really think of any reason why this setup is better than others other than you can adjust the flow going into the fuge area. would someone with more knowledge in sumps chime in?


lol not bad for cheap extruded acrylic. i wonder now long they will last...


if i want to go back to reefing i'll have to cough up about $100 again...


i dont see why it wouldnt last a while...and it didnt cost $100 for that sump. more like 40

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i really like your sump and have decided to do something very simmilar but with a removable media rack on one side. thanks for the idea.

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Thanks, I do have a removable media rack on one side, but i didnt really think it though to make it more accessible. Still thinking of ways to make my design work.

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