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Fate's 40Br - NEW PICS 7/20


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Since everyone is doing 40's now i just figure why not jump on the band wagon, actually its been in the works for a bit but just taking a while to get the pieces together

right now here are my plans

40br display

55 sump

75g petco stand

lighting - current outer orbit 2x150w mh 4x39w t5, replace t5 ballast with ic660 ballast

skimmer - etss reef devil

chiller - right now i have a current prime tower chiller 1/3hp but its WAY too noisy so deffinately need something else

right now im not really sure what ill be doing for flow, deffinately a closed loop just dont know what pump to use

the return pump will probably be some kind of quiet internal pump mainly because its going into my bedroom

closed loop pump will probably be the velocity t4

in one of the 40br build threads i saw this crazy lookin overflow using a pvc pipe cut in the middle running from end to end of the tank, and im deffinately going to try that out


as for livestock, i have almost everything i want but theres a few things here and there that needs to be obtained


2 clown pairs (onyx with picasso and white caps)

shrimp goby pair (dracula)

and some kind of fairy wrasse (maybe labouti or exquisite)



nem (orange carpet)

cleaner shrimp

pistol shrimp (randalli)


various corals from softies to sps

stand will be here monday but i still need my tank drilled which will probably be done this week at work

hopefully i can get water in the tank by the end of the week!

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suppressive fire
Since everyone is doing 40's now i just figure why not jump on the band wagon, actually its been in the works for a bit but just taking a while to get the pieces together

right now here are my plans

40br display

55 sump

75g petco stand

lighting - current outer orbit 2x150w mh 4x39w t5, replace t5 ballast with ic660 ballast

skimmer - etss reef devil

chiller - right now i have a current prime tower chiller 1/3hp but its WAY too noisy so deffinately need something else

right now im not really sure what ill be doing for flow, deffinately a closed loop just dont know what pump to use

the return pump will probably be some kind of quiet internal pump mainly because its going into my bedroom

closed loop pump will probably be the velocity t4

in one of the 40br build threads i saw this crazy lookin overflow using a pvc pipe cut in the middle running from end to end of the tank, and im deffinately going to try that out


as for livestock, i have almost everything i want but theres a few things here and there that needs to be obtained


2 clown pairs (onyx with picasso and white caps)

shrimp goby pair (dracula)

and some kind of fairy wrasse (maybe labouti or exquisite)



nem (orange carpet)

cleaner shrimp

pistol shrimp (randalli)


various corals from softies to sps

stand will be here monday but i still need my tank drilled which will probably be done this week at work

hopefully i can get water in the tank by the end of the week!

where are the pics im not going to read what you wrote until i see some pics. :P

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I wonder if I'm the only one who actually found that unattractive. those boobs are gross, being floppy and all. if she jumps up hard enough surely she could loosen a few teeth with one of those things.


oh yeah, sounds like it's gonna be a pretty sweet build. get on it.

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no youre not the only one glen but im pretty sure thats the same girl from suppressive's avatar

i dunno, some guys just like them big, doesnt matter what they look like as long as theyre big?

and im starting the build tomorrow with stand and hopefully getting the tank drilled and overflow built, just dont know how much theyre gunna like me using work time to build my own thing

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well just a little update

i got the stand...its a pos but like they say, you get what you pay and itll also do

i finally got my plumbing situated

herse a little diagram of what i want to do


i also priced everything i need plumbing wise and its going to be another ~$250

this is starting to get a LOT more expensive than i first thought, now i see why people avoid 1" and 1.5" fittings!

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lol pics will come in march, thats when ill be bringing down my comp

im in florida my comp is back home in virginia, and the next time im heading up is in mid to late march

hmmm i guess i could take some pics and head over to a friends

i finally drilled my holes today though, drilled 7 holes took a little over an hour


im also thinking about using eductors on the sump returns, any thoughts on that?

as for return pumps, it looks like im gunna go with 2 ocean runner 2500 throttled back, i would like to go with eheim 1250 but even wholesale theyre still around $80 and the ocean runners are about $45 i think it was

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after 3 trips to lowes im finally almost ready to place an order for pumps and other stuff i cant get around here

i also decided to screw the sea horse tank and do an eel tank! ive been wanting another golden dwarf moray forever and since i cant get the sea horses ive wanted forever, whats the point in doing something you dont want?!

now im just trying to figure out how im going to plumb everything so he wont be able to get out

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finally placed my order in today for 2 OR2500, 2 1.5" bulkheads, a strainer, other stuff, but now i should be good to go in plumbing

the light should be shipped today so hopefully ill get that by next week also

looks like next week is looking busy

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yeah yeah, i need to take pics

hopefully my roomate will have a cord to connect cam to comp

if she does then maybe, just maybe have pics tonight

but i really dont have much to show

just a tank thats drilled with 1" bulkheads and 2 empty holes with pvc fittings sitting in the tank

i tried taking pics of my livestock thats being held for me but the tank is extremely shallow and im using a 105mm macro lens which doesnt give me much room to take pics so that may have to wait

lol doesnt really seem like anyone cares anyways, especially without pics

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alright, my roomate said she had a card reader on her laptop but apparently its only an sd reader so couldnt go that way but finally i brought my camera to my friends place so now i can finally upload some pics

now its not that many pics but for now i guess itll do




hopefully some stuff will be coming in monday like lights and pumps and valves and bulkheads

still need those 1.5" bulkheads!

im planning on cutting some pvc this weekend to get the hard plumbing closer to being done

but atleast you get to see something now and im not just making all this up

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yup theres 7 of them, 3 for drains and 4 for returns, 2 are from CL and the other 2 will be from the 2 sumps

im still trying to figure out how im gunna set up an eel tank in a 15 tall, im now rethinking that plan because i dont think theres gunna be much room for the eel and thats not coo

if i had more tools and better supplies this wouldnt really be an issue but since i dont have any tools and no supplies its tough

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yay, today the lights arrived but still havent opened it yet

yesterday my pumps came in drop shipped from aqua medic and now im waiting for the rest of my championlighting stuff to arrive seeing that i cant do anything without the bulkheads! :(

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just found out my roomates comp can accept sd cards and since my camera phone has an sd adapter i took some pics

heres the closed loop pump, velocity t3, but once i go back home ill be bringing down my t4


heres another plumbing pic with 75% of the 1" plumbing done


outer orbit mh/t5


1.5" plumbing parts ready to get glued once i get the freakin pipe cut!


dual oceanrunner 2500 for returns


and here is my most prized posession right now, orange carpet nem


and heres a wierd pic of a paly, they used to be sunflowers but they kinda morphed a bit


all pics were taken with a camera phone

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yeah i was thinking about getting one of those but i cant see myself cutting 10 different pieces with a hack saw, im a pretty lazy guy

especially if i have the access to other ways

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