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Coral Vue Hydros

just a liitle seahorse


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hi! my friend wants has had 2 dwarf seahorses in a 12 gallon aqaupod, he wants siomething new in his tank and was thinking maybe a pipefish [he knows they get big and is going to upgrade soone anyway] he just wanted to know if they are hardy hard to feed or anyproblems overall. thanks :D

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The Propagator

Dwarf seahorses are a MAJOR responsibility that not every one is up to giving.

They require species only tanks ( IE only dwarf pipe fish and other dwarf seahorses with NO live coral or crabs). They require 2-3 feedings PER DAY of newly hatched baby brine shrimp too.

They are pretty much strictly an advanced hobbyist animal.

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ok yea my friend has a five gallon brine shrimp breeder tank and has already succesfully breed his ponies and just wanted something new thanks how bout a deep water gorginian for them to hitch onto he has fake plants now thanks again

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Pretty much what the Propagator said. Hard to feed and you have to catch them to feed them as they need to be RIGHT next to the food to even think of eating it. Your friend would probobly enjoy a good reef tank with a clown or two much more than a single seahorse in a tank... ;)

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ok thanks my friend is weird so he doesnt like reefs he likes weird fish like sea horse pipe fish etc. is there any other different fish that isnt so hard for him thanks

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i had a seahorse in a 12 gallon nano cube yeeears ago. it ate about 2 times a day. frozen brine shrimp. i had it in a tank with a yellow watchman goby. it was going strong for about 7 months until a hurricane came and shut off the power for a week and half. also, considering the fact the lfs sold it to me, with me having extremely little knowledge of actually knowing the extreme care of animal, i think i did a pretty good job. but i will say, i probably stuck really good luck with a very easy seahorse, typically they are extremely hard to care for properly.

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The Propagator

I bred dwarfs for years as well as dwarf pipes in the same tank.

They will be fine.

Dwarf pipes eat just as slow as dwarfs.

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