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Cool the site got a facelift! :)


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Hey guys I was just browsing the threads when the header completely changed. I didn't know Christopher was doing a redesign. In anycase it's a good change...don't you think?

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Aparently the header wasn't the only thing changing...I hope the text changes next because I'm having difficulty with this color scheme...it's hard to read.

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The background is like WHITE and the letters are like....light sky blue....


If i go blind. I'm sueing!!!..:D

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I refresh and whoa!

spots, spots spots!!! all i see are teal and blue spots!


Great new look but two words for ya "text color"

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ok, this site is officially a sunglasses only site until further notice.


on the bright side (pun intended) you will now get a nice tan when surfing nano-reef.com

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ok scratch that


edit: i do like how the user information is on the left and the buttons on the bottom are now


edit2: seamountain... 11+ppd. impressive.

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This must be what it's like to stare into a powered up 96w PowerQuad... Or even a 175w halide?!?!? :::squint squint squint:::

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Looks good so far. I really like the new navigation. Gonna have to change the background color on my avatar when you get it all done.:happy:

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usually when something new like this comes up a lot of people are shocked and protest, but after a while most get used to it and like it better. It is the content that matters, though. I personally think it now looks to much as Reef Central, I hope it does not become as slow, hehe.

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And It keeps Changing every second. It showed number of posts made, then it didn't. What's up with that??


I do like the face lift though!!!

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