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Fate's 40Br - NEW PICS 7/20


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alright, moved some more pieces over and got my first fish for this tank

pics are uploading as i type so ill post pics asap

someone is going to have to teach me how to take nice photos soon because my tank is already getting packed!

3 full weeks i believe and i have little to no space on the sand bed, but thats only because im seeing what does better lower in the tank in terms of color


best youll get for now but its pretty obvious on what they are...


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is that what that looks like? :unsure:


man im sooo happy i finally have something to look at!

tank is looking great! cant wait to get everything in their final place

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i hate test kits, why cant spectrophotometers be cheaper?!

well i tested the water last night again and it read all 0s so i brought one of my clams home and he kept on "coughing" so i asked ez whats up wit that and he said theres something in the water that it doesnt like so i go back and drop off the clam back into quarantine and do a water test with a spectrophotometer

you wont believe what the water is at

NH3 - 0.01

NO2 - 0.024

NO3 - 2.6

i was like wtf!

very surprised everything else is open, so for now im gunna wait until tomorrow and do a 50% wc and go from there

i knew there was no way my water was perfect but thats what you get for believing in test kits, gotta use the real deal

the helfrichs are happy too which is very strange for me, but only when the lights are off

right when i turn the lights on they hide but a few minutes after lights out they come out again

i hope they acclimate to the lights sooner rather than later but for now im gunna take it a bit slower, i know i have added a lot in the past week so i guess i need to let it play catch up

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so i did a 50% water change yesterday and gunna use the spectro tomorrow to see whats up with the water

i think its just because i added so much stuff at once

i added the picasso yesterday and the leuco today so thats all the fish for now

the leuco and the picasso have completely different personalities, the leuco swims all over the place exploring and the picasso just swims from corner to corner not really going down to the rocks or anything

when i first put the helfrichs in they were out when the actinics were on but when i turned the lights off they hid and today was the first day they came out when the light was on but only for a few minutes

right now my sandbed is littered with corals, all thats left for the moving is the clams and the sps which i want to leave for last

still want to up my flow and get my water perfect before i move over those guys

and i also still need some magnet mounts for the caps

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right now, heres the full list of what i have acquired in terms of livestock

i was SUPPOSED to get 20 electric blue leg hermits in on tuesday but legal crap with fish and wildlife in tampa

dont know if i should wait for them or just settle for some blue hermits just for now, or maybe ill just get a tang and say screw it for now! hopefully my lfs will have a small chevron they had one a couple of weeks ago and i KNEW i should have just gotten it but like an idiot i decided to pass for now


Clean up Crew

16 - Astrea

16 - Margarita

8 - Trochus



1 - White Bonnet Clownfish

1 - Picasso Clownfish

2 - Helfrichi Firefish



Zoanthid (from spidermans to red wines)

Palythoa (from lunars to true rpe)

Protopalythoa (from nucs to pds)

Plate (fungia)

Green Polyp Toadstool

Acanthastrea echinata

Acanthastrea lordwensis


Ricordea Yuma

Micromussa diminuta

Micromussa ameukensis





i still have a few more i want to get like cespitularia and some nice zoanthids

all ican say is my tank is lookin good...real good!

not really, everything is just tossed in there like no tomorrow

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lol TOO LATE! lol i moved all that over within a week!

still have a few more things to move over though like my cap collection

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Cool, just be careful, you know what to look for!


I think hoob put everything in his 40 zero edge in like a day. It can be done, just watch your params, which you seem to be well aware of.

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yeah i was warry of putting everything in a week but theyve been bugging me to get it all out

thats why im trying to sell off the rest of my stuff thats there

i still have ~40 more frags/colonies to sell off that i dont want to put into my tank

other than that the only thing left there is my caps and clams

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Another new fish to add to the list but this one brings function along with beauty

I went to the lfs thinking i was going to get some nassarius since they sell them for 0.49 each and they usually had them and the last time i went in they said theyd be in next week but that wasnt the case

they were out again but i also said to myself that if they had another chevron tang id get em and there they were

they had 2 chevrons so i got one

they said they got em in on tuesday and have been eating flakes which is awesome news but while i was there i saw them grazing too which is what i was looking for

so now i got my tang for the tank, and he'll only be in there for ~6-12 months and then its off to the 90 that ill upgrade to :)

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Sweet fish.


My tang is happy as ever, but becoming quite the azz hole towards ME....not the other fish!


Flairing and attacking the glass whenever I get close. I think I know why, and if I am right, these fish are smarter than we think! I have been training my mandarin to eat from a syringe with hard air hose, which he is doing very well.....but, the aggresive piggish tang will push him out of the way if this is in the open. I have solved the problem, by feeding the mandarin on top of a powerhead where the tang cant get because it is too shallow.


Before this, I had pushed the tang away with the tube so the mandarin could eat. I believe he mistook this for an attack and now thinks I am a threat. I am afraid to put my hands in the water lol. He give no aggressive reaction to my husband though, only me!

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thanks for the comments, actually the chevron is being a little bastard!

chases the helfrichs and the white cap! not the picasso though but thats probably because hes always near the surface in one of the corners

on another not, i finally set up the skimmer and i must say its AWESOME

the manual said it would take 2-3 days to break and when i started it up i thought it really would take that long but 3 hours later the foam started building up and now its on a role as it should be

still need to make an official sump but for now the rubbermaid will have to do

but all i can say is im happy with this skimmer...SO FAR

never know whats going to happen with these things, i just hope it doesnt overflow since im only using a 5g carboy as the waste collector for now

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

not really anything to update

same ol same ol

got a few new corals, finally moved the carpet nem to my tank but nothing really new

still need to get some more stuff to finish the tank ie drygoods

the skimmer works great for a few days then stops, then i have to wipe out the inside and then it works great again and it keeps doing that

so not soo happy with that

got a 1/10th current chiller but its not installed just yet lol which ive had it for ~a month now

toads have gotten huge, the caps are doing very well

i changed out the t5 actinic bulbs with daylight bulbs so thats on for ~14 hours a day now

still need to get some more mh bulbs

both clams are doing very well

all the fish are still alive, thought i lost the leuco but found him in the temp sump

im getting some more corals in thursday i think

ill update with pics then

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Whats your turn over rate with the CL and return from the sump?


I wish I had gone the drilled route but didn't know enough when I began so I'm stuck with a custom PVC overflow :/


If I move I'll have this bad boy drilled then, but I doublt I'll do a CL, not on this 40 but when I get my 125 or whatever is next. Then its on to MH, CL, and SPS :) okay maybe not SPS... but something fun!


Tank looks good, keep it up and remember... threads are dead without pics :)

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yeah i need to clean the glass too

as for turnover, right now the CL is off because the pump i was using heated the water to 86

the only thing i have running right now is 1 return pump and 1 powerhead

and the return pump is probably around 300-400gph and the ph is a little less than 200 gph so my turnover sucks

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Which pump was it that heated your water so bad?


Can you post some pictures of your tank from the front that shows how well you can see that overflow from the display? I'm considering it myself but I hate stuff in the tank. :P Thanks!

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the pump was a velocity t3

the overflow pipe im using isnt painted so you can see it clearly but the 90s connected to the pipe is painted and you really cant see that very well

ill take pics sometime next week

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alright heres some new pics







yes i know i still need to paint that pvc pipe, just really really lazy and its not like it hurts anything

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