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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Orange Ricordia Gallery


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I think we all can agree that the most beautiful ricordias are orange. If you have a good shot of your orange ricordia post it here. Please size your images to 450 x 337 so it doesn't take all day to load for the people with the slow connections

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I dunno, ive seen some REALLY pretty blues...........

I love my oranges, but havent got a digital camera..

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Ummm.....I am trying to make this a gallery.


Insert jerk comment here > Please post a picture and a description or just look.

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Originally posted by Acoustic

Ummm.....I am trying to make this a gallery.  


Insert jerk comment here > Please post a picture and a description or just look.



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Originally posted by Acoustic

Ummm.....I am trying to make this a gallery.  


Insert jerk comment here > Please post a picture and a description or just look.


that was funny.



you are way too touchy about this, it is still a posting board. Where people are allowed to post their opinions.



there, I followed the rules

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I like the yellow also. But you guys know, this thread is for ORANGES only. Ya might get torn a new one....pffft.


I still like blues the best, biaatch.

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Here's an orange I have. Not near as fancy as all of the other pics, but I think it's a really nice piece!

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Originally posted by peterk

this is pretty.  if i have a 5.5g with 32W of light (white/blue), can I house an orange ric too?   thanks.




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the "yellow" one is a green, but it started to change color ever since i put it closer to the MH. it has a small polyp growing on the side already.


word of advice...


Ummm.....I am trying to make this a gallery.  


Insert jerk comment here > Please post a picture and a description or just look.


this is pure stupidity.


I like the yellow also. But you guys know, this thread is for ORANGES only. Ya might get torn a new one....pffft.


I still like blues the best, biaatch.


i can see your sarcasm in this one. but the last line isnt called for.

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I am never posting a new thread to try and make a nice gallery or anything good ever again. I am just trying to do something nice. Raise what is your problem. I am just trying to do something nice. How can anyone ever try and do something nice on a thread for everyone to just enjoy and enjoy the beauty in our prized corals with such blatant disrespect. I am so upset right now. Thank you Raise.



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You brought it on yourself.

If you cant handle the superoffensive term "biatch" then you may need therapy..

You called me a jerk and I called you a biatch...whats the harm?

Anyways, so everyone doesnt think IM the Dick (its really you), if youd like Ill delete all my previous postings in this thread. Sorry for causing your world to come crashing down.


Lets be friends, really.


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Originally posted by Raise

You brought it on yourself.

If you cant handle the superoffensive term "biatch" then you may need therapy..  

You called me a jerk and I called you a biatch...whats the harm?  

Anyways, so everyone doesnt think IM the Dick (its really you), if youd like Ill delete all my previous postings in this thread. Sorry for causing your world to come crashing down.  


Lets be friends, really.



i have no problem with those terms. do use them if you want. it really shows how large your vocab really is. the reason why the term is "superoffensive" is there are kids are here. its really nice of you to spread on the stupidity. wow, i m the dick now. maybe you are the balls next to it.

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First of all slappy, I wasnt talking to you.

I am not at all concerned with what you have to say, so please shut up and save it for someone who might listen.

Kids these days( I should know i have 16) hear much worse everyday on the playground .. Can we please stop and be friends?

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