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Coral Vue Hydros

Teresa's 10


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I thought about upgrading to a halide so I could keep other stuff in it but nixed that. I want this to stay softies and LPS. I'd like to add some more rics and maybe a few other polyp morphs and then just let it fill. The hi-fin is more than enough fish for this volume so that's it for critters. I'd love to get another one and do a panda goby habitat though.





Awesome.... when I get my mushroom tank set up i'll have to hook you up with somethin.

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Just got the feet for the light in today. Had to move the HOB filters to the kitchen side of the tank to accomodate the lights. I think it looks really nice the way it is. Much brighter in front now that the lights sit like this. Before, the lights were closer to the tank on the kitchen side. Obviously won't be set up for very long but I'm glad it turned out nice for when we get to IL.



Some kewl shrooms popping up in the anole tank. Looks neat.





So that's the update for now. Water should clear in a bit and then we'll see how it looks.



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Teresas anniversary present. And no I didn't get this for me, it really is for her. She asked for it and picked this one out.





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  • 2 weeks later...

No real updates to speak of. Everything is doing well and no losses to report. I'm moving to IL in 4 days so basically just getting ready to pack the tank up and move it. If you're looking for some ideas, I've got a ton. Midget SPS forest, Monti caps covering the floor of the tank, Panda goby habitat, Shroom/ric garden, zoa garden, or just your basic mixed bag tank like mine. I use HOB filters but I'd love to drill this thing and really get crazy plumbing it into my larger tank. I'm also a big fan of the large LPS centerpiece with softies around it like I had with the bubble. You could try doing a sun coral / dendro tank only. I've seen an acrylic cube plumbed into a system that had just that, nothing else. It sat above this guys fuge and just had a line running up to it and an overflow. No lights just water flow. It was AWESOME. My thing is, make it your own. You like monster tanks from RC but can't afford one? Make that midget SPS forest. I'm a monti nut so I want the cap tank and I'm an animal nerd in general so I like the species tank idea with Panda gobies. I really like this tank size and shape because it forces you to be picky about what you're keeping due to floor space constraints and can force you to be innovative if you want to keep something "difficult" but attractive in such a small tank.



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at first i thought about clams, but i want to make a really unique liverock layout, idk i still gota think about it...im porbably guna have a ac 20 on it with my custom skimmer, and might have a 2.5 sump/fuge

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Clams could be neat but you'll have to have a larger system to step up to. I've seen 1/2 29s and stuff so it could get interesting over time. If you want to get crazy with LR you could go 2 ways. Just fill it with LR and a bit of sand and make it look like a tide pool. That could be neat. Or...almost no LR at all/all of the LR in the sump/fuge...just a carpet of corals or clams. There are all sorts of ways to stay unique with it. Like I said, the size of the tank itself almost forces you to be unique and creative in your stocking and 'scaping plans. Good luck with it. Hopefully some day I'll get more like this and start on my other ideas that I listed. Until then I'll just live vicariously through the people who come to the thread.



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hah, i came up with an idea i might stick with... some sort of xenia and make an xenia forest around the perimeter except the front and have some feather dusters and have a nice center piece coral like a gonipora

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That would be awesome! I'm all about feather dusters and stuff like that. I've got a boatload of xenia growing in the 55 and it looks really nice. It'd look neat contained in a small tank. One of the things I was thinking about doing was the midget SPS forest. I don't really like the huge SPS dominated tanks you normally see but what I would like to do with a tiny tank like this is go BB and place acropora frags all over the bottom and just grow them out to a packed forest. That would make for some awesome top-down photography. 70w MH or maybe even a 150w raised up off the tank would grow some serious SPS and it's small enough that pushing major flow through it would be easy. That just may be my next project...transfer my stuff that's in the 1/2 10 now to a full 10 gallon and make my Panda goby habitat, then use this tank for my midget SPS forest.


We'll see...



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Oh, I'm all about the cheap reefin. If I did the SPS midget forest it'd be slimers and cheap stuff or trades from the 55. I think a xenia and duster tank would look really kewl over time. The LPS centerpiece is a good idea as well. I really liked how it looked with my bubble.



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I'm sure it will. On the road home to IL right now, horrible trip so far. I'll fill everyone in on both my threads when I get home and get unpacked.



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Hi-fin is dead, urchin is dead, and the CUC is on its way out. No idea how the corals will fare at this point and the tank is sitting in the garage on the lawnmower. Whatever is left alive is in the 55 for now so check that thread to see the story of how it all went down.



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It's up in the air right now but this tank may become a holding tank for all of the softies that survived the trip. No sand and probably egg crate bottom to keep the frag plugs in check. Run the HOB's with phosphate remover and chemi-pure most likely. They'll chill out in here or in a full 10 while I get the 55 straightened out. Going to get a good size CUC and some other cleanup critters for the 55 so some will come to this tank. It won't be pretty again for awhile but this tank will be up and running again soon, I'm sure of it.



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So the tank is up and running. It's just running water in it right now until the temp is stable. I'm putting egg crate in the bottom of this tank and all remaining softies will be going in it along with the candy canes and possibly 2 montis. Some of the huge rocks that have zoas on them will have to ride it out in the 55 and I'm still unsure as to how I'll get the grandis palys off their rock but everything else should be mobile.



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No new pics to show since it's empty. We just moved to IL this weekend so all of the coral is in the 55. When the temp is up I'll move stuff over to the little tank.



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Built a little egg crate rack in here and got all of the zoa/paly frags into this tank. Moved the duncan, candy cane and pavona as well as 2 monti frags. The monti frags are touch and go right now but the candy cane and pavona are done. The duncan actually looks great and has the whole time, very hardy creatures. I wasn't able to separate the grandis palys from the LR and one of the other LR chunks was too large to fit in here and it's covered with polyps on one side. I've also got a mushie covered rock still in the 55. All of those still look alright so time will tell what happens to them. In this tank, the Green Funk palys and the NG polyps are opening and look to have fared well. The NG polyps in the 55 are actually opening as well and don't look all that bad. If these 2 monti frags go south I'll have lost every SPS I have so that really sucks. As far as critters go there are some snails and asterina stars poking around the 55 and at least one conch in this tank looks good and is crawling along the glass. A horrible move but we're starting to get back on our feet as far as the tanks go. The softies will stay in here until things get stable in the 55 and then we'll start rebuilding. I've somewhat got the 'scape in there figured out and I've got 2 pieces of LR from the 55 picked out to go in here. This tank will be black sand again and the 55 might be BB but I haven't decided. The pico project tank that I picked up will be BB for sure so we'll see how it goes.



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