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Coral Vue Hydros

It's been 3 days and !?


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My water is still very cloudy and dirty looking... it also has a lot of dusty type things skimming the surface of the water....



This is w/ 25 lbs of uncured live rock

and 30 lbs aragonite..


Any thoughts?


I did a water change yesterday... about 10-15%... and it's still cloudy as ever over 24 hours later.. =T

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I just have hte lives rocks... and the AquaGlobe 200Fs


Should I switch to the sponge add on they have? That seems to get stuff attached to it?

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Hmm that's interesting...I'm curious as to what may be causing it too Dennis. I just setup my tank 3 days ago too and a friend of mine did so as well. But mine is very clear except for the floating stuff you mentioned. Yet my friends tank is behaving exactly like yours. He has a 10G

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Awww, I wish mine would clear up... I think it might be the uncured live rock? Perhaps all the gunk is still floating around? Did you use any sort of filtration? Or did it just all settle down for you cuteios?

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Is this a new tank? If so, thats why the water is cloudy. The stuff clouding the water is the "dust" from your sand/corral on the bottom of the tank. The best thing to do would be go to wal-mart and get one of the filters that they sell. (Its like the Penguin Bio-Wheel filters but it doesnt have a bio-wheel.) I bought the 5-10-15 model for my 10gal. Put that on and it will clear the water up in a few hours.

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Will that drain any of the nutrients that I'm looking for to start the cycling? You're talking about a HOB filter right? using the filter screen the stuff will clean up? Is that what you're referring too?


I was thinking that too, but just wondering if any of the stuff that I need to be cycled will get messed up because of that or whether it will impede the cycling process?

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Everything pretty much settled down for me...I admit it was a bit cloudy for a couple of hours there but now it's crystal clear. Now my friend Rommel is not quite so lucky...he was complainign about it for about an hour on the phone a couple of hours ago

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no it wont mess up the cycle, it just cleans the water. You should probably just go ahead and leave it on there even after its cleaned up the water. The filter im referring to is just one that hangs on the back of the tank. Mine was $14.99 at Wal-Mart and it works for aquariums up to 15gallons. You might need a bigger one, i dunno what size your tank is.

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Ah I have one of those from my Freshwater aquariums, I think I will go ahead and use it right now :) after I clean it up first ;) there will be some algae or dirty stuff that has dried up and accumulated there over the years, will that be fine still?

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Thanks :-D I hope it goes aokay!! This won't disrupt the cycle at all? Because I always thought that the stuff would just decompose itself and whatnot? Sorry I'm just being anal, going to clean the filter now :)

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nah the cycle should be fine.. if youre really worried about it, just use the filter for a few hours until the water has been cleaned up, then take it off.

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Thanks for your help puffer guy... the HOB filter is on... hope it cleans up the murk... and not steal any of whatever live stuff I have on the rocks or sand :)

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Hey Dennis,


Im curious how did you put your sand in? When I put mine in I was VERY careful (someone told me how to do it here), and cut a corner in the edge of the bag and pinched it shut, lowering it to the bottom of the tank, then I let just teeny bits out at a time so the dust wouldn't rise.


Did you rinse the sand first? Did you order it from an Online store?


I was very careful and still my tank looked like this afterwards. It lasted for 1 day...




After 1 day it looked like this...




But I imagine it would have taken a lot longer if I just dumped the sand in.


Hope it clears up soon! Im sure the HOB filter will help.



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That's a great transition bill :)


I hope mine will look like that tomorrow now that I have the HOB on :)


Was your rock cured? pre-cured? Or uncured?

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Dennis you can run the filter you used for fresh water. It's won't hurt the cycle at all. You will probably want to rinse the filter media once or so a day, it's going to catch a lot of silt and crap. The extra circulation will do the tank good.


Don't worry it WILL clear up. :)

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Hey Dennis. The rock was pre-cured. I cycled in about a week. Its been almost 3 weeks now and I just did a 20% water change. Gonna run some tests tomorrow and if all looks good Im going to add a hermit or two.

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Hey Dennis, my tank is a bit cloudy again...I just added about 5lbs of LR and re-did the aquascape. Now it looks a little cluttered...I guess I'll have to give away some of the LR pieces. I'm hoping that my water will settle quickly again.

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Good luck :) I woke up this morning hoping for clean water, bu thten realized I didn't have my powerheads on! Just the HOB filter... hopefully it can get nice before my gf comes to check it out for the first time :)

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Thanks, turns out my luck is good...hehehe...it's only been a couple of hours and it's already clear. Plus I just noticed that the old live rock seems to have some sort of coral frags on it...they seem to be doing well, first time I saw it open up...it's so tiny though. But I have counted no less than 11 feather dusters so far. I'm having fun now.

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Wow! YOu have more life in that thing than I do in my larger thank :( I'm kind of annoyed that I don't notice any life on my live rocks... maybe it's been out of the water too long, damn me for buying rock that's been sitting around for 5-6 days Arhghgh... I got them from Jeff's Exotic Fish... they look good though :) so I have faith in the guy!


Hopefully I will start seeing feather dusters in a bit, unless they're all dead by now =(

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