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Baby Maxima Clam!


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Well went to the not so LFS today (sharkys reef, (great place)), and saw a couple of awesome clams. I was going to buy some misc softies. Then I saw this little beauty. A baby maxima. So I took the plunge, and justified my reasoning behind getting Metal Halides.


He hasnt stuck his mantle out yet.I have seen him trying to stick his foot out into the live rock earlier. I've done a lot of research on clams but know very little about baby clams. Other than the fact that they feed off phyto.


I have a 24G Aquapod 150hqi MH. Pair of ocellaris, a neon goby, CUC, torch coral, ricordea, and orange zoos.


For feeding I have a product called roti-feast. I was told this would be good for the clam by the LFS. I use it for my coral every now and then.


So questions followed by pics.


What would be the best way to feed this little guy without throwing my water off?


How much, and when should he be fed?


Low flow or is moderate ok?


Any other advice would be awesome, I really hope he grows into an awesome clam. I'll keep this thread as a journal for the little guy.


Now to the pics. If you notice something particular please let me know.










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I'd say place it on the bottom . I think the clam is getting too much direct light and that might be the reason is not opening up.

Just my 2 cents


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he doesn't look good right now. that's what my deresa looked like right before he died, after a PH feel on to him.


place him on the sand bed, and for easy removal, bury a shell underneath the sand for him to attach his foot too.


for feeding, you need to have a bit of a change of strategy... juvie clams are very high maintenance, and haven't yet developed to where they can feed on light... they are aalmost 100% dependent on you feeding them until they get to be over 3"...


you need to have the clame in a place (shell) that you can easily take out. fill a bowl with tank water and phyto... i don't think it'll eat rotifers, those are for fish fry, definitely NOT clams. phytoplankton is what they eat as juvies. place the clam in the bowl of tank water (with a good bit of phyto) until the water is clear. do this daily. should take about 10 mins, usually.


the reason for the bowl is that the concentration of phyto needed to effectively feed the clam will foul your tank water.


spot feeding in the display will not be enough at the size you have.


there's a great clam forum on RC that'll have more tips, ie how much phyto to put in... i know it's a fair bit.


honestly, i don't know why stores or the clam hatcheries even sell them this small. most people aren't willing to put the time in to have a success with a juvie clam.

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I hate to say it but that clam doesn't look good at all. It's mantle is not only receded, but it looks like it is gaping too. I would recommend keeping it in high light & low to moderate flow, bowl feed it phyto, and cross your fingers. It could recover with some TLC, but it does look pretty bad right now. Was it's mantle looking normal in the store?

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