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Coral Vue Hydros

Fate's 40Br - NEW PICS 7/20


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well i picked up another piece of lr that looks awesome, its just covered with ###### so i gotta clean it up

still need more but im still gunna set this up asap

need a freakin sump and i think im just gunna use a 10g tank for now until i get either custom sumps or a 15 sump


new piece i got today



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yeah when i saw it i told them i had to have it

dont know where its going to go, probably somwhere on the left side, i think i like how the right side is

well i got some water, but now i need a temp sump

i think im gunna go out to walmart and get a couple of rubbermaids for now and get a custom sump built in a lil bit

but right now i just want something so i can fill it and start running it

get this freakin cycle goin

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just put about 30 gallons into the tank and dont feel like going out again today so ill get another 30 tomorrow to finish this up!

im gettin there

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thanks christel

so it took ~45 gallons of water to fill the tank and sumps

everything is running and working how its supposed to, but now i have a major problem...ITS TOO LOUD!!!



lol i can get it to quiet down a lil bit by throttling back the pumps and closing the drain some but then the flow is really low, its only going at ~400 per pump so only 800 total on 2 1.5" drains!

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its quieter now but still too loud, i just shoved a pipe cleaning brush down the drain and its working some but now the pipe going down is really lous

ill figure osmething out

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no clue what to do now, the scwd already stopped switching

i think im just gunna get rid of the scwd and go with a T instead, atleast a T wont get stopped and maybe get an oceanmotion unit later on when i have more money

this tank is becoming really disappointing

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i hate it when internet connection is down

cant look up anything!

well last night was an experience, dont know how im going to fix this but i need to get it quiet, SUPER quiet

i couldnt sleep last night with all the water flowing through and it wasnt even 800 gph going through the freaking pipes! i shutting it all down last night because i couldnt stand the noise and after shutting it down every little thing annoyed me that normally didnt like the status light on my computer and the surge protector light and the cable box light


so any suggestions in how to make this a silent tank?!

i tried throttling the drain back to fill the tube with water and it helps with that area but then the bottom part of the drain gets louder

the overflow is fairly silent now since i put some pipe cleaner into the freakin hole and that shut that up

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I'm at work so I can't see the pictures of your setup. I appologize if you've already mentioned these things...


1) Do you have a durso or some other sort of silencer on the drain?

2) How does the water enter your drain? Is the pipe submurged? Do you have a 90 degree elbow on the drain where it enters the tank?

3) Is there any slope to the drain as it enters the sump or is it a straight drop?

4) How much flow do you have and what is the pipe diameter?



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1. i have an external durso

2. i have a similar setup like uhuru's pvc overflow. pipe is not fully submerged. tons of 90s

3. there is a 90 going to the sump

4. flow is roughly around 800, its 2 oceanrunner 2500's with about 4' head so im estimating around 400-500gph from each but ive also cut it down by 50%-75% and theres still tons of noise

pipe diameter for the drain is 1.5"

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i thought so too until i turned it on

this tank makes me want to get out of the hobby, it was that bad last night

the next thing im gunna try is putting a ballvalve at the bottom of the drain to fill the entire tube with water and see how that works

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I will post a pic of how I silenced my over flow later. I dont know if it will work for you though.


NEVER keep a tank in your bedroom. I learned that mistake the hard way myself. You get used to it lol.

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lol yeah i think im getting that too but for now its too late

i think i may just say screw this idea and close up the holes if the ballvalves at the bottom doesnt work

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You need to put caps on those external dursos and drill airline holes so you can adjust them. I did not have to do this on mine but I only have 200gph TOTAL going through that overflow. 800 gph is a lot! The way you have the pipes completely open right now that's definitely going to be loud as hell.


Your other option is to do a herbie style drain, but you would have to redo your plumbing a bit. You have to put gate valves on both of those drains and close them up enough that the pipes fill up with water (no air = no noise). The thing is you also need a backup drain for this to work, ie a third hole that is a bit higher than the horizontal overflow. This method is the best though. 100% silent, even suitable for a bedroom.


Can a single 1.5" drain handle 800 gph? If so you are fine, if not I would lower that flow to 600 or so.

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i believe 1 can handle 800 gph but im planning on throttling it back anyways

so the herbie method is the best?

ill google it and see what it looks like because i have no clue what it is

ive heard of it but never seen one

im gunna try a few things and see how they work

thanks for the reply


i think i know what to do and i may try it out, but crap man i hate plumbing things over and over again!

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well heres a little update, i turned on one side with a ballvalve at the bottom and i did a pseudo herbie style drain by just closing the drain enough so the entire pipe fills and that pretty much solves the problem but ive also noticed using 1 pump is SOOOOO much quieter

im gunna wait until I get another ballvalve for the other side to start everything up but im gunna let one side run

i can still hear it but not enough where it bothers me

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i hate running water, no matter how quiet it is, if i can hear it its too loud! lol

i woke up atleast twice last night thinking something is leaking

when you had a tank crack and you hear water pouring out, youll know what i mean

i did go to sleep though which is a lot more than what i thought would happen

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the good news is my tank is 4 days old

completely clears up now so theres not much left to do but wait...wait...WAIT!!!

just so you guys know, i got a SWEET ass clam

cant wait to start moving things back into this tank

gunna wait 1 more week and see how the water is and then make my decisions then

should i run the skimmer while im cycling or no?

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im anxious too but im not stupid, even though the water should be good i dont want to rush this

even though my corals only has 2 months left in the location its at before they demolish the building

but i still want to get this right first before i just go put anything in

ive been collecting my livestock over the past 2 years now and put a LOT of money into the stock

im not gunna just toss it in until i feel 100% sure its gunna be alright

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