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JBJ Nano Cube 28g HQI


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I concur with you 100%....I hate all in ones....Not to mention the pricetag on the 28 is totally ridiculous and the skimmer looks super cheesy!


i love my all in one.. but i gota admit, im very new B)

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JBJ is a joke! I was VERY excitied and willing to shell out the money and that was when we got the first release date. I traded some corals for a 24 gallon nanocube with a standing 250 watt HQI about 2-3 months ago. I was going to wait for the new 28 to come out but after seeing the new release date




Expected date 21 JULY For the 28 gallon HQI Nano cube by JBJ Lighting"


I'm glad I traded for the 24 gallon. And if the 28 is that good I'll consider it. I'm glad I didn't wait for it but then again I do have a 66 gallon too. But its ridiculous on how many release dates were given!

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Okay... People... I live in NorCal and called Pacific Reef just to confirm they got them in! And they did!!!! Can anyone post some pics up? Just like a X-mas present I even want to see the box. I called a local shop here in San Francisco and told them they have them in Socal and when they'll recieve it. He stated in a couple weeks? Makes no sense since he's probably one of the only LFS that carry JBJ products?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got one for my bday present! Picutures will be posted up in a thread soon! yay! Looks killer. but the dimensions are the same as the jbj 24, cept its a few inches Deeper (front to back)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have one on backorder from Nanotuners. They said they will have them in stock by the end of next week. Hopefully this is a good date.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, is anyone still trying to get these. I have a friend that is offering 5 of these 28 gallon hqi nano cubes...brand new...sealed...for $400 each if I get 4 from him today...anyone want to do a group buy with me? PM me if your interested..I have to let him know soon otherwise Im going to have to tell him to forget it..thanks..

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Hello, is anyone still trying to get these. I have a friend that is offering 5 of these 28 gallon hqi nano cubes...brand new...sealed...for $400 each if I get 4 from him today...anyone want to do a group buy with me? PM me if your interested..I have to let him know soon otherwise Im going to have to tell him to forget it..thanks..



Bump...I ended up buying all 5 so I didnt miss out on the deal..hopefully I wont get stuck with these..... I have mine now and two others got theirs..just need two more people..I just got the tanks in today...


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  • 4 months later...

Hey buddy aka idiot supporter of ATA, dont tell me to get my freaken story straight. I know how their customer service was " we no uh....bargain, no no, you dont like price, you go" This guy couldnt even go 2bucks cheaper on a 50dollar frag. I freaken drove 30minutes to this bull###### fishstore. They had mushrooms for 35bucks when I can get cheaper at my LFS. The main guy cant speak english, bad customer service. And they tried to sell me any tank other then the JBJ. They said "ifyou buy jbj, we dont give guarantee for return, not good tanks" .Ive had JBj tanks and I believe they are the best all in one tanks that I've owned. So, Why dont you shove a fish up your butt, id love to meet you outside of this fishstore to beat the crap out of you for even trying to defend a shaddy store such as ATA. And in case you coudlnt read what I wrote, the owner told me the CUSTOMER tried to SUE the ATA owner, not JBJ. I never said the customer tried to sue JBJ. And just like someone else says, they try to get customers to not buy JBJ. The guy try to sell me a frogspawn that only had 2branches for 80bucks...what a JOKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe. I would never go there, and I dont recommend anyone going to this ######ty as# fishstore. I guarantee anyone that they can find better prices at a local fish store. These guys dont deserve to even mention the word "warehouse" because I didnt see anything cheap at that freaken stupid store. What pissed me off was the horrible bullsh#t he was saying, trying to sell things by lying and on top of that NOTHING WAS CHEAP!





so buddy, GET YOUR STORY Straight before you try to defend your friends store because You were not there when they told me any of that. So dont tell me to get my story straight, idiot!


Once again, for those of you like me, who likes good customer service (even if they dont bargain), good attitude, and very helpful. please go to any store other then this one. Its a waste of a drive, waste of money and waste of dealing with these people who thinks they can run their business how they might in their own community.



get your story STRAIGHT.


ata could sue jbj if they so wished. jbj black listed ata BECAUSE ata was selling the nano cubes for a lot less than jbj was and the pacific reef stores were. they wouldn't let the wholesalers sell the nano cubes to ata unless ata agreed to sell them at a higher price.


remember the flaming that went on a while back? free tang and a free bag of sand with purchase of a nano cube from them? ata raised prices to match jbj's standard but then threw in all that extra junk for "free" since the prices were raised. jbj didn't like the fact that ata was now giving away free stuff and then completely black listed them. ata at the same time decided to stop selling nano cubes and go completely over to the aquapod because so many customers were calling about cracked nano cubes.


basically, jbj blacklisted ata because they were annoyed ata was selling them for so low compared to what they and pacific reef stores were selling them for -_- and most certainly annoyed about outselling jbj. because of those underhanded tactics, i personally will never buy another jbj product again


lbaskball...what are you talking about? -_- they have the cheapest prices for fish and corals anywhere -_- why else do you think other stores are lowering prices on fish and coral? -_- to ask them to lower their prices after they're already dirt cheap is unreasonable -__-



"free tang and a free bag of sand" hahah another joke by these idiots. If ata could sue JBJ, then good for them, thats not hte story I was being told by the owner who thought he was the best wholesaler of America!!!!!


By the way folks, I bought a JBj 28gal Nano from Marinedepot, great tank, all under $550.00 and i also recommend pacific reef i believe in torrance. Heard those people are friendly there. Prices are good too.

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