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my 125G reef ready


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well ive decided to pass on the bubblemaster for now, im going to refurbish my protein skimmer, get it running correctly again with an external pump, im going to restock the tank since my disasterous ich break out ive decided on this list...


-8 more ignitus anthias

-Imperator angel (juvie)

-Picasso/Oynx clown pair

-Sohal tang



-Pair of Mandarins

-Baby bamboo shark

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I think the Imperator angel will eat the clam, along with your corals.


You should see the nice ones a local reef shop just got in, full size fat adults maybe 10" very friendly, you can even pet them.

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im not too worried with it being a juvie and plenty of sponge in the tank, plus i feed the tank heavily if it is a problem it will just be a SASRWLR (Semi-aggressive semi-reef with live rock), i will just stick to anemones and SPS corals then i know those will be safe

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im not too worried with it being a juvie and plenty of sponge in the tank, plus i feed the tank heavily if it is a problem it will just be a SASRWLR (Semi-aggressive semi-reef with live rock), i will just stick to anemones and SPS corals then i know those will be safe


raised in a reef environment with a proper diet you shouldn't have too much to worry about. ocean nutrition's angel formula has pieces of sponge in it, and i'd feed him a mix of that with mysis, emerald entree, brine and when he's larger ocean plankton, and supplement with a quality pellet food like new life spectrum.

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well i got the imperator in the tank today and its doing great, it already started eating, doesnt hide and isnt shy at all pretty much the perfect fish


it doesnt pick at my coral or clams and has already taken a liking to the cleaner shrimp and its actually chowing away at some algae in the tank, sponge, and a few pods here and there, i couldnt be happier with the purchase


i already started feeding cyclopeeze and brine or which it ate both, im hoping that it will eat the mysis, formula 1 pellets, and algae sheets with the same gusto

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yup and i have 8 ignitus anthias coming in for saturday and a midas blenny in a week or so, then before i put the tang back in the tank will be graced with hopefully an oynx/picasso clown pair, then the sohal will be going back in, so give me about 2 more months before the tank is running where it should, also add in there a ton of acorpora frags, monti's, a brain coral, a BTA, and to finish off the tank a few dendro's, then i will start up the frag tank to start growing coral and to try and start making some money back lol

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well i will try and get some cheap ugly frags and see first and then go from there, thanks for the heads up proraptor! i appreciate it, it makes the hobby easier and more enjoyable

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Hey Mattyice,


How long has this tank been up and running? and are you using Live

Sand from a previous tank? Sorry, being kinda lazy and don't feel like

checking if this coming from a previous tank.


Main reason, it just sounds like your planning your stocking a little

quickly. That was my only concern for you tank... besides that, all else

looks amazing.


Also, what is the physical size of the tank itself? just curious...


spyrule :ninja:

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i am using the left over live sand and live rock from my 90G bowfront, i also used that water, so really the tank has had everything from a 4 year old tank plus some new rock and obviously water changes, the tank is 72x24x18 with the last number being height, i know its a little small now but in a year or two i will be upgrading to a much larger tank, by then i think it will be needed, but for now my bioload wont be too bad i dont think, i do about a 20% water change every 3 weeks so that helps, alot of the sensative things i will be adding (like the anemone and the SPS) will be added later on like around the 5-6 month age of the tank, just to make sure its ready for all of that


i have learned the hard way from my dad's old tanks that you cant stock too fast, im giving about a week or two between the fish i add to ensure they are eating and are healthy, also the fish i am adding now arent really aggressive towards eachother and im going to let them settle in before i add the tang back in, like i said its going to be about 20 months before the tang goes back in the tank to give everyone a chance to settle in and to make sure the tang doesnt rule the tank

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20 months? or 20 weeks ? chances are 2-4 weeks, would be MORE then enough. after everything else is settled in.


also, sounds like a stupid question, but what the heck does the RR for the type of tank, stand for?



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the RR stands for reef ready which means it comes with the overflow in the tank so that an internal or external overflow does not need to be added and i dont have to drill the tank, sorry i mean 2 months on the tang

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Nice to see that someone for once can keep a shoaling fish with the space it needs. About the angelfish...... are you SURE it's an emperor; you will have to wait and find out. :)

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im almost positive it was an emperor, it died a few nights ago it got tail rot real bad and couldnt heal from it


i will grab a FTS right now once the food in the tank is done getting eaten, there was waiting line at the cleaner shrimp station today when i got home, 2 of the anthias were getting their cleaning done and the other 6 and the midas blenny were in the waiting lounge right below it (its a little over hang right by the shrimp) and the midas blenny really does think its an anthias, its out with them more then it is in it's burrow, its really cool to see

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