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yasha hashe gobies?!?


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I am also curious like embryoguy is about the randalls getting any food, I never see mine eat either but the goby gobbles food and goes into the hole so it makes me wonder?

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My Yasa Hashe Goby eats well. But that took a few days of course.


My Halloween Hermit Crab just ate my Margarita Snail..:)

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ive asked this question a few threads.....Q:how does the pistol shrimp eat? does the goby feed the shrimp? has anyone seen there shrimp eat? all ive seen him do is move sand/crushed coral while the goby gets all the food. i would surmise teh goby feeds teh shrimp somehow. but curious if anyone knew a definitive answer.


thanks in advance.

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Here's a pic of the little guy that I got last night. He just found his pistol shrimp friend and got more courageous. I'm stoked to see him out in the open more. Here ya go...


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Does anyone think that the DWARF Brittle Stars would attach and/or eat these gobies and their shrimp? I am not referring to the green stars, but the little dark ones. And, of course, I don't mean the MiniBrittleStars you see for fuges and sand beds.

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Originally posted by rbaby


Spike Fin Goby


How about this guy?  Anybody have any experience with this guy?


Rbaby, do you have these fish. That looks like a Panda goby behind it. How do they get along?



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I have a Spike Fin Goby on order to pair up with my Yasa Hashe.. I think they look so different there is not going to be any issues. Plus Yasas hang out together and don't mind it.:)

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You must be crazy rich, dont the spikes go for $150? Yasha is $40-60. Can u buy me one too :happy:


BTW, where did you order them from? And don't forget to keep us updated! :D

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Yes they sell for around $135 and up!.. The Yasa was around $60-$80. But man when you only have 12G I am pretty picky. Plus I am a Web Designer and I made a deal with a LFS for a HUGE store credit and COST for life...:)


I do this with allot of stores in many different areas. This current site I am building is located at:




Only the home page is live due to clients request! The rest will be built as client provides info.



Web Guy

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Bob no I don't have that fish, I just saw it at the website. I do plan on buying a hashe or the spike fin though with a pistol...I also want a panda or a clown goby.

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He dug a burrow in the back and comes out during the day always looking for food.:) He moves around at night when the purple reef lobster disturbes him!

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