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Cool the site got a facelift! :)


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oooo, aaaahhh, me like too. :D


for a minute there i thought my wife left the chinese encoding on or something. ice cool! B)

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Ok.....due to lack of sleep over the last few days it took me three tries to realize I was on the right board. I clicked on a notification link and thought "Why the hell does this link keep taking me to my sons RC board? "



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Christopher Marks
Originally posted by Jahkaya

And It keeps Changing every second. It showed number of posts made, then it didn't.  What's up with that??


I do like the face lift though!!!


That's because I'm still working on updating everything to the new style. :)

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After an initial negative response, I am liking this better now. At work it is actually good on my eyes, I don't get the strain I used to have when flipping between this site and the work in my computer, which is usually on a clear backgrounf (like word documents)

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Matt Peacock

Wow...I haven't logged on here for months because of work, and I come on and it's all...different.


There's so many new peeps too.


Well done Christopher!



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Is it just me or is there just not enough definition between posts?


the white/grey/white/etc... works but...okay maybe its just me typing a new post to see what I need to change in my link and avatar for the new BG.

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Congatulations Chris!!!


Sure looks like you got everything back to it's usual superb state...like I said before...Great Facelift. :)

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The colors are OK, but now the site is like a thin little strip in the middle of my monitor. Too bad he didn't design it so it could expand or at least design it at 1024x768.

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