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My First Ich Outbreak


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Well I oficially found my first outbreak of ich. I have weighed my options since i do not have a QT. I may have to start one though. My first option is crushing fresh garlic and adding it to the tank. If I choose to do this how much of that juice do I add. I have a 12G JBJ. My next option is trying this product with the fish food: http://seachem.com/products/product_pages/Metronidazole.html. If anyone wants to let me know if I am on the right path I would like it. I will also acompany these treatmeants with daily water changes.

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start a qt tank and treat with coppersafe and spectrum thera A, best thing you could, better then leaving it to spread to everything else in your tank, fairly cheap to set up a qt, for mine i used a eclipse6 with a airstone, powerhead, heater, and some pvc for some hiding thats all just remove a biowheel if your using that sort of filtration

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usually if you just do the water changes, it will aliviate the problem.


have you recently added a new fish? changed heaters? moved the tank? neglected water changes? change anything? usually the fish will get ich when there is a newly added fish that is stressed. or they will "break down" if the aquarium needs more maintenaince or if there is another outside factor such as poor heating. lower level temperatures or a swing in temperatures can get many fish sick


also, what kinda of fish is sick? some this is normal and meds are probably needed, some fish may get it and get over it quickly. i'm asking because no matter what the bottle says, if it kills parasites, its going to effect something else in the tank. after reading a little more on metronitazole here : http://www.rxlist.com/cgi/generic/metronidaz_ids.htm , it seems as though it only kills bacteria that are anaerobic. if you have a dsb, perhaps this isnt the drug of choice for you. :) i couldnt say that 100% for sure though. lol.


also, we want to be careful about using meds needlessly because these meds are used on humans too. if we use them again and again for treatable fish diseases, we could produce more virulent forms of what we kill. IMO, creating a more virulent form of...


Gynecological Infections, including endometritis, endomyometritis, tubo-ovarian abscess, and postsurgical ####### cuff infection, caused byBacteroides species including the B. fragilis group,Clostridium species, Peptococcus niger, and Peptostreptococcus species.


and well, if we can't use drugs to kill that stuff because we used it too much on fish, ((leaked water into our sewer system and or stuck our hands in the tank, anything really)), that would kinda suck. :) just be careful with antibiotics.

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My Blue Assessor has ich on it, I can try and start a qt tank today and treat them. I would assume that I need to treat all 3 fish because they are all probably carrying it by now. I just wish there was a proven reef safe method out there.

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My porc puffer has ich..and I have been using that kick ich and got fresh garlic and mash it up and soak their food in it before feeding. I dont know if its working. he seems to have less spots so maybe the garlic is helping drop off the parasite. Since I hear that they cant take the garlic excreted from the skin. kick ich only kills the free swimming parasite..so I dont know if its working or not. but after 7 day of use..not one of my corals show any sign of distress or closing..they all are open fully everyday.

Plus i been watching my tank water as well little more closely while the puffer is infected.

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My Blue Assessor has ich on it, I can try and start a qt tank today and treat them. I would assume that I need to treat all 3 fish because they are all probably carrying it by now. I just wish there was a proven reef safe method out there.


What other fish are in the tank? these guys get picked on a lot by other fish and that could be why he's got it.


All the fish are going to carry it period. you can't get rid of things like this totally. Theere simly are naturally occuring parasites on captive animals. Wild aniamls too have 'x' amount of parasites they house. depending on the conditions of the environment and thier ability to get the right foods in a timely manner, they can and will break down. the same goes for captive animals, including fish. they are a host to god-knows-what and if the environment or nutrition ( all of which you yourself are directly in charge of and are responsible for) falters, so will their heath. the immune system goes and so does the fish's ability to fight off natual parasites and disease.


in this case, you can think of humans versus cold virus. we all can get it, but some people get it more or less depending on their environment and their body's ability to fight off attacks (which happen all the time, microscopicly).


i hope that helps put it into perspective.


the reason why you QT is to reduce stress and treat a disease caused in the tank. it's your job, as the keeper, to find out why the fish was stressed. was it new? getting picked on? not eating enough and thus it's immune system is failing? ... it's really that easy.



:) 6

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nobody ever listens to me.

hyposalinity treatment is the best and safest way to treat ich.


that's because it's a stressful treatment and not all fish do well with it. osmotic stress can kill parasites, but when the fish is sick because of stress (read my post above) then stressing the fish more usually doesnt bode well. It can depend on the fish. with an assessor, the fish was probably picked on, got sick, and may have come back from hyposalinity, but it would not have cured the issues in the tank.


ez, you didnt reply to this thread, did you suggest this treament in another thread of his or something?

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