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Cultivated Reef

First Mantis Tank....


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6th day reading...


ph - 8.0

ammonia - 0

nitrate - 2

nitrite - 0

salinity - 1.023


is it possible the tank has already cycled? i didnt think it could happen that fast

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ive decided to go with my 35gallon breeder as opposed to the roughly 33-35G normal tank. speaking to some other mantis keepers the extra depth in the tank will be good to have. it isnt as high though...

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video of my mantis tank.....





Oh that just isn't sporting. Since you put that out there to click on it, Is that really the guy who sings that song, or is it a spoof? The guy looks like a 12 year old kid. It doesn't look like that voice comes from him.


PS: I won't hold this against you, since you have a Honda logo on your profile and all... =)

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you just got rick roll'd.


big time internet joke. that literally IS the guy who sings that tho haha....


and since your a fellow honda officionado.....


heres the link to my honda thread


my EF civic

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so travis, how did you set up your mantis tank? no CUC? small CUC? Introduced Mantis Immediately?

i just went with some of the biggest turbo snails to actually cleanup for awhile and then some smaller astreas for meals. ceriths and other burrowing snails tended to avoid detection for awhile. i normally had to replace the cuc every few weeks though.



awesome mantis :D

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