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Finished my Low budget 5.5ga!


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How hard to keep are those frogs? Is there a good nano-reef.com type page for dart frogs? I talked to greenstar a bit about them and they seem really cool.

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Wow...ask to see a frog tank, go away for a little while, and this thread becomes a herpetological madhouse. ;) I like it. :P


The websites Greenstar listed are the main ones I've checked out and have bookmarked myself. Poison dart frogs are awesome, and I have almost as much fun designing the terrariums for them as I do my reef tanks, but lately I've been finding the calling of the sea more alluring than the rainforest. :)



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Those are really good sites! Pumilo.com has some great info on husbandry and breeding. Frognet has great pics of tanks for possible ideas.


They're really easy!! The leucomelas have an awesome call and each one has markings like fingerprints, so no two are alike. Tinctorius are some of the largest dart frogs, but take 2-2.5 years to mature. This fall I'll have about 40-50 new froglet if anyone is interested??


Jeff - (anyone really) if you're interested, I can show you how to build a 10ga cheap enclosure which would be fine for 3 frogs. It would cost less that 50 bucks!


As far as caring for them.....once you have a good false bottom tank set up with plants and moss, all you really have to do is feed once a day and mist and clean the glass once a week. Like LR in a nano, the plants and moss absorb and use the nutrient in their waste and create an nice little ecosystem.



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Greenstar - you asked about housing the Leuc's and Tinc's together? There is not problem with it when the frogs are young. You can group rear tincs, leucs, azureus, and auratus all in the same tank (provided it's big enough). This past winter, we had our 3 tincs and 5 leucs in the 55ga. They were happy until the females started to lay eggs, then there was alot of froggy wrestling going on and we built the leuc tank.

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yeah, 32 watters fit just fine over a 5. All they need is atcinic spiral bulbs and you could fit tons of light over a small tank, as it is I'm using 13 watters for that...at least I will be when the bulbs show up tomorrow :)

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Went to the LFs and they had just received some fresh Fiji LR.


Grabbed 8lbs of some of the best Fiji I've seen at a LFS!

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There is tons of green, marroon, red, pink, and purple coralline on these pieces. Got several red branched sponges, some fire coral, tons of tube worms, several small bivalves, and one 1/2 bivalve that has "motored" everywhere in my tank! Did realize they could move like that!


Can't wait to stock it!

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Awesome Onthefly! :)


That's how I got my 5.5 off to such a good start, excellent live rock. :)


This thread (with the exception of the dartfrog posts) has become a perfect "how to" guide to setting up a 5.5...complete with patience! I hope everyone out there that's following this this pays attention to the dates Onthefly has posted and takes their time as well. The only thing that happens fast is disaster. ;)


Looking good. :)



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dude, those frogs are expensive. After seeing all your pics I was thinking about looking into getting some myself, but they ain't cheap. How come?

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That is a power statement!!!!!


I know, that the shamless plug for my "dart frogs for sale" start up buisness put it over the top didn't it.....:D


After keeping a FOWLR and reading and watching this site for almost a year, I knew the worst thing I could do is rush things.


BTW tested my water tonight after 11 days:





pH-8.0 (I need to get that up, I think its low because of the ammonium bicarbonate I added to start the cycle)







I think the PO4 came in with either the LR or the Coral Vital LSB. Either way, it's pretty low and my first w/c (plus alittle phosguard) should take care of that. I'm curious to see if the deeper bed helps to keep the NO3 down. This weekend I'm going to get some macro (any suggestions?).


Clean up crew should go in in a week or so!


Hopefully I'll get my first couple corals in in a month!


Yimmerz - Darts can be expensive, There are very strick importing laws and that equates to $$$ on our end. However, many breed well in captivity (I'd suggest buying them over wild caught anyway), therefore not all of them are pricey. Look at the leucomelas and auratus, both are very hardy and do well in captivity. I will be selling some this fall (ylw/blk D. leucomelas for $25 and the "powder blue" D. tintorius for $35) and a great place to get them is at herp. shows in your area.


As for the reflectors, I thought about DYI'ing my own, but they reflect plenty of light off the white hood!

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Yeah, reflectors are overrated. :) Well, I dunno about that, but the white hood is working just fine. I think my money would be better allocated to another 19 watter if I need more light.


OTF, I might just have to take you up on that frog thing when they're ready, and I can hook you up with a bunch of corals when the time comes.

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I'm diggin' on this LR!!!! Saw some pods come out last night and a cool attached worm (not a bristle!) that retracted when the flash light hit it. Alittle bit of the coralline is bleaching, but most of it is still holding its color.

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WhaT about me Jfly? I have some ready to go know if you are intrested that pair in the picture is for trade...

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ugh, I just lost that post. anyhow... the quick version...


I can barely keep me alive at the moment, let alone a reef or frogs being that its just shy of 100 degrees in my apartment during the day. The offer to give corals to OTF was unrelated to the wanting frogs, he happens to live near me so I might as well help him out. Besides, he might get something cool in the future he can give me a piece of and we'll both be better off. You both have nice lookin froggies and if/when I ever get any I'll be talking to both of you lots. :)

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As for the reflectors, I thought about DYI'ing my own, but they reflect plenty of light off the white hood! [/b]


I'd suggest some DIY reflectors made from empty soda cans... seriously (if , you know... you feel like it lol)


I've used those on my freshwater planted tanks (which, in some cases, crave as much light as LPS) and have had great success. My Ricca and Glossostigma were staying nice and compact untill we moved...:*(


These reflectors (plain three sided) work really well. My DIY on them was to use a little table vice and two wooden rulers to get a nice even bend. Then I just screwed them in with a couple of really tiny wood screws.

Add a little creativity to your bending, a protractor to check angles, and well... the mind just boggles.



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Great looking nano OTF. Just wanted to comment. I live in Eugene too, unfortunately i'm gonna be moving to Reno in 2 weeks. You 2 are the first people i have seen on here from oregon. I had planned on setting my nano up last month but this Reno thing came up so i'm waiting till i get down there. Keep up the good work though.

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Sorry to hear your leaving impur...say hi to my cousin in RENO!!!!


As for weekly update.......I've had a TPE......Total Pod Explosion! Itty bitty ones on the glass and rock, swiming around, and some big'uns on the LR itself. Cycle is complete, or atleast....Amm has reached zero, trites down to zero and trate are just a trace. Tomarrow is the first w/c ~20% and I'm going to get a crew for it.

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