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Cultivated Reef

It's been 3 days and !?


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A little patience should pay off...hey I've had this thing cycling for 3 days and just now noticed all this stuff you'd think I would of seen them earlier than this. But things sure do seem to be going really fast for my tank. To think I'm not even sure if the LR I bought is cured or not. hehehe...I think the place I bought it from cured it. They have this huge pond like tank with great filtration and you get to pick the LR you want...but since it's huge picking can take ages. It took me 1.5 hours to pick the first set and another hour for the stuff that I just added

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Awesome, it is probably cured or precured at least... either way they must be great if you have the live stuff coming out :)


Mine on the other hand had been sitting out for about 5-6 days before I came and bought a box of it... but hopefully all will be great :)

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  • 9 months later...

Ahhh! Thank you! I was just thinking of getting a filter from walmart to clean up the dust from the lr and ls.


My 4 day old Nano Cube is really dusty. I cleaned out the sponge filters this morning and while pulling them out, the water got all dirty again :( so I got the idea to get a 5-15 filter and try that.



Originally posted by PufferGuy

Is this a new tank? If so, thats why the water is cloudy. The stuff clouding the water is the "dust" from your sand/corral on the bottom of the tank. The best thing to do would be go to wal-mart and get one of the filters that they sell. (Its like the Penguin Bio-Wheel filters but it doesnt have a bio-wheel.) I bought the 5-10-15 model for my 10gal. Put that on and it will clear the water up in a few hours.

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Its just basically "Dust" off the sand... When I started my 10g I just dumped it all in...


It was "Dusty" or "Cloudy" for almost a Month...

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I picked up an aqua tech 5-15 filter from walmart for $9.99.


I've had my Nano cube running for a week now, and it was still dusty... after 4.5 hours with the extra filter, the water looks crystal clear!


I also removed all 4 black sponges from the stock filter and washed them out... man were they dirty!!!



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