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Fate's 40Br - NEW PICS 7/20


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thing is ive use both kinds and never had a problem with either

its ge silicon 1 and silicon 2

2 is the bad one but ive used 2 in my tanks before without a problem, and they only have 2 in the squeeze bottles

dont want to get a huge caulk tube of si1 for a few spots, and im also only using it on the outside so not a huge issue

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So you need to cut the pvc length-wise? That shouldn't be to hard, just mark a straight line, clamp it in a vice, and start cutting. You'd be amazed what you can do if you go slow and just use a decent hand saw.

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If you have an ACE hardware they sell "aqaurium silicone" and Lowes has it. Home Depot does not.... At least by me.


The anti-mildew is what's bad....

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the pvc parts connecting to the scwd is a threaded 90 and the thing connected to that is an mpt x barb fitting

FINALLY GOT A COMPUTER so now i can take as many pics as i want to and upload right away

only problem is theres nothing to update... lol



No I mean the PVC INSIDE the tank that connects the two out flows TOGETHER. I don't get it.



BTW, not yelling just trying to explain myself better :)

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i wish i could go to homedepot or lowes anytime i wanted but its 30 minutes away and dont feel like going out to get one thing but ill be going that way tomorrow so ill probably get it tomorrow but wont be back until sunday night


the top one is going to be the overflow like uhuru's and the bottom one is supposed to be a spraybar being fed from both sides via a scwd

not sure if im still going with the spraybar

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i wish i could go to homedepot or lowes anytime i wanted but its 30 minutes away and dont feel like going out to get one thing but ill be going that way tomorrow so ill probably get it tomorrow but wont be back until sunday night


the top one is going to be the overflow like uhuru's and the bottom one is supposed to be a spraybar being fed from both sides via a scwd

not sure if im still going with the spraybar



Wouldn't that totally defeat the purpose of the SCWD? Not hatin' just curious..

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itll spray from side to side gradually instead of from one side to another if that makes sense

i dont have a reason for doing this just trying something new out

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itll spray from side to side gradually instead of from one side to another if that makes sense

i dont have a reason for doing this just trying something new out



AHHH, I see. I say go for it and see how it works. At least you already have holes in your tank, I'm still waiting on bulkheads................freaking USPS.

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pipes are being painted, got half the sides painted now waiting for it to dry so i can paint the other side

gunna get some silicon today so thatll get done sunday

then sand rock and water in on monday

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decided to do a little designing while i waited for my pipes to dry


im gunna have 2 of these, one for a skimmer and one for a dsb/fuge

atleast thats the plan for now

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thanks for the help nano, atleast someone cares

anyways, i finished painting and siliconing so now all thats really left is cutting the pipe and getting the sumps

other than that i can put sand water and rock in now...which i will when i get home

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lol you and me both

have a quick question, should i just dump the sand in without rinsing? its dry sand so its probably alright

its been a while since ive had a tank with sand so dont remember what im supposed to do

im pretty sure i used to just dump and add water without rinsing


well, ive been thinking up a fish list

i know i had one before but its constantly changing

currently i have an onyx and picasso clown pair and a single white cap clown

as of right now, i want to get another white cap, a pair of rosy fin fairy wrasses (C. bathyphilius) and a pair or trio of sunburst anthias

then, when i go with the 90 get a pair of bellus angels

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NO! Don't put the sand in without rinsing it! It has alot of dust and particles that will cloud up the water quite a bit (even longer than usual)! Rinse in like 1 gallon increments, that way you can get most of the dust out, and have a clear tank faster.


EDIT: Tank looks awesome by the way. Well planned. Keep up the good work! I love 40bdrs.

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Sweet, you are so damn close. I bought some LR today but it's gonna be sitting in a rubbermaid tube for a while, lol :lol:

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sand is in the tank...still no water! its tuesday and no water! boo me! i suck! lol

well, friend from work cut the pipe for me so thats done, just need the paint now but i dont think im gunna wait to paint it and just start it up now

dont think i can wait anymore


just got the rocks in and i need a lot more!

i think it looks ok but still needs a lot more scaping done, i just want it up all the way this time

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sooooo bummed right now, i hate everything right now

my freakin onyx clown jumped today

ive been looking for this particular kind of onyx morph for years, and the worst part is i dont even have a good pic of her

she was paired with a picasso and the onyx was always the bully so i have no clue what could have happened to startle her enough to jump! DAM YOU LIFE!

now i may get rid of my picasso now that i hate everything and just stick with the white caps

dont want to make any rash decisions so no decision making is going on today except i will be getting water in the tank today since everything is set up

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