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Coral Vue Hydros

Unusual stocking suggestions please!


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Hi all,


Im finally here in the pico room. Wwooooooooooooo!!


Im going to be moving property in a few weeks and im currently designing and buying all the components for a 5g pico which i will be setting up as soon as i get to my new residence.


The tank is going to measure 30*30*30, and is going to be constructed out of a new glass available here in the UK which acts as a algea guard as well as gives better clarity of the glass. Its going to have a hole drilled in it to allow for connection of a sump which will measure the same as the display tank. This is where all equipment is going to be housed. I understand that the total volume of this system exceeds that of a true pico but the display will fall into that catagory and so feel that i should be asking the pico pro's what livestock too add.


Im going to be using a tunze reef pack as filtration along with a 70watt MH. I will be keeping various small frags of zoas along with maybe a small frag of LPS but was wondering what i could keep along with these that would be that bit unusual, ie a mantis, unusual crab, you know what im aiming at. I know all things that we keep are amazing but just want something that bit special.


Is there anything that you all would like too give a go but have not tried yet?


All feedback will be considered with much thought. Thamks in advance and happy reefing to you all. :D

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Sounds like a heck of a project. Unfortunately I don't have enough expertise to give advice but I sure would like to see some pics when you get started.

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Of course were out here LOL. Your new tank sound's interesting. I would like to see the new glass there using. Pictures of your new tank and how your seting it up would be nice. So keep us updated on your progress.

I don't know what you can buy for unusual livestock in the UK.

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The tank is going to measure 30*30*30, and is going to be constructed out of a new glass available here in the UK which acts as a algea guard as well as gives better clarity of the glass.
that comment is interesting. i'm curious, what do you mean by that?


some of the livestock you noted are interesting types (mantis and crabs). are you looking for something that looks interesting or acts interesting?

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I supposed your tank is 30 x 30 x 30 cm. The trunze nano reefpack is quite big and must be placed in the tank. You might want to check out the reefpack dimension first.

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ah, thanks nip.


so it's a chemically inert film of some sort? you'd still have to wipe off the algae but the algae's just not very strongly bonded to the glass because of the protecting film, correct?

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I have no idea. their website doesn't say much.




If it's a chemical herbicide, bad idea. If it's a really strong bonding material that doesn't provide the cell with a porous surface to attach onto, I don't believe it.


Perhaps it's like what they do with some water storage containers, line the things with aluminum. I'm a little suspicious, as such a wonderful development should have greater distribution don't you think?


Anyway, I dug up some info




But considering the source, I'd take it with a grain of salt. I've read some bs in aquarium magazines before and it's tainted my view of them. I guess I'm really suspicious because there's no indication of what compound is being used. And the only other relevant info I could find (albeit I didn't look very hard), was for industrial use.


UK: Opting for that optiwhite glass huh? I should be getting some in by friday. I wonder if it's worth it myself for a tank this small. good luck with your tank

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I would test tankguard under MH for a year. And see if it's still working then. I would also keep checking the tank for clarity. Because being applyed to the glass and under MH. Might cause it to change color with age.

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If it's a really strong bonding material that doesn't provide the cell with a porous surface to attach onto, I don't believe it.
sounds like they mean that. actually, it sounds like window tinting when they say they have a kit you can apply yourself.


there's also some clever marketing wording. you would still need to wipe the algae off everyday, the product is just designed so that stubborn algae wouldn't be able to anchor itself onto the glass (supposedly).


algae could/would still grow on the film's surface (not like a zero-friction concept), "although algae will grow on it, it is the removal that is much easier - even easy enough to remove with your finger".


i wonder what happens when the film is disturbed though? i.e. something rubs or gouges a piece of it off. does it show up as a small patch that's "un-filmed/laminated"?

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Hi everyone,


See you all have been looking into this with some interest.


They state and i can only take thier word for this but it is chemically inert. Im going to email the company when they open and put too them some of your questions. these are all valid points such as "i wonder what happens when the film is disturbed though? i.e. something rubs or gouges a piece of it off. does it show up as a small patch that's "un-filmed/laminated"?"


Im defintly going to be giving the optiwhite a go as i feel that because this is going to be a main piece of my living room i want it too look that bit special. Hopefully it does give real good clarity. As far as the reef pack goes i have already got this and measured it. This will fit in my sump and will also have enough room for a heater and pump.


The tank is going to be viewable from 3 sides but want too give it a cube look so you can see right through it without any color background. Im not having a wier installed in this project just a 40mm hole off centre so i can connect all pipe work. Im going to be placing the small amount of LR around the overflow to hopefully conceal it as much as possible.


As for water movement what i am considering is having the outlet of the pump run back up through the overflow so as this is hidden as much as possible too. Any viewable overflow will have a covering of GSP just too take your eye away from this.


As far as live stock goes i would like something that looks that bit special as this tank is really for viewing. Im going to be planning a much larger system latter in the year which will house all manner of creatures so i can place more interesting stuff in here.

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Ok i have emailed the tank building company and im waiting for their reply on the algea guard glass.


I have found the lighting im going to be using, Its going to be the novaII from geeismann. It is a small unit and will be 70watts. Im opting for a 20k bulb as i feel this gives off a nice viewing light, really shows off or should i say exagerates colors which is what i want. The lighting unit itself is going to be made in a white finish along with the cabinet which will house my sump and tank as i feel white gives a nice clean professional look. Should hopefullf look a real nice piece in my new room.


As for livestock i have been browsing around and gathering a few ideas. Please dont hesitate to tell me anything i should know about these suggestions. Would the following be good choices: Small warty skin frogfish, bobtail squid, mantis (or not a good idea in a glass tank), goby and pistol, or maybe something along the lines of a nice pom pom crab or staghorn hermit.


What you guys think?

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Well I do know a mantis is best left for a species only tank. If I were you I would stick mainly w/ gobies and shrimp (or a shrimp goby and a pistol to try to pair them) in a small 5gal tank.

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I think you may well be right about the mantis so ill leave him be. Im finding my self drawn to the warty skin frog fish.


I understand that these creatures have a high load on a system but i will have my tunze reef pack running along with water changes of 1 gallon twice a week to keep water tip top.


Now i know that people ween these on to dead food but i will, thats if i go ahead with a warty, only be giving him live marine fish such as damsels etc...


I understand that this will work out expensive but i feel that if you are willing to look after such a magnificant creature then you should only supply it with the best food. I have a 100 gallon prop system currently running at my mothers house and will use this too house some feeder fish for the froggy. Now do you all recommend enriching the diets of the feeder fish to enhance the health of the froggy?


Again this is only if i go ahead with the warty skin. Im just looking into all my options before i make the final decision.

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Well I dont know alot about the wartskin...but I just checked a few sites and they recommond at least around 70gal. So I'd go against it, Plus I wouldnt wanna spend that kind of money on a fish to go into a 3gal that is way to small of a home for it.


Id suggest looking into gobies again, there are plenty of small colorful gobies that would look great in these tiny tanks

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Well I dont know alot about the wartskin...but I just checked a few sites and they recommond at least around 70gal. So I'd go against it, Plus I wouldnt wanna spend that kind of money on a fish to go into a 3gal that is way to small of a home for it.


Id suggest looking into gobies again, there are plenty of small colorful gobies that would look great in these tiny tanks


i will agree. trust me, it'd be much easier with a goby. i know how much trouble it was to have a heavy bioload in such a small tank, it's no fun. you will lose a lot of money feeding it live/frozen, changing water daily, etc... it doesn't seem like much yet, but trust me, it will pile up. :mellow:

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Ok then, i have looked into a few gobies and really like the look of the small yellow clown goby (Gobiodon okinawae). Have any of you ever kept one of these and would it fit in well in my suggested tank?

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Right, i have been looking into these yellow clown gobbies and it seems that they irritate some corals through prching and also nip some Acro species, so i think i will be giving one of these a miss.


I have decided to add a small cowfish as these look mad. LOL only joking, i never realised they grew so bloody big. No seriously im now thinking of leaving out any fish and just sticking too maybe a crab and some other intersting inverts. Ill have one small frag of Acro or monti, Will this be ok in my tank without a fish to provide it with poo nutrition?lol.


Oh yeah before i forget, are there any extra special crabs you could recommend for my 5g pico. Im leaning towards a pom pom.

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Flame prawn goby. They are simply amazing! The only thing is, that they hide a lot in a big tank so people don't want to spend the money on a fish they will never see. However, they are great for small tanks because they can't hide and you get to see them! That picture is obviously from marine center, that would be the best place to start looking for one if you wanted one.

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i have a yellow clown goby and yes, it is a hit or miss with these guys. otherwise, it doesn't bother my SPS too badly. you should get a yasha haze with a tiger pistol if your sandbed is deep enough, otherwise, some nice inverts like a pom pom, as you suggested, would be very nice. how about sexy shrimp?

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Abraham1907 do you have one of these prawn gobbies then? That truley is an awsome looking fish. What size do these grow too?


exigency Can i ask you what a yasha haze is. I would love too keep a pistol with a goby of some sort, would he bother a pom pom if i were to have one in the tank with this goby and pistol pair?

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